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Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 10:11
by tanisjihanis
My first attempt at a gigantic tree theme for a town is out of my control and time to fix. I took a long break from the server and looked at this project from a new angle. The new project, named Timbertown con be found next to New Corinth in Futureshift. This time, I used the 3d modeling program Google Sketch to create the street plan and dimensions ahead of time. Currently, there will be 1 main floor with a dome over the top of it, and luxury suites in the higher branches. The major difference from the last attempt is the new amount of space. I plan to make it have more of a street plan and actual standard plot sizes. It is a work in progress, but I will post pictures on here and send a copy of the model itself to interested workers.

My greatest problem is leaf blocks... In this design, the houses will not actually need to be made of wood and leaves alone, the structure from the outside being pre-made before residents are permitted. However, i have calculated that the dome and spaces in between branches currently requires somewhere between 3000 and 3500 leaf blocks. :?

If any one is interested in helping out, please PM me.

Re: Timbertown

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 18:22
by 697134002
Ah, me and give were wondering about you, since neither of us had seen you in ages.

Re: Timbertown

Posted: 20 Apr 2011, 10:13
by tanisjihanis
Yeah... I got a little bit caught up in other matters, and working on this... I still can't get on too often, but I'm trying to make my contributions in other ways :)

Re: Timbertown

Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 09:34
by luke2006
Screenshots please?

Re: Timbertown

Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 09:56
by tanisjihanis
Here are screen shots of the model I am working off of. Timber town is currently being relocated due to space issues.
Tree%20Straight%20on.JPG ... ew&id=1141
Tree%20angle.JPG ... ew&id=1142