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Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 17 Apr 2011, 18:27
by jagorrax
There are a number of treasures hidden in this map. The contents include at least one item unobtainable by players. A few treasures contain chain mail armor and another contains a diamond ore along with other contents. They are all located in low lit rooms hidden across map. Good luck.

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 17 Apr 2011, 18:56
by arogon343
underground? or above and if abve wat do they look like?

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 17 Apr 2011, 20:22
by jagorrax
arogon343 wrote:underground? or above and if abve wat do they look like?
They are both above and below sea level. They are not exposed buildings if thats what you are asking. You won't need to enter complex cave systems to find them. The entrance to each is very small and very little light is exposed so the best time to look for them is at night. It won't be necessary to break any blocks to get in but you can if you want to. If your asking how to differentiate it from a player's house, trust me, you will know when you find it. An example of one would be a Talon Co. hidden outpost(labeled as such), containing a small room and a sign that says, "Deluxe Survival Kit Shipment". This would be the one containing the chain mail armor, as well as some other items. Another would be what looks like a wizard's study overrun by the nether(my favorite but also the most difficult to find).
When I realized how difficult these would be to find, I decided to add one unobtainable item to each chest to create more incentive for players to find them. Obviously, a coal ore, redstone ore, lapis ore, diamond ore, chain mail, portal block aren't very useful, but they can be used as decoration and trade as you would be one of the few players to hold such an item.

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 18 Apr 2011, 05:27
by vallorn
i had full chainmail once. :( (also was the Battle Barge wiped when FS ported?)

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 18 Apr 2011, 11:30
by MKindy
Time to go hunting! :O

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 18 Apr 2011, 18:00
by MKindy
Future Shift sure has a lot of clay! :D /mines

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 18 Apr 2011, 21:39
by Zinrius
So once we find these treasures, we just put a sign on it that says our name ?

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 18 Apr 2011, 23:18
by jagorrax
Zinrius wrote:So once we find these treasures, we just put a sign on it that says our name ?
You can do whatever you want with it. Though I decorated the rooms that each chest is in, I wouldn't consider it griefing if you decide to loot it. I didn't cuboid the areas so you can build or destroy what you want. I added a few more today since no one has found any. One of them contains 9 glowing redstone ores. I should also note that the easier ones to find will contain less desired unobtainable mats such as chain mail armor and coal ore. I will be adding more tomorrow.

I will give you one clue for one treasure:
Theres an underwater cove south by south-east of Outset Village. This treasure contains 16 of each dye and one lapis ore block. The light emitted from the entrance is as faint as the rest, but at least you will get an idea of what you are looking for. This is one of the More difficult ones to find.

If you guys can't find this one by tomorrow evening, I will give you another clue to another treasure.

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 18 Apr 2011, 23:26
by aflycon
MKindy wrote:Future Shift sure has a lot of clay! :D /mines
That's my job.. you're just the cameraman.. >_> /me cracks knuckles

I'll be donating some bricks to your road though. :)

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 11:45
by jagorrax
Congratulations to MKindy for finding the first treasure! He has found the red room, in it containing 9 redstone ores. Do not worry, there are still many treasures to be found, as well as two other red rooms on the map. The Chest of the Primevals has been added. This will be the most difficult treasure to find. I recommend finding a pumpkin and some glowstone. ;)

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 16:57
by Cyphafrost
I feel stupid asking this, but how do you get to futureshift? Also, wouldn't it be dangerous to look for it at night because of mobs?

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 17:09
by MKindy
Cyphafrost wrote:I feel stupid asking this, but how do you get to futureshift? Also, wouldn't it be dangerous to look for it at night because of mobs?
There is a pit in the ocean near Groupspawn in Escapia; there is an obsidian ring over it. Just jump in. :D

Mobs do not exist in Futureshift.
Edit 4/29: Mobs are ABUNDANT in Futureshift now that they are turned back on.

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 17:16
by Cyphafrost
Cool. Thanks MKindy.

This will be quite easy for me. I play adventure maps all the time, and i have a knack for spotting things. Once, i spotted a secrect chest on a mountain 100 blocks away. Better search quickly before i claim all of the loot. Mwahahahahaha!

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 22 Apr 2011, 01:51
by jagorrax
Congratulations to Mkindy again! He found Mountbatten's Fabulous Dye Collection! This includes 16 of each dye and one lapis lazuli ore block. There are still many treasures to be found, at this point only two remain below sea level. The rest are hiding in the land. Among the treasures, there are 3 diamond ore blocks waiting to be found. These are especially difficult to find, and get to.

It seems that Mkindy doesn't want anyone else to find these treasures. He is destroying the rooms containing each treasure, so no one else can use them as reference to what you are looking for.

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 22 Apr 2011, 01:54
by MKindy
jagorrax wrote:It seems that Mkindy doesn't want anyone else to find these treasures. He is destroying the rooms containing each treasure, so no one else can use them as reference to what you are looking for.
In my defense, you filled them with things I want. :)

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 22 Apr 2011, 02:14
by Lord_Mountbatten
jagorrax wrote:Congratulations to MKindy again! He found Mountbatten's Fabulous Dye Collection!
...what Fabulous Dye Collection?

I call shenanigans!

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 22 Apr 2011, 02:40
by jagorrax
Lord_Mountbatten wrote: ...what Fabulous Dye Collection?

I call shenanigans!
Edwina gave them to me on one of my weekly visits a while back. Never said they were yours.

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 22 Apr 2011, 06:00
by Iron_Fang
Any way of helping us find some b4 mkindy does :)

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 22 Apr 2011, 11:15
by jagorrax
jagorrax wrote:There are a number of treasures hidden in this map. The contents include at least one item unobtainable by players. A few treasures contain chain mail armor and another contains a diamond ore along with other contents. They are all located in low lit rooms hidden across map. Good luck.
Thats up to Mkindy. He can give you hints on how to find them based on the two he has found already.

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 22 Apr 2011, 11:26
by random980
Ive havent been that interested in future shift due to me finding the land to anoying to travel across.... but treasure you say!? :o
If i can accidentally find Sneaky's home in Fyra, i should be able to find at least one chest!!!

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 22 Apr 2011, 11:35
by Zinrius
There's only 1 issue with the hunt that I could find. People will find other peoples secret rooms with a chest and potentially destroy it thinking it's the treasure room. Perhaps at screenie to show an example of a room setting for the safety of the sport ?

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 22 Apr 2011, 11:41
by MKindy
Zinrius wrote:There's only 1 issue with the hunt that I could find. People will find other peoples secret rooms with a chest and potentially destroy it thinking it's the treasure room. Perhaps at screenie to show an example of a room setting for the safety of the sport ?
I have been identifying locations with Jag each time, just in case. The presence of ore blocks, though, shows it would have had to have been a Mod or higher's chest. I was actually hesitant, too, when I saw the sign in the last room that said "Mountbatten's Fabulous Dye Collection," but the contents of the chest precisely matched what Jag said they would, so I pillaged it straight away. 8-)

It's gonna get a bit tougher now, though, since there aren't any more clues about other treasures. :P If I find any others, I'll probably block them off, confirm with Jag, then go back to them. Plus, these chests are not sealed with /cprivate or /cpassword, and I would think any other secret stash would be.

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 22 Apr 2011, 11:47
by MKindy
jagorrax wrote:Thats up to Mkindy. He can give you hints on how to find them based on the two he has found already.
The rooms are fairly tiny, and so far rather extravagantly decorated -- the red rooms are filled with redstone ore and redstone torches -- or, at least, the one I found was. The dye room has one of each color wool block in the walls. Entrances seem to be 1 wide by 2 tall. Only the faintest of light eeks out from them.

If I find another, I'll post an image prior to pillaging.

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 22 Apr 2011, 12:25
by random980
Can we have a hint towards the location of 1 more? Not knowing where to start put me off trying to find any

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 22 Apr 2011, 14:21
by jagorrax
I think Mkindy described what you are looking for quite well. Look for the faintest light coming from small entrances. There are a few where it would require you to enter what looks to be a cave, but is actually only a 10 block long tunnel with a very faint light at the end which would lead you to a treasure. There are no clues as to where to find them. It's simply one of those hunts that will require a good eye.

But to be fair, I will give vague coordinates to the chest of order. This chest contains an unobtainable item that provides a light source. Be careful when placing it however, It can only be destroyed by tnt.
x:positive number
y:above level 80
z:negative number

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 08:15
by MKindy
Jag's Chest of Order.png
Chest of Order discovered. :D This is basically what any of the entrances look like; notice the very faint light coming from the left hand side there. Feel free to go check it out, it was at 217, 104, -520. I left a few things in there, but pillaged what I wanted, as always. :P
Blacky and LadyMea.png
After discovering it, I chilled with Blackadder and LadyMea and showed them the treasure. :D Blackadder has decided, since Sneaky's laptop died, that he could no longer go on being an Op, and has joined the ranks of the normal players. He got creepered to death just outside... 3 times, I think. X3

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 12:57
by jagorrax
Very Nice!
Careful when placing those Steve Co. Chests, they are nearly impossible to destroy.
Here is my next clue,


There are two treasure rooms within this area. One of them contains one out of the 3 diamond ore blocks.

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 13:54
by Furdabip
jagorrax wrote:Careful when placing those Steve Co. Chests, they are nearly impossible to destroy.
Actually, after 1.4_01, they act as a generic block and break with one single punch of any tool.

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 14:13
by vallorn
jagorrax wrote: they are nearly impossible to destroy.

Re: Future Shift Treasure Hunt.

Posted: 14 May 2011, 17:00
by MKindy
Acolyte's End.png
I would have thought more people would be jumping all over this, especially with the massive hints you've been giving, Jag. :P Didn't expect to be able to find this after my somewhat-hiatus, but here it is, and here I go looting it!