Search found 7 matches
- 04 Dec 2017, 23:58
- Forum: Old News
- Replies: 17
- Views: 88718
- 13 Nov 2017, 01:19
- Forum: Towns and Factions
- Topic: [Magna] City of Deltaria
- Replies: 2
- Views: 25657
Re: [Magna] City of Deltaria
Dis city is cool >_>
- 03 Mar 2015, 00:33
- Forum: Useful Old Stuff
- Topic: Demon Says Hello
- Replies: 3
- Views: 21967
Demon Says Hello
If anyone reads this maybe it's time you guys brought the old survival worlds back along with pvp. They were your key points and you decided to bomb it all? I was part of that bombing but still maybe it's time to think back a little.
- 03 Aug 2013, 16:37
- Forum: Forum Games
- Topic: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?
- Replies: 1124
- Views: 1520755
Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - New Post AAAAH
Huh I get to beat the living shits out of vic this post. Good enough for me!
Oh and skunk may I request my weapon of choice if I am to go fight the collective? And I also wonder if I can find invun and do uber magic planet minecraft stuff to revive him.

- 30 Jul 2013, 13:06
- Forum: Forum Games
- Topic: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?
- Replies: 1124
- Views: 1520755
Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
I would like to stay the rebel commander with my helpful friend random

- 09 Jun 2013, 06:07
- Forum: Forum Games
- Topic: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?
- Replies: 1124
- Views: 1520755
Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft
I love all my parts so far
But when do I get a choice ;_;

- 12 Jan 2013, 20:18
- Forum: Trading
- Topic: One home: needs a loving owner
- Replies: 11
- Views: 27103
Re: One home: needs a loving owner
I have played on Escapecraft for nearly a year. I would use the home as a real home as any other person would. Like fixing landscape so on. Yes I would be ok if another person lived in it with me. I feel as I should inherit it because it is a relic and it is a very awesome house for what I've seen o...