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Ask Me Stuff. I'm Bored.

Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 04:20
by Sti_Jo_Lew
So, yeah. I really just want another way to pass the time, so go ahead and ask away!

Re: Ask Me Stuff. I'm Bored.

Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 10:04
by captainnemo3
Favorite Flavor of Icecream?

Re: Ask Me Stuff. I'm Bored.

Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 10:18
by asi1998
You finally made one :D

Why do u not like to join towns?

How did you find escapecraft?

What is your best experience on this server?

What kind of technology do you consider revolutionary and would like to see in a pretty near future?

Re: Ask Me Stuff. I'm Bored.

Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 10:30
by Invunarble
What does "Sti_Jo_Lew" mean?

Why do you have an obsession with kicking people in the shin?

Can you teach me how to not run into a fucking aquifer every time I start a new game in Dwarf Fortress?

What is the most shittiest house you have ever created?

Can I bribe you to liftlive in Cliff's Edge?

Why do you claim to be a hermit?

Why is StiComms such a shitty, poor attempt at a rival company to my corporate empire?

Re: Ask Me Stuff. I'm Bored.

Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 10:39
by Lord_Mountbatten
Invunarble wrote:Can I bribe you to liftlive in Cliff's Edge?
An example's one thing but now you're just pushing it.

And yet I'm not surprised.

Re: Ask Me Stuff. I'm Bored.

Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 10:42
by Invunarble
Overexposure to the joke has given me a permanent scar of noticing resemblances of the joke in various words. That's just a prime example of that.

... probably wouldn't hurt for me to see a doctor about it if it devolves further, though. :?

Re: Ask Me Stuff. I'm Bored.

Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 14:58
by Sti_Jo_Lew
captainnemo3 wrote:Favorite Flavor of Icecream?
Probably orange sherbet. Not much of an ice cream guy, prefer frozen yogurt.
asi1998 wrote:
Why do u not like to join towns?

How did you find escapecraft?

What is your best experience on this server?

What kind of technology do you consider revolutionary and would like to see in a pretty near future?
Too crowded, I like to build stupidly large stuff. Also, cobble cubes irritate me.

Not really sure, think I might have googled something along the lines of "greif free minecraft server".

Can't really think of one right now, I'll get back to you on that...

I think the thing that will have the biggest impact I can think of right now is new battery technology. Our current Lithium Ion batteries just aren't cutting it when it comes to powering larger, more demanding things such as cars or this military exoskeleton ( Once we get something a bit more advanced, electric cars will be more feasible.
Invunarble wrote:
What does "Sti_Jo_Lew" mean?

Why do you have an obsession with kicking people in the shin?

Can you teach me how to not run into a fucking aquifer every time I start a new game in Dwarf Fortress?

What is the most shittiest house you have ever created?

Can I bribe you to liftlive in Cliff's Edge?

Why do you claim to be a hermit?

Why is StiComms such a shitty, poor attempt at a rival company to my corporate empire?
It's an abbreviation of my full name: Stiller, Joseph Lewis.

Hell if I know, just can't resist!

Toggle the "Aquifer" option in the Lazy Newb Pack. :P

Probably my cobble tower in ver2. At least it had some interesting shape to it though.

No, you can't.

Because I am. I have lived by myself almost all my time on the server, and usually in the middle of nowhere.

Because I've barely started it. :P