Haven Annals
Posted: 21 Apr 2011, 12:08
Since I am unable to get on server often during the day, but am able to access forums, I would like to start a log entry creative writing project for Futureshift. It would help if i could get a PM from hax about the story line, but i can probably do just as well without. Gimme and 69, it would be incredibly helpful if i could get Pms from you guys about whats going on in the city when I'm not there. These logs may be edited later to fit story line as we may find more ruins.
Log 1
I awake to find my self in a strange and twisted land. I have little memory of what was before now, but the world I once knew has been spun around. The ground floats, lava and water fall from the sky, and the seas reach to new dark and mysterious depths. The center of this world falls into a vortex of no return, with an unbreakable platform above it, and a small town of survivors clustered around it. In my first days of exploring this land, I searched to the far North east, where I found gravity defying sand and impossible configurations of land and sea. Molten rock can be found in lakes across the surface of this land, and caves beneath the towering landforms. Amid the dangerous beauty of this landscape, I find ruins of an ancient and advanced civilization. A moss covered cobble outpost crumbles on the side of a cliff. Preserved archives in stone rooms with no windows provide further evidence. There were people that lived here before. But where have they gone? And why did they leave? There is one word that can be found multiple times amidst the decaying bookcases: Draconax
Log 2
Returning to the camp at the vortex, I see more people have arrived. A few of them are setting out to found a new town, and I decide to go with them and seek my own fortune in this new world. We set out for the east, determined to stake out livable land in this inhospitable wilderness. As the sun goes down, the darkness begins to set in and we make shelter on a large peninsula surrounded by these weightless mountains. The silence is deafening and none of us can sleep. Tomorrow we will build a beacon of hope for others lost in this vast mystery.
Log 3
It has been many days since my previous log. Days filled with hard work clearing the sky above, and exploration. We have discovered neighbors to the SW of our town in a floating mountain they call Talon.
Log 1
I awake to find my self in a strange and twisted land. I have little memory of what was before now, but the world I once knew has been spun around. The ground floats, lava and water fall from the sky, and the seas reach to new dark and mysterious depths. The center of this world falls into a vortex of no return, with an unbreakable platform above it, and a small town of survivors clustered around it. In my first days of exploring this land, I searched to the far North east, where I found gravity defying sand and impossible configurations of land and sea. Molten rock can be found in lakes across the surface of this land, and caves beneath the towering landforms. Amid the dangerous beauty of this landscape, I find ruins of an ancient and advanced civilization. A moss covered cobble outpost crumbles on the side of a cliff. Preserved archives in stone rooms with no windows provide further evidence. There were people that lived here before. But where have they gone? And why did they leave? There is one word that can be found multiple times amidst the decaying bookcases: Draconax
Log 2
Returning to the camp at the vortex, I see more people have arrived. A few of them are setting out to found a new town, and I decide to go with them and seek my own fortune in this new world. We set out for the east, determined to stake out livable land in this inhospitable wilderness. As the sun goes down, the darkness begins to set in and we make shelter on a large peninsula surrounded by these weightless mountains. The silence is deafening and none of us can sleep. Tomorrow we will build a beacon of hope for others lost in this vast mystery.
Log 3
It has been many days since my previous log. Days filled with hard work clearing the sky above, and exploration. We have discovered neighbors to the SW of our town in a floating mountain they call Talon.