Automatic Items Suggestions
Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 15:30
As few of you know, I have started to build a mob tower out out of smooth stone that is at the border. Now it is under construction, with one working floor, and have decided to also add other towers to it. I will have a tower for grass floors so that friendly mobs can spawn and be killed, I will have two towers for aggressive mobs to spawn and be killed, and a cactus tower for an unnecessary amount of cactus. You may ask yourself "Why go to all the trouble just for a few items?". Well, I feel like it and all items will have craftbook bridges used to separate which items you are getting from the towers. It is public and wtd21 is helping me with the build, but I also ask if anyone knows of any way to automatically farm a particular item, I want you to tell me of what it is, and a link to possibly perform this construction. Any farming system for any item that is automatic, and can drag the Items to a construction point will be appreciated. I want this just to be a big item generator that requires no resets of any kind. It will be made of smooth stone, glass, wood, wool, glass, and multiple other pretty materials with art on the sides provided by any player who wants to make something, and is capable. I will post pictures for it to update you on the progress, and maybe you will want to use it when it becomes more operational. The coordinates are X: (-3250) Z: (-780). Hope you guys will help.
My mob tower is working beautifully, and I will begin working on the next tower soon.... but right now I have something of more importance to help with the trap. As beard has told me, in order to get more mob spawns in your tower, you should light up the caverns around it. I have successfully taken care of two caverns, and have cleared another dungeon bringing my count to 6 dungeons, and much diamond (a surprisingly low amount of slimes) So if you really want to help out, I need someone to assists me in clearing these caverns. I will provide iron weapons, bows and arrows, wheat/bread for food, and there are commonly wolves around if you wish to recruit them, I may supply bones as well. (most of these items can be acquired by my public farms and traps. In conclusion I would love the help in clearing these. Any participants shall also receive a place on the wall where I will be thanking those who helped, and aided me in some way on the tower. Unfortunately I can not pay, but the materials will be enough hopefully, and the gear. Please reply on this or ask when I am on the server if you wish to help. That will be all.
My mob tower is working beautifully, and I will begin working on the next tower soon.... but right now I have something of more importance to help with the trap. As beard has told me, in order to get more mob spawns in your tower, you should light up the caverns around it. I have successfully taken care of two caverns, and have cleared another dungeon bringing my count to 6 dungeons, and much diamond (a surprisingly low amount of slimes) So if you really want to help out, I need someone to assists me in clearing these caverns. I will provide iron weapons, bows and arrows, wheat/bread for food, and there are commonly wolves around if you wish to recruit them, I may supply bones as well. (most of these items can be acquired by my public farms and traps. In conclusion I would love the help in clearing these. Any participants shall also receive a place on the wall where I will be thanking those who helped, and aided me in some way on the tower. Unfortunately I can not pay, but the materials will be enough hopefully, and the gear. Please reply on this or ask when I am on the server if you wish to help. That will be all.