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The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 09 May 2011, 11:24
by vallorn
Well as we all know this is a Survival Server in the truest sense of the word. It is with knowing this (and some peoples propensity to dieing) that I decided to make this guide:
Hope it helps you!

For MineCraft Newbies:
Spoiler! :
These are the blocks you have available to build with. To gain blocks you must either mine them from the landscape or craft them from raw materials.
With mining there is a sliding scale of Tool Quality to Mineable Blocks that is a good idea to keep in mine.

Wooden Picks: can mine; Stone, Cobble and Coal
Stone Picks: can mine; all above and Iron Ore
Iron Picks: can mine; all above and Diamond ore, Redstone ore, Lapis Lazuli, Gold ore
Diamond Picks: can mine; all above and Obsidian
Gold Picks: can mine; the same as wooden Picks
The tools also work faster the higher quality materials you use.
For example Stone mines a block much faster than Wood and Iron mines faster than Stone and so on.

The speed rule applies to all tool types including Axes, Hoes, Spades and Swords( Swords doing more damage to Mobs the higher the durability)

There is also another tool rule you should know the Durability Rule. Tools of higher quality last longer. Gold is the exception which lasts as long as Wood.

Now the very basics are done here are some useful items:
Planks: 4 are made by crafting 1 wooden log
Sticks: 4 are made by crafting 2 planks one above the other.
Torches. 4 are made by putting 1 coal above 1 stick
Spoiler! :
Mobs are the various types of creatures and monsters found in Minecraft.
There are 14 separate Mobs in the game. Some of which are friendly, some are hostile and some which are neutral until you attack them.
The Mobs are:
FRIENDLY:these mobs wander aimlessly and will never attack a player
Cows main use is as a source of Leather and Milk

Chickens main use is as a source of Feathers and Eggs

Sheep drop wool when punched with or without an item. The sheep may be dyed before punching which drops 1-3 dyed wool.

Pigs drop Raw Pork which is a good healing item. Pigs that die from burning drop Cooked Pork which is better

Squid appear underwater and drop Ink Sacks (Black Dye)

Tame Wolves
Tame Wolves Follow the player and attack any mob which is punched by them.

NEUTRAL: these mobs wander aimlessly until a player attacks them which turns them hostile

Spiders (in daylight only)
Spiders wander aimlessly in daylight until a player attacks them which turns them hostile

Zombie Pigmen
Z’ Pigmen spawn in the nether and drop Cooked Pork when killed. They turn hostile if a player attacks them or holds a porkchop near them. If 1 pigman turns hostile all pigmen nearby also turn hostile with him

Wild Wolves
Wild Wolves hunt passive mobs until a player finds them where either the player can punch them which turns them hostile or feed them bones to turn them passive

HOSTILE: these mobs actively seek out and hurt the player

The most famous mob. Creepers spawn at night and seek out the player. When they get within a certain range the creeper hiss’s and explodes destroying the area round them and hurting the player

Zombies are the most common mob. They run at the player and deal damage when they get within a certain range

Skeletons try to stay within a certain distance of the player and fire arrows to hurt them

Spiders run at the player to deal damage but can also climb walls to do so and are faster than zombies

Slimes slowly hop towards the player and deal damage on contact. When a slime is killed it splits into smaller slimes.

Spider Jockey’s
It’s a Skeleton riding a Spider. What more do you need to know?

Ghasts spawn in the nether and fly about shooting fireballs at the player. These explode on contact and can destroy weak materials like Netherrack

Giants are basicly huge zombies. Only Admins can spawn them and they only do so for special events.
For Multiplayer Newbies:
Spoiler! :
To play on the server simply type in the IP address we have on the main site into the corresponding bar in the Multiplayer tab of your Minecraft Menu.

When you enter you will have to pass the tutorial. No spoilers but please read the signs provided.

One you finish the tutorial you will enter the Hub. Going down a corridor will take you to the corresponding Map.

Once in feel free to ask players and mods for more specific help

where is everyone?:
the maps are very big so were almost all over the place on our stuff.

Why cant I take the stuff at Spawn?:
we protect the spawn areas to keep the map looking nice. To build head out about 200 blocks and find an unbuilt on area.
(more coming soon)

Tips For Everyone:
Spoiler! :
We use a Pluggin called Falsebook. Please read up on it.

When Night Falls unless you have food armour and weapons it’s a good idea to hide.
You can either box yourself up or dig a small bunker (my personal favorite) and wait till day.

Lava makes an excellent light source and defensive mechanism. However BE CAREFULL.

If your on fire either:
/spawn and die then when you respawn collect your stuff
Take down the cords with a quick /getpos and walk back
Vips can /home back to where the have their /home set OR can /home set where their about to die and /home back there.

If a Mod is drunk don’t antagonize them you may end up without a home...

All light sources except Pumpkins melt Ice.

Slimes may be invincible to your arrows. in this case use a sword

Slimes spawn below a certain depth even in lit areas.

Slimes do not split if you hit them with a Diamond Sword.l
Server Memes:
Spoiler! :
Brad Excuse: the BE is when a player breaks the rules and blames it on someone else using their account. This is frowned upon by the community and Mods and is named after the first recorded use by Dagger92: “Brad Did It”

During one of the downtimes when the server shifted to a test map some enterprising players built a beautiful town. Naming it CakeTown they installed a repeating 4beat note clock. After refusing to disable it a mod went in and shut it off. It was repaired. The mods removed the entire clock. They rebuilt it again. THEN Blackadder went in and blew it up. Unfortunately he took 2/3rds of the town with it and left a huge crater in the ground. This was promptly paved over and a sign was placed saying:

“Welcome to CakeTown.
Please don’t dig down”

This has expanded to “there is no caketown” and other sayings.

Blackadder fixing things:

When black trys to fix something it usually ends up with a large explosion, fire everywhere or total erasure from reality.

Therefore don’t ask black to fix anything.


Started by Sneaky when something is impossible it is IMPOSSIBRU.
Has been expanded to Invisibru meaning someone has glitched invisible (not mod invisibility)

Many people on the server enjoy My Little Pony: Friendship Is magic. Expect related memes and art popping up on threads.

Flux04 (previous account: Wiseybud) sometimes spasm friendly mobs or eggs in an area. It is traditional to Caps yell CRIIIIMMMSSSEEEYYY!!!! When this occurs.

French Brothers:
Sneaky was drunk one night and insulted Tehbeard by calling him French.

He apologised in a long rambling forum post in which he named Beard his “French Brother”.

Obviously Hacked:
used to describe a building of such grandoise aweseome that it can only have been hacked. first used by "cant remember the damn name" in describing Mydrox's House in Solake2.0

/me no pants:
Blackadder51 hates pants. wearing pants when he is online is a kickable offense. /me no pants.

More stuff is coming but i dont think i can do this on my own so please put down extra ideas of what i need to add here.

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 09 May 2011, 11:34
by Iron_Fang
/i leaf -1???

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 09 May 2011, 11:36
by vallorn
Iron_Fang wrote:/i leaf -1???
gives them unlimited leaves. Black used something similar to shatter reality once,

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 09 May 2011, 18:58
by aflycon
If you want me to help expand this, I can. :3 I like doing writing for the server.

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 02:20
by vallorn
aflycon wrote:If you want me to help expand this, I can. :3 I like doing writing for the server.
more tips are needed and im writing the Mob section for the MC newbies bit.

i actualy learned some interesting stuff about Gold Tools with this.

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 02:42
by Iron_Fang
ill try to get some tips will pm them you =)

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 04:49
by marurder
Since this is a guide take out any obscure or irrelevant in-jokes and keep it clear and concise. Don't bombard a newcomer with 101 things that may / may not be helpful. Using spoilers to hide information is perfect. Keep it all relevant to the goal (teaching how to survive on SMP).
If there is something that is very useful, leave a link to it at the end of the post (should a user want to look at it more in-depth)

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 06:32
by vallorn
took out the leaf refrence and added some Slime Tips.

working on Mobs right now. wondering whether i should include Friendly Mobs.

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 07:33
by vallorn
phew. finished the basic part of the Mob Guide.

if anyone wants to help i need more Tips and bits to populate the Multiplayer area (a list of basic /commands would be nice)

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 07:51
by random980
the actual minecraft wiki covers the 'Tools&blocks' and the 'Mobs' section pretty well... In-fact it looks like the pictures you have are FROM the wiki itself :roll:
To save a lot of time, space and questions, just redirect the n00bs to the MC wiki.the falsebook stuff is pretty much covered in the escapecraft tutorial when people 1st join isnt it? The info on the hub and other worlds has its own topic doesnt it?
(/thread :lol: )
Maybe make a small guide on citys/landmarks, ways to get around and point out general interesting stuff new people might want to know and a short intro on all of the mods and their rolls.
Actually moving this hole guide onto our actual escapecraft wiki might be a good idea.

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 07:53
by Blackadder51
I prefer the more personal touches though, the wiki does not have that.

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 08:09
by givemeabreak432
Make a guide to the server memes, so people don't get confused if they see us talking with them in game.

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 08:16
by vallorn
leave my guide here till its finished it.

and yes i got the picks from the Wiki but its an excellent source of pictures so you cant realy blame me.

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 09:19
by vallorn
added a Server Memes bit by popular demand. tell me if i missed any.

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 10:47
by Iron_Fang
useful iphone/ipod/ipad minecraft apps:
minecraft canery
minecraft clock
mc buddy or minecraft buddy

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 10:48
by Lord_Mountbatten
Iron_Fang wrote:useful iphone/ipod/ipad minecraft apps:
minecraft canery
minecraft clock
mc buddy or minecraft buddy
What do they have to do with Escapecraft?

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 10:53
by Iron_Fang
to help new minecraft players also canary has all recipes

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 10:57
by vallorn
link em up please Iron and if you are going to contribute please write the things yourself. (i have enough to do with this already...)

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 10:58
by Iron_Fang
nvm then

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 11:00
by vallorn
Iron_Fang wrote:nvm then

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 11:55
by SneakyPie

That's very useful for newbies.

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 18:38
by givemeabreak432
vallorn wrote:added a Server Memes bit by popular demand. tell me if i missed any.
You missed No Pants....

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 18:42
by mydrox
and Obviously Hacked

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 20:58
by Infesord
Don't forget saying Boop Beep after the server says Beep Boop, and for that matter the whole Server Vs. Console Vs. GLADOS thing. Actually come to think of it there is probably more silly meme's than actual useful information for surviving.

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 22:32
by Byroe
i think the /me is no longer smeelo, should be added to server memes

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 23:16
by 697134002
Byroe wrote:i think the /me is smeelo, should be added to server memes
/me is no longer Byroe who is smeelo.

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 10 May 2011, 23:29
by Infesord
Uh yeah no. It was funny for a while, but after hearing about what smeelo did (something that cannot be gone into any detail) and got suspended for, I have lost all respect for him. That meme if anything should be /me is thankful he is NOT smeelo.

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 11 May 2011, 00:21
by Byroe
Infesord wrote:Uh yeah no. It was funny for a while, but after hearing about what smeelo did (something that cannot be gone into any detail) and got suspended for, I have lost all respect for him. That meme if anything should be /me is thankful he is NOT smeelo.
smeelo got suspended?
*Edit* 0.0 well then, /me is dissapoint

Re: The Unnofficial guide to survival in EscapeCraft

Posted: 11 May 2011, 02:36
by vallorn
updated with /me no pants and Obviously hacked!

thanks for pointing those out!