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Posted: 10 Jan 2011, 03:23
by Flux04
Hello all, I've been on the server for a fair amount of time, but I have always been terribly shy to speak on the forums, on the Escapist I am known as Flux07, but I don't post too often now. Before Minecraft Alpha I played on classic all the time and I ended focusing on pixel art... although it was using sprites as templates, it was tricky to get the right colours with not many colour blocks.

In minecraft now, I used to live on my own island near spawn, I wanted to do that for partly convenience and partly for catching griefers. Soon it became a bit of a struggle to mine as many new people were mining as soon as they hit the border to build, so I ended up moving to Bastion while it was still under construction. Haxx is the owner of Bastion and it has teirs for people to build on.

In real life, I go to college and study Sociology, Biology, ICT and Media Studies. It was so awsome to find out me and Haxx live really near eachother (small world huh) and since I have joined the server I have made wonderful friends and found such a lovely environment.

Re: Aroo?

Posted: 10 Jan 2011, 10:48
by itbarany
I'm glad we had a chance to talk on vent, you are a lovely person to talk to :)
And your arts are awesome! I saw the rest in dropbox. Really, truly awesome!

Re: Aroo?

Posted: 10 Jan 2011, 11:29
by XDelphi
Wisey! o/
.......Welcome to the server? :lol:

Re: Aroo?

Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 19:11
by arogon343
though its late i will post anyways
welcome wisey! glad to have you on the server! :mrgreen:
oh and woah nice picture :o