I hate hoppers [Invun's rant - warning, strong language]
Posted: 26 Mar 2014, 14:39
Hoppers are a load of steaming horse shit. What are you thinking, Mojang? Make a pipe-like item after this many versions with only ONE INPUT ON THE TOP OF THE FUCKING BLOCK? AND ABSOLUTELY NO WAY TO SEND ITEMS UPWARDS WITHOUT USING A NON-HOPPER DEVICE?!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK??!??!!
Needless to say, my vituperative demeanour towards hoppers pushed me to a breaking point. I want every single hopper in existence to die - die a slow, painful, and prolonged death. Let me demonstrate how this works:
As seen in Fig. 1, a group of hoppers are first placed onto the ground. They noticeably only have an input from the top - which works excellently with this demonstration.
If you take a look at Fig. 2 here, you'll see what occurs when trinitrotoluene is gently applied to the input area of these hoppers. As illustrated, they FUCKING BLOW UP AND ALL BURN MISERABLE DEATHS FOR BEING SUCH A FUCKING SHITTY BLOCK! FUCK HOPPERS!
Needless to say, my vituperative demeanour towards hoppers pushed me to a breaking point. I want every single hopper in existence to die - die a slow, painful, and prolonged death. Let me demonstrate how this works:
As seen in Fig. 1, a group of hoppers are first placed onto the ground. They noticeably only have an input from the top - which works excellently with this demonstration.
If you take a look at Fig. 2 here, you'll see what occurs when trinitrotoluene is gently applied to the input area of these hoppers. As illustrated, they FUCKING BLOW UP AND ALL BURN MISERABLE DEATHS FOR BEING SUCH A FUCKING SHITTY BLOCK! FUCK HOPPERS!