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Greetings and many gold blocks to you all, mentlegen!

Posted: 01 Jan 2011, 13:00
by Turbo_Turban
I greet thee all. Forgive my silly name, for i did not think it up. I'm a resident of fairest Britannia, and i am fairly new to Minecraft both single and multiplayer. I like to build big and magnificent structures, but because i have a very short attention span i often fail miserably. That or one of those diabolical green thingies blows me up. I joined because of the urging of a friend, and have yet to actually build anything (i am reluctant to build anything even after reading the rules, because i don't want to accidentally violate some server custom.)

Re: Greetings and many gold blocks to you all, mentlegen!

Posted: 01 Jan 2011, 13:14
by Cho
Howdy, Turbo...

As long as you find your own little (or not so little) patch of land, you can build pretty much anything you'd like - as long it's not in bad taste. No giant genitalia, nazi swastikas, etc. As regards towns, each have their own rules as to what you can build, so don't build in an established area without asking the owner first - they should then acquaint you with the rules. You also notice that the spawn area is a no build zone...

FAQ section:

Re: Greetings and many gold blocks to you all, mentlegen!

Posted: 01 Jan 2011, 13:19
by Turbo_Turban
Well the no genitalia or swastika rule sounds fair enough. Thank you.

Re: Greetings and many gold blocks to you all, mentlegen!

Posted: 01 Jan 2011, 13:20
by Milo_Windby
Hello, and welcome to the wonderful world of Minecraft and the Escapist (Un)Offical Server.

The map is nice and big, with lots of area to go and claim as your own. All you really need to do is use some dirt (or other) to make a small 1 block high wall around any bit of land you want to have (As long as its NOT already taken) and put some signs up saying ``Hello there, you are now entering my area, please bugger off`` or what ever you feel like saying.

On the other hand, you might be able to enter a town and be able to get building rights from who ever owns said town. If you look here ... ?f=5&t=697 you will find some towns have posted rules and such.

I also highly recommend looking a this page it will tell you all the stuff you can build by crafting, be it a axe, sword or a chest.

The forum also has various other helpful links, take a look around and just as a last word... There is no such thing as a stupid question, so please feel free to ask anything you want and we will be more then happy to help.


Re: Greetings and many gold blocks to you all, mentlegen!

Posted: 01 Jan 2011, 20:31
by Lord_Mountbatten
Nice to meet you sir!

Re: Greetings and many gold blocks to you all, mentlegen!

Posted: 01 Jan 2011, 22:18
by Turbo_Turban
Likewise, milord!

Re: Greetings and many gold blocks to you all, mentlegen!

Posted: 08 Jan 2011, 23:06
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Ah! He has manners. Shoulda known with the monocle and all. Nice to meet you. I go on quite a bit, but I might no see you. I don't leave my little estate much. That and I'm US timezone.

Re: Greetings and many gold blocks to you all, mentlegen!

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 01:31
by arogon343
ah josh im glad you got into minecraft, i guess all that nagging for you to try minecraft was not in vain? :lol:
hope, you enjot the server it is the..shizzle... ;)

Re: Greetings and many gold blocks to you all, mentlegen!

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 05:51
by Turbo_Turban
The shizzle indeed my friend. I very much appreciate you showing me this game and this server.