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by Sadrack
11 May 2011, 20:28
Forum: Games and Reviews
Topic: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)
Replies: 135
Views: 87056

Re: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)

Hytro wrote:Because we all love it.

From Mystic Ark on the SNES... The 'spiritual sequel' to 7th Saga.
by Sadrack
01 May 2011, 00:00
Forum: Games and Reviews
Topic: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)
Replies: 135
Views: 87056

Re: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)

Guess I'll be the one to rate your DP pick again huh?

8.5/10 (Totally cheating with a .5 here!) a pretty good song that just fits the theme of the game overall.

This thread needed more Castlevania.
by Sadrack
29 Apr 2011, 09:28
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Z-Apocalypse - M for Coarse Language - More Members Wanted
Replies: 434
Views: 192076

Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Well if the others are getting the hell out, you better believe I am as well. B) it is, Chef is already dying anyways.
by Sadrack
26 Apr 2011, 10:00
Forum: Games and Reviews
Topic: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)
Replies: 135
Views: 87056

Re: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)

7/10 for the song itself... But 9/10 for how fitting it is to the scene it plays during. That part of the game made me shit bricks. :lol: gWCzWG0uOb0 Another epic SNES song, while Arcana was a fairly linear and decent game (apparently the japanese version was better?), this song will forever remain ...
by Sadrack
26 Apr 2011, 05:15
Forum: Games and Reviews
Topic: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)
Replies: 135
Views: 87056

Re: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)

Deadly Premonition (I recently got it and am enjoying it) Y-You... Got Deadly Premoniton? :D I'd probably give that one 7/10, while it is the main theme for the game it's probably not one of the best songs on the soundtrack. But it's still a pretty good one. VJ0KilHkxFk Guess I'm taking a bit of a ...
by Sadrack
12 Apr 2011, 20:41
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Z-Apocalypse - M for Coarse Language - More Members Wanted
Replies: 434
Views: 192076

Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Definitely go outside.
by Sadrack
12 Apr 2011, 12:41
Forum: Games and Reviews
Topic: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)
Replies: 135
Views: 87056

Re: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)

6/10 it's alright I suppose, just not really my kind of stuff. Also not having played Alan Wake (yet) I'm sure it doesn't brings the kind of feeling that it should to me. =x And I suppose it's fine, it barely counts, kind of sort of. :lol: UCA_msAEn8k Let's try for something a bit more oldschool sha...
by Sadrack
12 Apr 2011, 02:34
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Z-Apocalypse - M for Coarse Language - More Members Wanted
Replies: 434
Views: 192076

Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Pretty fun so far. I quite like the little bonuses/status report we get at the end of the chapter too, it was a nice touch. Can't wait for chapter 1, hopefully it will come soon enough.

Too bad Sarge didn't get his smokes in the end. :lol:
by Sadrack
11 Apr 2011, 07:53
Forum: Games and Reviews
Topic: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)
Replies: 135
Views: 87056

Re: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)

9/10 definitely a good version of a memorable theme from Earthbound. Kind of crazy at times, but still good. And while we're posting fan versions of songs done with awesome instruments... Iw34h3MSemQ This is actually 3 different songs, second one starts near the two minute mark and third at 4 minutes.
by Sadrack
10 Apr 2011, 08:35
Forum: The Lounge
Topic: Favorite Movie?
Replies: 28
Views: 17675

Re: Favorite Movie?

The count of Monte Cristo (the newer version)
Sweeney Todd: The demon barber of fleet street
V for Vendetta
Back to the future (All of them)

Just a few, can't really think of anything else at the moment.
by Sadrack
10 Apr 2011, 08:31
Forum: Games and Reviews
Topic: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.
Replies: 48
Views: 24776

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

even looking at the Lore that sums up the Necrontyr pretty well. the Ctan are a different story. (Evil Space Gods :shock: ) ive always loved Chaos. its the sheer level of randomness and pure evil that i like. The Chaos were my favorite BEFORE I got around to the expansion that added the Necrons. An...
by Sadrack
09 Apr 2011, 21:51
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Z-Apocalypse - M for Coarse Language - More Members Wanted
Replies: 434
Views: 192076

Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

After getting my face clawed off, I think I'll just go with option B), seems like the safest one.
by Sadrack
09 Apr 2011, 16:45
Forum: Games and Reviews
Topic: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.
Replies: 48
Views: 24776

Re: the Warhammer/40K thread of purest win.

I've only played the original DoW games but I have to say that out of all the races featured in it, the Necrons are probably my favorite. Then again I have some kind of unhealthy obsession towards the undead. From a non-lore point of view, that's pretty much what the Necrons are, undead robots. Whic...
by Sadrack
08 Apr 2011, 21:49
Forum: Games and Reviews
Topic: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)
Replies: 135
Views: 87056

Re: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)

9/10 Lots of 'epic' chanting, pretty good music to back it up too. T62gFZPAvPw A very emotionally charged theme from Deadly Premonition. Everytime I hear this song, I feel nostalgic about the game, Deadly Premonition was amazing and it was one of those games that made you feel personally invested in...
by Sadrack
07 Apr 2011, 03:36
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Z-Apocalypse - M for Coarse Language - More Members Wanted
Replies: 434
Views: 192076

Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

a) Stab the thing with your knife! BE THE HERO!

Didn't survive that long on being afraid of a single zombie, a single stab right between the eyes should take care of it, or at least stop it long enough for me to overpower it and crush it's head with my shoe.
by Sadrack
06 Apr 2011, 05:15
Forum: Introduce Yourself + AMAs
Topic: Someone
Replies: 18
Views: 12179

Re: Someone

Hagrid will appreciate your avatar by the way. I keep meaning to play that game fully. Will he now? It's a pretty good game, I quite enjoyed the games that Yahtzee made, they're flawed (sometimes very much so) but they're good fun, and best of all, they're free. I actually held back on playing the ...
by Sadrack
06 Apr 2011, 04:09
Forum: Games and Reviews
Topic: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)
Replies: 135
Views: 87056

Re: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)

I'll just go ahead and hop in again for now. 7/10 has a pretty good 'retro' feeling to it, for some reason seems to mix old with new, very 'Atari' sounding but also modern at the same time. Can't say I've played Scott Pilgrim yet though. =X -EuXn7TeTYg Optional boss theme from the recent indie relea...
by Sadrack
05 Apr 2011, 17:49
Forum: Games and Reviews
Topic: The VG music thread (Read the rules!)
Replies: 135
Views: 87056

The VG music thread (Read the rules!)

As a fan of videogame music, it makes my heart bleed to find no such topic here. But to make things interesting, let's stick a few rules to it, otherwise everyone will just post a ton of links that no one else will listen to.(I know, it's happened before :lol: ) We'll turn this into some kind of 'ga...
by Sadrack
05 Apr 2011, 17:31
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Z-Apocalypse - M for Coarse Language - More Members Wanted
Replies: 434
Views: 192076

Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Definitely choose A, as a compulsive smoker, Sarge is obligated to have his priorities. ;D
by Sadrack
05 Apr 2011, 14:58
Forum: Introduce Yourself + AMAs
Topic: Someone
Replies: 18
Views: 12179

Re: Someone

The Bum wrote:Wild stab in the dark here, but are you Milo's boyfriend?
We have a winner! Just a random stab in the dark huh?
by Sadrack
05 Apr 2011, 13:19
Forum: Introduce Yourself + AMAs
Topic: Someone
Replies: 18
Views: 12179

Re: Someone

... You're not Wisey's brother, are you? :lol: Nope! I'm sure many good things were said of me. And if memory serves, I believe I have seen your name before, but I won't voice who I think you are, for the fun of it. Yeah, I've heard good things of you, I don't really doubt them either. Took you lon...
by Sadrack
05 Apr 2011, 13:13
Forum: Games and Reviews
Topic: Skyrim Bi***es :D
Replies: 592
Views: 461529

Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

I want the game to come out, nothing else. No matter what they do, I'm sure the game will be great fun in the end, they kind of have a way of doing that nowadays. And yes I realise how utterly fanboyish this sounds. :lol:
by Sadrack
05 Apr 2011, 09:39
Forum: Introduce Yourself + AMAs
Topic: Someone
Replies: 18
Views: 12179

Re: Someone

Lava? I thought it was chickens, or maybe that's someone else entirely. D: Though I was warned about the fact that Blackadder likes to burn anything and everything that can actually burn... And even some things that shouldn't burn in the first place.
by Sadrack
05 Apr 2011, 09:28
Forum: Introduce Yourself + AMAs
Topic: Someone
Replies: 18
Views: 12179

Re: Someone

vallorn wrote:welcome new person!

who tells you about us? did he warn you about the person above me?
Telling would ruin the fun wouldn't it? ;D And yes, I was warned about Blackadder. *Coughs*
by Sadrack
05 Apr 2011, 08:25
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Z-Apocalypse - M for Coarse Language - More Members Wanted
Replies: 434
Views: 192076

Re: Zombie Apocalypse!

Name: Sergeant Gustave Black (Though he just refers to himself as Sarge) Age: 68 Appearance: Short cut gray hair (he cuts it himself with a knife), has a short beard (knife treatment here too), he wears a short brown vest with a white undershirt, dark-green jeans and black running shoes, though that...
by Sadrack
05 Apr 2011, 07:32
Forum: Games and Reviews
Topic: Favorite Game?
Replies: 33
Views: 21534

Re: Favorite Game?

Shamelessly stealing Haxxorzd00d's list as it seemed the most extensive. (Though I did take out music and simulation as I have none.) Action: Gunstar Heroes Adventure: Soul Blazer or Legend of Zelda: A Link to the past (And to Haxxor, I've beaten Alundra, twice. ;D) Puzzle: Tetris Attack Arcade: Spl...
by Sadrack
05 Apr 2011, 07:11
Forum: Introduce Yourself + AMAs
Topic: Someone
Replies: 18
Views: 12179


I finally decided to register to these boards, even though I don't really play Minecraft nowadays, I do hear about a lot of you very often from a certain someone... And I'm sure you've heard about me as well, but perhaps not by name. (At least I'm hoping so, it would make things more amusing.) But y...
by Sadrack
05 Apr 2011, 06:55
Forum: Games and Reviews
Topic: Opinion on Emulators and why I use 'em
Replies: 7
Views: 6044

Re: Opinion on Emulators and why I use 'em

Actually, Shining Force 2 is kind of a bad example for this, as nowadays there are several methods of acquiring a legitimate copy AND giving Sega your money for it at the same time. The first one being to buy the Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, the second being to buy the Sega Genesis classics ...