Idea behind it
When you walk in, there will be 2 options, fighting or being a spectator. There is a minimum cost for fighting depending on the type of match chosen. I will primarily run the matches. The arena itself is a large room with an explosion proof floor for creeper battles. The mobs are supplied by my mobtower. Food, armor, and weapons will be provided based on how much you provided for the entry free and are yours to keep... that is if you win. There are also rounds where you provide your own armor. There are waves of 20 or so mobs at a time with several minute intermissions between waves. Prize depends on the match type and how many waves you survive.
It is located in west Fyra, at -1992,2950. There is a back entrance with 2 signs OR if you like rails:
1. Go to fyra spawn and go on the west rail.
2. Get off after the 1st tunnel (where track goes underground)
3. There will be a gravel path and a minecart station with a sign outside saying Mob Arena Station.
4. Take a minecart, it will lead you to an underwater glass tunnel. When you reach an intersection, use the switch to control your direction and then press the button to go. Take a left to get to the Mob Arena, otherwise you will end up at my house.
The arena is 21x8x23 with obsidian walls and floor making effective for battling creepers. There is an observation for spectators encompassing 3/4 of the arena. There is also a control booth where I or other staff control the gates, traps and mob release systems. There is a booth downstairs where fighters pay for their match. From there they proceed to the fighting rooms where dispensers provide food, armor, and weapons to each individual player.
Arena Floor:
Spectator View:
Spectator Area:
Fighter Preparation Area:
Fighter Pay Booth: