banned people and their items

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banned people and their items

Post by Doctorbatman » 20 Feb 2011, 23:21

What happens to items left behind by banned people? People who had strongholds built up only to lose them by being banned? Chests with things in them? What becomes of those items?
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Re: banned people and their items

Post by jagorrax » 20 Feb 2011, 23:27

Well when someone is banned in a town, their house could be condemned by the leader. A mod would be required to unlock the chests, and to my understanding, then items go to the town leader unless the items were hacked. If someone is banned but had a fortress/safehouse unaffiliated with any settlement, I believe you could request a mod to remove it. Items would most likely be destroyed or go to the mod who removes the structure. I think a mod would most likely spare the time if the structure is in a spot you would want to build in. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the mods to track down every banned player's house.
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Re: banned people and their items

Post by wokka1 » 20 Feb 2011, 23:32

Jag is very correct

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Re: banned people and their items

Post by Doctorbatman » 21 Feb 2011, 00:22

Thanks. And now I know.
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Re: banned people and their items

Post by Wildwill002 » 21 Feb 2011, 12:22

1 thing i do when removing the houses of banned people in plith is have a Chest Auction at spawn!
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