Search found 38 matches

by ntheawsome
09 Jun 2011, 10:51
Forum: Useful Old Stuff
Topic: If you could grief something, what would it be ?
Replies: 89
Views: 45652

Re: If you could grief something, what would it be ?

vallorn wrote:
Sir_Luke wrote:I would replace all the blocks with sand and change the bedrock to TNT.
that would be awesome to watch...
Imagine all the lag from the sand...

Slooowwwww Moooootiiiooonnn
by ntheawsome
25 Apr 2011, 01:35
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Argentia Thread
Replies: 25
Views: 14525

Re: Argentia Thread

God. I just come back from my trip to Belize and I find everybody quarreling. In truth, Evil and I discussed this "re-possession" of this town. I clearly made my point in our conversation that Aurora/ Argentia would become mine and that he would stay as an unofficial advisor to the mayor. There is c...
by ntheawsome
11 Apr 2011, 15:18
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Argentia Thread
Replies: 25
Views: 14525

Re: Argentia Thread

Go ahead. Empty the plots. We will be getting many more residents because of our allience with the USSR. I will be on to help now that we have TNT :twisted:
by ntheawsome
09 Apr 2011, 11:26
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Mall Fight!
Replies: 105
Views: 57373

Re: Mall Fight!

Minecraft gets boring after a couple years.

I take a looong walk to a pyrotecnics/fire/lava shop and create an inpenitrable base filled with mines, lava moats, monster spawners and more.

I'm safe until I forget where I planted my mines.
by ntheawsome
07 Apr 2011, 18:35
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: The USSR general discussion thread!
Replies: 1840
Views: 1791839

Re: The USSR (Saphiri) general discussion thread!

Argentia would like to be an ALLIE(not a part) of the USSR.

I would also like to have a subway connecting the great empire and Argentia.
by ntheawsome
07 Apr 2011, 18:18
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Argentia Thread
Replies: 25
Views: 14525

Argentia Thread

Well, aurora has been officially changed to Argentia now, here is where the discussion should go!

Mayor: Ntheawsome
Submayors: The_Fuzz22, Sampart1
Honorary People That Can Vote On The Mayoral Concil(HPTCVOTMC): Vallorn, Baily person (Sorry, Pm me with your name) Volstag9.
by ntheawsome
07 Apr 2011, 18:15
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

Officially, aurora is now argentia, making a new thread as I post.
by ntheawsome
06 Apr 2011, 15:19
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Mall Fight!
Replies: 105
Views: 57373

Re: Mall Fight!

I find a jetpack in the SCIENCE store, without a license...


Respawns in the apple store and begins playing minecraft on a save that has a redstone computer that plays minecraft.
by ntheawsome
06 Apr 2011, 13:37
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

Why I am sorry if you people think I am being mean. We just have had many complaints about bailey's ugly house. I actually might give you another chance, you can keep your stone house. I find it perfectly fine. I may need to talk it over with the mayoral council, though.
by ntheawsome
06 Apr 2011, 07:24
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

Well, due to that the fact that Evil has stepped down, you have been evicted FOR EVER by me. Sorry have a nice day, your stone house is being repurposed as a library. Your ugly Treehouse will BURN!!!! :twisted:
by ntheawsome
05 Apr 2011, 18:13
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Mall Fight!
Replies: 105
Views: 57373

Re: Mall Fight!

This Looks like fun!!!

Ntheawsome enters SCIENCE and More store and grabs a temporal rift generator. I activate the generator and the mall is warped to a random era in time.
by ntheawsome
05 Apr 2011, 17:41
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

As of today, Evil has given control of aurora to me!!!!

Soo, this meens the new name for our wonderful City is Argentia!!!

I'll create a new thread tomorrow.
by ntheawsome
04 Apr 2011, 19:58
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

I am un-grounded, yet going to belize on next saturday. Won't be on till about a week after that. In case you didn't know, Belize is a country neer mexico


To San Pedro!
by ntheawsome
31 Mar 2011, 09:27
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

Yes, I am now calling the Ban Team!!!! :twisted:
by ntheawsome
30 Mar 2011, 10:14
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

Lord_Mountbatten wrote:Disturbing level of bloodlust for destroying a fellow's houses. Jeez, you've already evicted him.
Well, about that...

He isn't evicted yet. The official eviction is official after the destroying of the houses.

And I'm still grounded. :cry:
by ntheawsome
29 Mar 2011, 19:22
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

Blackadder!!! If you here me, next time I see you in-game, burn down bailey's tree house and crash the server with the amount of tnt you use on the stone one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Whew, calling the great Blackadder is hard...

(Faints from lack of breath)...
by ntheawsome
29 Mar 2011, 07:11
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

Havent burned down his house yet. I'm grounded. :(
by ntheawsome
28 Mar 2011, 10:29
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

He has been evicted, no more bailey, FOREVER!
by ntheawsome
26 Mar 2011, 13:46
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Change One Letter To Make A New Word
Replies: 373
Views: 213852

Re: Change One Letter

by ntheawsome
23 Mar 2011, 15:33
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

A council vote is now under way!

The submayors should contact me with a PM on here or in game.

Should we evict bailey?

Or should they stay?

Or should we let the mayor decide?

Votes pending: Sampart1
by ntheawsome
21 Mar 2011, 21:23
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

Evil, If I'm not mistaken, Aurora is a republic-ish government. You and you alone can't oust me from Aurora, you would have to call a submayor /mayor meeting. The submayoral council Shouldhave veto over you. I am pretty sure I am on the good side of most of the council. Meeting ajourned/ :D
by ntheawsome
15 Mar 2011, 18:55
Forum: Games and Reviews
Topic: Magic The Gathering
Replies: 13
Views: 11285

Re: Magic The Gathering

I playz Magic, mien favorite card is (Prepare your eyes for rant mode) Mox Opal Jace (both cards) Omnath, Locus of Mana Lorthos, The tide Maker Lich's Mirror Kresh, The Bloodbraided Grand Arbiter Agustin IV Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer Consecrated Sphinx Geth, Lord of the Vault Oona, Queen of the Fae Lo s...
by ntheawsome
15 Mar 2011, 16:59
Forum: Useful Old Stuff
Topic: Mob Fighting Club (MFC)
Replies: 10
Views: 7760

Re: Mob Fighting Club (MFC)

Zombie, what zombie... Oh, you meen my stupid, brainless brethen?

Ignore them.
by ntheawsome
14 Mar 2011, 13:15
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

No, I cant tommorow, because of the time difference. I have school :(
by ntheawsome
14 Mar 2011, 11:43
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

vallorn wrote:
ntheawsome wrote:Private mine without permission? W00T, another reason to BURN!!! :twisted:
i would be happy to supply free Lava to aurora for all your AntiEejjit and building requirements!
Why thank you, do you happen to be on now?
by ntheawsome
14 Mar 2011, 10:28
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

Private mine without permission? W00T, another reason to BURN!!! :twisted:
by ntheawsome
13 Mar 2011, 20:13
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

Fuzz, you have my permission to place a warning sign. If he doesn't speak to evil or me, I'll get a mod to burn his house down and I'll have him evicted from aurora.
by ntheawsome
13 Mar 2011, 20:10
Forum: Useful Old Stuff
Topic: Future Shift (online for good)
Replies: 124
Views: 77443

Re: Future Shift (ONLINE - I fixed it ^_^)

Come on, once I check this post to see if i can haz ur server and I'm stuck using my old computer that cant play minecraft...

D*** you haxx :cry:
by ntheawsome
11 Mar 2011, 17:25
Forum: Useful Old Stuff
Topic: Treeper Appreciation Society
Replies: 13
Views: 10114

Re: Treeper Appreciation Society

LOL I looked through this thread a thousand times over, and finally figured out where you took those pictures.

Now I decied againts burning the tree farm of Aurora's extra leaves.
by ntheawsome
11 Mar 2011, 15:11
Forum: Archived Towns and Factions
Topic: Aurora City Thread
Replies: 81
Views: 41803

Re: Aurora City Thread

Go ahead, I can't stop you from being happy.

Anywho, Update:

I am currently working on the treasury building so don't expect me to help you with anything...
Exept dirt houses :twisted: