Search found 23 matches

by ModernRebel
26 Mar 2012, 16:44
Forum: The Lounge
Topic: I have finally returned
Replies: 11
Views: 7955

Re: I have finally returned

givemeabreak432 wrote:You can have multiple quotes in one post, you know...
Maybe............ :3

I'm surprised more people aren't throwing parties based on my return -_-
by ModernRebel
04 Mar 2012, 11:16
Forum: The Lounge
Topic: I have finally returned
Replies: 11
Views: 7955

Re: I have finally returned

Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:... Who are you again? I feel like I've met you before... but it's all fuzzy and unclear...
It shall be cleared up soon...

I'm surprised no one remembers me....then again a 4 month absence is quite long.
by ModernRebel
04 Mar 2012, 11:15
Forum: The Lounge
Topic: I have finally returned
Replies: 11
Views: 7955

Re: I have finally returned

tanisjihanis wrote:I vaguely remember associating you with Haven in futureshift... Is this a correct assumption?
You are very right. I am super awesome and probably the coolest person ever...
by ModernRebel
04 Mar 2012, 11:14
Forum: The Lounge
Topic: I have finally returned
Replies: 11
Views: 7955

Re: I have finally returned

givemeabreak432 wrote:Ah, hey, welcome back Modern.

Holy, It's give! PM ME CUH!
by ModernRebel
29 Feb 2012, 00:07
Forum: The Lounge
Topic: I have finally returned
Replies: 11
Views: 7955

I have finally returned

Alrighty then!

You guys have all changed and everything is different, and I would just like to say one thing......


Man have these few months been weird, but now I am back to have all the fun I can!

I'm sure you all remember me as I am super cool!

Alright great!
by ModernRebel
01 Nov 2011, 13:47
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Haven: The Futureshift Corinth
Replies: 36
Views: 27119

Re: Haven: The Futureshift Corinth

Hello Haven.

Give, I am now back from a work break I took. I will be devoted to both this, and the City that I am in the progress of building.
by ModernRebel
01 Nov 2011, 13:45
Forum: Useful Old Stuff
Topic: FreeRebel inc- Haven- News
Replies: 6
Views: 5678

Re: FreeRebel inc- Haven- News

Just got done doing business with FreeRebel. Everything went smooth, and I got what I needed. I even got a discount, and everything went reasonably speedy! All in all, everything went much better than expected and I'd be more than happy to do more future business with FreeRebel. =D Thanks for the f...
by ModernRebel
16 Jul 2011, 18:12
Forum: Useful Old Stuff
Topic: The Big Build 2 Wrap Up!!!
Replies: 5
Views: 5020

Re: The Big Build 2 Wrap Up!!!

I understand that the pictures are URLs. This is because they are greater than 600 Pixels Wide.
If i could get a Mod+ to fix this it would be greatly appreciated!
by ModernRebel
16 Jul 2011, 18:12
Forum: Useful Old Stuff
Topic: The Big Build 2 Wrap Up!!!
Replies: 5
Views: 5020

The Big Build 2 Wrap Up!!!

Big Build 2 Wrap Up Aerial View of the Build This week's event in Escapecraft was The Big Build 2! The 16 contestants (or at least the ones that showed up) had to build a great structure (like the last one) in a 30x30 block plot. This time ...
by ModernRebel
15 Jul 2011, 21:41
Forum: The Lounge
Topic: Comunidad Latina!
Replies: 15
Views: 8160

Re: Comunidad Latina!

Y por que ya nadie a dicho nada en este thread?
Por que no tratamos de seguirlo :P
by ModernRebel
15 Jul 2011, 07:34
Forum: Useful Old Stuff
Topic: New Big Project Need Help
Replies: 9
Views: 6478

Re: New Big Project Need Help

Aro is on a lot, but i don't see why another one would be bad!
Ask aro for advice on this, he could probably help you out!
by ModernRebel
14 Jul 2011, 15:23
Forum: Useful Old Stuff
Topic: Volunteers Needed!
Replies: 31
Views: 22667

Re: Volunteers Needed!

Jag, add me to the volunteer team!
Always glad to volunteer on projects!
by ModernRebel
13 Jul 2011, 14:25
Forum: Useful Old Stuff
Topic: FreeRebel inc- Haven- News
Replies: 6
Views: 5678

Re: FreeRebel inc- Haven- News

Tsukianei wrote:I'll be happy to get some shopping done. How much would you charge for say... a 64 stack of iron? I'm running low on it. =[
We'll see, just notify me whenever you are online!
by ModernRebel
12 Jul 2011, 15:29
Forum: Useful Old Stuff
Topic: FreeRebel inc- Haven- News
Replies: 6
Views: 5678

Re: FreeRebel inc- Haven- News

I was wondering when that shop that was directly across from my house would open up. At the moment, I'm away on business, so no Minecraft for me. But, I'll be showing up whenever I do log back on. =D haha ya, i've been busy developing a couple of towns so i haven't been in Haven for a while! hope t...
by ModernRebel
12 Jul 2011, 13:35
Forum: Useful Old Stuff
Topic: FreeRebel inc- Haven- News
Replies: 6
Views: 5678

FreeRebel inc- Haven- News

Alright, so as most of you who have residence in HAVEN know, I have a store. First here are the details- Store Owners ModernRebel freeskibrian Store Hours They vary, could be all day could not, expect it at around 7-11pm eastern time to ALWAYS be open Now, I am proud to announce that a portion of th...
by ModernRebel
11 Jul 2011, 18:17
Forum: Useful Old Stuff
Topic: Helping out new players.
Replies: 6
Views: 5563

Re: Helping out new players.

By all means Rebel, how do you think we pick mentors for the job :) Not everyone is cut out for it, but if you do want to help, it is greatly appreciated. Right, thanks for the feedback, and about the tut help, it's just when they get truly stuck, it happened to like 2 people, i know what you're th...
by ModernRebel
10 Jul 2011, 22:51
Forum: Useful Old Stuff
Topic: Helping out new players.
Replies: 6
Views: 5563

Helping out new players.

What I'm thinking here is, why don't we all try to help out new players more than we already do? When we think about it, Mods/Mentors/Ops/Admins and of course SneakyPie have a lot on their plate. We should be there so we can make their work a little bit less stressful. Recently I've been in HUB and ...
by ModernRebel
10 Jul 2011, 00:25
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Haven: The Futureshift Corinth
Replies: 36
Views: 27119

Re: Haven: The Futureshift Corinth

Give, since i did not see you on today,

now go have fun!
by ModernRebel
07 Jul 2011, 19:51
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Haven: The Futureshift Corinth
Replies: 36
Views: 27119

Re: Haven: The Futureshift Corinth

really?! since when?
by ModernRebel
07 Jul 2011, 19:45
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Haven: The Futureshift Corinth
Replies: 36
Views: 27119

Re: Haven: The Futureshift Corinth

Give and 697, Sorry for my absence, my brother accidentally upgraded on my MAC and I am not capable of playing on that ATM. On the other hand, right now, I'm trying to find somewhere online where i can download the Client with 1.6.6 for the PC i finished building on sunday, I will keep you guys noti...
by ModernRebel
22 Jun 2011, 20:32
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Haven: The Futureshift Corinth
Replies: 36
Views: 27119

Re: Haven: The Futureshift Corinth

Would you also like for me to begin on the Guard Building?
by ModernRebel
22 Jun 2011, 20:24
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Haven: The Futureshift Corinth
Replies: 36
Views: 27119

Re: Haven: The Futureshift Corinth

Alright guys, if we expand more, we should have an above ground rail system, sort of like a train, based on the one somewhat like Fyra, just something to take into account.