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Yet another new member

Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 01:12
by Redlin5

You may know me well or not at all depending on how much time you've been spending in the Forums Games back on the Escapist but my name is Redlin and I'm here to play Minecraft online for a change.

I've read the rules and I'm sure 35 hours won't be too hard to manage in order to get back into the normal regime :)

Not used to trading, so I'll need some help with that. As for contacting me, chilling with me, etc... Well, the Escapist is a better place for you to hit me up but I suppose I could make time occasionally here.

In anycase, let the initiation rituals begin.


Re: Yet another new member

Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 01:16
by Zinrius
*smacks with pork-chop* Initiation initiated!

Welcome to Escapia, everything's nice and spiffy and that includes the rules posted on the global announcements which, if you don't know by know, is highly recommended you take a look and see what's new/updated. As for trading, I would recommend you enter the "market" sub forum and give a looksie to the trade calculator made specifically for our economy.

Calculator found here: ... =10&t=1277

Re: Yet another new member

Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 01:26
by Redlin5
Zinrius wrote:*smacks with pork-chop* Initiation initiated!

Welcome to Escapia, everything's nice and spiffy and that includes the rules posted on the global announcements which, if you don't know by know, is highly recommended you take a look and see what's new/updated. As for trading, I would recommend you enter the "market" sub forum and give a looksie to the trade calculator made specifically for our economy.

Calculator found here: ... =10&t=1277
Oi... Economics make brain hurt.

Why do I get the feeling I'll be taken advantage of?! XD

Re: Yet another new member

Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 07:21
by DuplicateValue
Welcome to the server! :)

Nice to see new people from The Escapist, even if I don't really frequent there anymore.
I'm sure you'll fit in just fine here.

Re: Yet another new member

Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 12:05
by Lord_Mountbatten
My most eloquent post yet: Hi.

Re: Yet another new member

Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 16:55
by vallorn
hello Escapistian!

welcome to escapia!

(please remember to read /topics as that realy helps!)

Re: Yet another new member

Posted: 30 Apr 2011, 15:24
by KaosuHamoni
Oh I know EXACTLY who you are... ¬_¬

Anyways, welcome to the server, it's a good one!