Posted: 20 Aug 2011, 00:02
While im sure most of you know me, i must compose a new topic. For those who don't know who i am, pay attention. I'm the formerly known BrainDeadHam, however, that account belonged to a dear friend of mine. Now i finally have my own account, I no longer have to use his and i can start a new life on the server. For those who have never heard of braindeadham, i was probably there and you never noticed.
Back to the intro tho. Im just your average 14 year old growing up in the crappy town of Michigan city. before you ask, no, its not in Michigan, its in Indiana. I've played minecraft for bout a year now and will continue to enjoy it. I give you fair warning for i am known to be extremely strange and have emotional bits when i get really tired. My time on escapecraft is limited due to the fact that my household lacks hi-speed internet. therefore, i am only on when i get a chance to visit my friends, since school shall be starting soon, i will most likely appear on weekends.
Lastly i would like to address a request of one of the staff. My friend will be starting up his own server here soon and i have been requested to be one of their staff. This doesn't mean i will abandon escapecraft for that would absolutely tear my heart open. however, I am horribly under trained and would ask of my favorite staff member to be my teacher in this time. Therefore, (sorry to the staff who i didn't choose, i love you all) i would like to set up a good time with Blackadder in hopes you will be willing to teach me in the way of the staff member. I understand that you are busy and feel free to turn down my request. that is all.
Back to the intro tho. Im just your average 14 year old growing up in the crappy town of Michigan city. before you ask, no, its not in Michigan, its in Indiana. I've played minecraft for bout a year now and will continue to enjoy it. I give you fair warning for i am known to be extremely strange and have emotional bits when i get really tired. My time on escapecraft is limited due to the fact that my household lacks hi-speed internet. therefore, i am only on when i get a chance to visit my friends, since school shall be starting soon, i will most likely appear on weekends.
Lastly i would like to address a request of one of the staff. My friend will be starting up his own server here soon and i have been requested to be one of their staff. This doesn't mean i will abandon escapecraft for that would absolutely tear my heart open. however, I am horribly under trained and would ask of my favorite staff member to be my teacher in this time. Therefore, (sorry to the staff who i didn't choose, i love you all) i would like to set up a good time with Blackadder in hopes you will be willing to teach me in the way of the staff member. I understand that you are busy and feel free to turn down my request. that is all.