Search found 25 matches

by Pwnsaucier
22 Feb 2013, 03:38
Forum: Trading
Topic: [Auction] Legendary Pwny gear set. He finally picked one...
Replies: 22
Views: 39394

Re: [Auction] Legendary Pwny gear set. It's as epic as it ge

Well if this is still going, I'll offer 12 dia blocks and a golden stickman complete with a lapis hair do in your honour :D Well folks, I was so disappointed and bored with all of the offers that I didn't even bother picking one when I said I would. You all suck. Coconut sucks the least. You win, s...
by Pwnsaucier
16 Feb 2013, 12:42
Forum: Trading
Topic: [Auction] Legendary Pwny gear set. He finally picked one...
Replies: 22
Views: 39394

Re: [Auction] Legendary Pwny gear set. It's as epic as it ge

Approaching last chance to bid! Anyone care to offer some prime pieces of real estate?
by Pwnsaucier
12 Feb 2013, 20:32
Forum: Trading
Topic: [Auction] Legendary Pwny gear set. He finally picked one...
Replies: 22
Views: 39394

Re: [Auction] Legendary Pwny gear set. It's as epic as it ge

Twelve drummers drumming, Eleven pipers piping, Ten lords a-leaping, Nine ladies dancing, Eight maids a-milking, Seven swans a-swimming, Six geese a-laying, five gold rings, four humming birds, three french hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree (ps. I don't really want it and no, yo...
by Pwnsaucier
12 Feb 2013, 07:16
Forum: Trading
Topic: [Auction] Legendary Pwny gear set. He finally picked one...
Replies: 22
Views: 39394

Re: [Auction] Legendary Pwny gear set. It's as epic as it ge

Lord_Mountbatten wrote:5 barrels of nothing, and I'll throw in a box of fuck all just for you.
ImageThat...that wasn't funny at all. That just sounded angry. Is there uhhh, something you'd like to get off your chest there, champ?
by Pwnsaucier
11 Feb 2013, 18:21
Forum: Trading
Topic: [Auction] Legendary Pwny gear set. He finally picked one...
Replies: 22
Views: 39394

[Auction] Legendary Pwny gear set. He finally picked one...

After many hours spent deep in the bowels of my super secret enchanting base (about 5km south in the nether, just off of Pwny's nether rail line), I've finally finished creating on the most epic tool, weapon, and armor set that Escapia has ever seen. I present to you, Escapians, the Legenday Pwny se...
by Pwnsaucier
08 Sep 2012, 17:34
Forum: Trading
Topic: Rare enchanted diamond tools/armor up for auction!
Replies: 6
Views: 6597

Re: Rare enchanted diamond tools/armor up for auction!

Aenir wins the Pickaxe for 18 and the axe for 9. asi wins the shovel for 10. Invun wins the FF/PP boots for 23. I'll try and find you guys in game soon, and if not I'll have them for you guys to pick up in private chests at my stop on the South Fyra rail @ X:-1096, Y:+2560 Edit: Found Invun and asi....
by Pwnsaucier
07 Sep 2012, 13:51
Forum: Trading
Topic: Rare enchanted diamond tools/armor up for auction!
Replies: 6
Views: 6597

Rare enchanted diamond tools/armor up for auction!

Greetings again fellow escapians. I've got 8 diamond items I'm looking to sell, all of which are either 99+% green or brand new. Starting bids are listed. Minimum increment is one diamond, and only bids in diamond are valid. This will be a rolling auction; bids that go unchallenged for 12 hours win....
by Pwnsaucier
29 Aug 2012, 22:54
Forum: Trading
Topic: [SOLD] Fortune 3, Efficiency 4 new dia pick.
Replies: 4
Views: 5544

[SOLD] Fortune 3, Efficiency 4 new dia pick.

Title says most of it. It's a brand new diamond pick with Fortune 3 and Efficiency 4.


Let the bidding start at 9 diamonds, with a minimum bid increment of 1 diamond. Last post before 9PM PST on 8.30.12 (approx 24 hours from OP) wins!

by Pwnsaucier
20 Aug 2012, 05:06
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Ocean Zero trade hub
Replies: 3
Views: 4695

Re: Ocean Zero trade hub

asi, I'll need to know more about your plans before I say yes or no on that.
by Pwnsaucier
19 Aug 2012, 08:17
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Ocean Zero trade hub
Replies: 3
Views: 4695

Ocean Zero trade hub Greetings everyone. Ocean Zero is my latest and blingiest projet to date. It's existed for a few months out on the ocean in (new) West Fyra. With the update to 1.3, I've given the place a new purpose besides being shiny. Ocean Zero is now a trade hub, where all are welc...
by Pwnsaucier
10 Jul 2012, 15:27
Forum: Useful Old Stuff
Topic: Railcraft (The Tekkit Train Transit Project)
Replies: 20
Views: 14781

Re: Railcraft (The Tekkit Train Transit Project)

I've recently acquired the ability to produce a massive quantity of HS track and HS booster track, and I'm willing to supply this project or any similar rail project. I might just assemble some rails myself. Its about time we have a functioning high speed transit infrastructure. PM me if anyone is i...
by Pwnsaucier
05 Jul 2012, 10:15
Forum: Useful Old Stuff
Topic: Lets talk about reponsible use of heavy machinery
Replies: 4
Views: 4892

Lets talk about reponsible use of heavy machinery

First of all, I'd like to make it clear that I understand that being allowed on the tekkit server is a privilege, and everything below is said with that in mind :) Inherent to buildcraft(BC) pipes is the possibility to inadvertently create a huge lagmonster with absolutely no intention of doing so. ...
by Pwnsaucier
13 Jan 2012, 16:24
Forum: Trading
Topic: Price lowered! Nether fortress + Direct rail from S Fyra!
Replies: 12
Views: 10713

Re: Price lowered! Nether fortress + Direct rail from S Fyra

Well, vallorn wins. lol. Sorry for not checking the thread until now. I'll try and catch you in game ASAP and we can transact :)
by Pwnsaucier
25 Dec 2011, 05:44
Forum: Trading
Topic: *New Stuff 12.24* Enchanted things by Pwnsaucier!
Replies: 31
Views: 23596

Re: *New Stuff 12.24* Enchanted things by Pwnsaucier!

lol @ trollery. Congrats Jake. I'll PM you instructions for picking it up :)
by Pwnsaucier
24 Dec 2011, 10:11
Forum: Trading
Topic: *New Stuff 12.24* Enchanted things by Pwnsaucier!
Replies: 31
Views: 23596

Re: *New Stuff 12.24* Enchanted things by Pwnsaucier!

1x Fortune II + Efficiency III Diamond pick (new) Bidding start @ 27 diamond. This item causes diamond ore to often drop more than one diamond! Also works with other stuffs. More info Due to high value, top bid on this item must r...
by Pwnsaucier
24 Dec 2011, 06:56
Forum: Trading
Topic: *New Stuff 12.24* Enchanted things by Pwnsaucier!
Replies: 31
Views: 23596

Re: *New Stuff 12.21* Enchanted things by Pwnsaucier!

Hey Pwn, its IWreckyouz lol i forgot my pass to on the forums lol i probably wont be on until either christmas or boxing day (day after christmas ) keep it for me though. Cheers, IWreckyouz ;) Sorry to hear you lost your password. The item still awaits pickup via instructions I PMed you. If you can...
by Pwnsaucier
24 Dec 2011, 06:39
Forum: Trading
Topic: Price lowered! Nether fortress + Direct rail from S Fyra!
Replies: 12
Views: 10713

Re: Price lowered! Nether fortress + Direct rail from S Fyra

FUDAAA wrote:I would like to see it befor I buy if I do buy it
Of course. This can be arranged if you like.
by Pwnsaucier
22 Dec 2011, 07:44
Forum: Trading
Topic: *New Stuff 12.24* Enchanted things by Pwnsaucier!
Replies: 31
Views: 23596

Re: *New Stuff 12.21* Enchanted things by Pwnsaucier!

iwreckyouz wrote:ill buy the silk touch pick for 2db
Sold! I'll PM you info on how to pick it up :)
by Pwnsaucier
20 Dec 2011, 05:53
Forum: Trading
Topic: Price lowered! Nether fortress + Direct rail from S Fyra!
Replies: 12
Views: 10713

Price lowered! Nether fortress + Direct rail from S Fyra!

This is a new, nearly untouched nether fortress which I've discovered and claimed. I am selling the rights to it in it's entirety - for proper land claiming, cuboiding, or whatever you like. The purchase of this nether fortress also comes with access and usage of my nether rail, which originates on ...
by Pwnsaucier
18 Dec 2011, 08:55
Forum: Trading
Topic: *New Stuff 12.24* Enchanted things by Pwnsaucier!
Replies: 31
Views: 23596

Re: Enchanted things by Pwnsaucier! Dynamic auctions

Wildwill002 wrote:I'd like the 1x Respiration II Iron Helm (new) and will begin the bidding at 2 dia ;)
Sold! I'll PM you info on how to pick up the item.
by Pwnsaucier
17 Dec 2011, 23:29
Forum: Trading
Topic: *New Stuff 12.24* Enchanted things by Pwnsaucier!
Replies: 31
Views: 23596

Re: Enchanted things by Pwnsaucier! Dynamic auctions

Updated OP with new stuffs for sale
by Pwnsaucier
15 Dec 2011, 22:24
Forum: Trading
Topic: *New Stuff 12.24* Enchanted things by Pwnsaucier!
Replies: 31
Views: 23596

Re: Auctioning - Silk touch diamond pick w/unbreaking III

furdabip wrote:
Pwnsaucier wrote:Congrats to aflycon for winning the auction!
I sadly believe that his bid was trolling.
If it was a troll, it was one that resulted in a legitimate transaction :)
by Pwnsaucier
15 Dec 2011, 03:23
Forum: Trading
Topic: *New Stuff 12.24* Enchanted things by Pwnsaucier!
Replies: 31
Views: 23596

Re: Auctioning - Silk touch diamond pick w/unbreaking III

Congrats to aflycon for winning the auction!
by Pwnsaucier
14 Dec 2011, 06:49
Forum: Trading
Topic: *New Stuff 12.24* Enchanted things by Pwnsaucier!
Replies: 31
Views: 23596

*New Stuff 12.24* Enchanted things by Pwnsaucier!

Re-purposing this thread to sell other enchanted things. I accept diamond and iron bids ONLY . Combined offers valid. My exchange rate for these auctions is 1 diamond=3 iron blocks (27 iron ingot). Starting bids are listed as diamond for simplicity, but iron works too @ the aforementioned exchange r...