dandres wrote:What do you think of the concept that the Minecraft community will be the ones updating and carrying Minecraft on into the future once API support has been added because the Minecraft team is running out of ideas to implement themselves.
I think that's a very accurate assessment. When you're the one developing a project, coming up with fresh ideas is extremely difficult. You'll never know the full potential of a project you've made until you open it up to the masses.
I think the minecraft team has sort of written themselves into a corner here. Yes, they could continue to make new blocks/ores, but at some point that will just become old hat. There's only so many different ores/types you can have before it just seems like you're beating a dead horse. Without changing the main game mechanic (static cubes), they're unable to add any innovative content to the game. Yes, they could do some form of jetpack, or new furnaces, but unless they put in a motor, it will just be more of the same...Brings me to the second half of your question.
dandres wrote: Also what would you like to see added or changed? I personal think they dropped the ball on the mine carts and could have made the mine cart system better and more efficient.
Something that I'd like to see added or changed. I feel like I put this in a thread...somewhere...whatever.
In terms of petty, minor things, yes I think the mine cart system could be infinitely better. Primarily, lessening the cost of track would be great. Nobody makes a minecart go 40-50 blocks away, they're for long-distance travel, between vast expanses of land. Also, the game is MINEcraft. All mines are supposed to have minecart tracks, it's like tradition or something stupid. Making them extremely cheap or even some kind of free block would vastly increase their use, and utility.
I would also like to see an update to redstone. I know one's coming, but that's not what I'm talking about. I want to see redstone be more useful, more compact. Something similar to the redpower mod, where you can have bundled cables, compact logic gates, etc.
As for major mechanic changes, I would like to see a motor. Just a simple block which would take rotational energy from somewhere (water or wind) and rotate a small pully. You could then attach belts and other machines, such as an auto-planter for wheat. These are logical progressions given the "time period" of the game. We have flowing water, we have wind moving clouds...Why can we not harness these natural powers for useful things.
I'd honestly like to see a tekkit-like system available with this, where you could hook increasingly complicated machines up to your windmill. It would create a sort-of comical steam-punk type of atmosphere, where you have a series of 10 windmills or water wheels running a massive quarry system.
Perhaps this is all just idle wishing, and maybe I should make my own mod, with blackjack and hookers and windmills...But, that is waaay too much work.
The final thing I'd like to see added (and I'm sure this is in the works) is a *STABLE PLUGIN SYSTEM*. What I mean is, I'd like for it to be like most games. If I want to run a mod on my server, I have to have each individual client install that mod as well. I see no point in this. There is no reason why there could not be some form of unique mod identifier, that if a client's mod list does not sync with the server's, files will be passed to the client to patch their .jar to match the server's. This may be a problem with the way the client/server system is modeled, in that both have a full version of the game, rather than the server having more information and the client simply acting as a "window" to the server, but that is not for me to decide.
Long story short, IMHO, minecraft still has a very long way to go before it's what I would consider a "proper" multiplayer game. The single-player aspect works just fine as it is, but Mojang et al needs to seriously re-think the current model and, to be completely honest, re-code the whole game into a proper language.