Search found 5 matches

by MaattttaaM
03 Mar 2016, 18:02
Forum: Non-Gaming Reviews
Topic: Ghostbusters 3 Trailer.
Replies: 1
Views: 54313

Ghostbusters 3 Trailer.

Once again, another series of good movies ruined. Nothing needs to be said, just watch this for yourself... and try not to cringe that much.. REVIEW: Basically, i give this trailer a solid 4/10. I know it is just the trailer, but this movie doesn't look ap...
by MaattttaaM
03 Mar 2016, 17:47
Forum: The Lounge
Topic: Stopping by! (Mattybcd)
Replies: 2
Views: 20421

Re: Stopping by! (Mattybcd)

I renamed the post, because i don't think anyone actually knew who i was xD
by MaattttaaM
26 Feb 2016, 17:15
Forum: The Lounge
Topic: Stopping by! (Mattybcd)
Replies: 2
Views: 20421

Stopping by! (Mattybcd)

Remember when i used to post completely random topics on here that had nothing to do with anything? (If you're from 2011/2012) Well, chances are this is another one of those. It's cool to see how much this place has changed, server and forum wise, and i basically just want to meet the new people and...
by MaattttaaM
23 Feb 2016, 13:10
Forum: Introduce Yourself + AMAs
Topic: A lot has changed (Kinda)
Replies: 3
Views: 27599

Re: A lot has changed (Kinda)

BlackKnight wrote:Hiya Matt, glad that you've decided to come back :) Hope to see you around sometime soon!

I remember you, you were my right hand man back in the old PvP world. Thanks man, good to be back.
by MaattttaaM
17 Feb 2016, 23:46
Forum: Introduce Yourself + AMAs
Topic: A lot has changed (Kinda)
Replies: 3
Views: 27599

A lot has changed (Kinda)

If anyone remembers me I'll be kinda surprised, but let's just say if you do, you probably remember the 12 year old annoying me. Anyways, I'm 17 now, and yeah, it's been a really, really long time. If you are wondering who I am, my 'in-game name' used to be mattybcd . I guess I was kinda of, KIND OF...