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1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 16:27
by wokka1
I have 1.6.6 loaded up with all of our plugins, on our worlds, on a test server. Royalty can join to help test it if you want to help. Before you let MC update, make sure you have a backup of 1.5 (and know how to restore it), there is no guarantee that we won't find a show stopper and our upgrade be delayed by days or even weeks.

Existing players ( no new players ) can connect to

If you build here, it won't stay, but please do test things, just don't expect things to stay.

Notch's new nether is enabled, but it will not be for the live server, unless a plugin is developed to incorporate it properly into multi-worlds. Return portals built in the nether come out on our hub world, which is not a good thing. Hopefully in the future this will be resolved with a plugin.

If you have a chunk loading issue, you can relog, or use a new command to request the chunk, /chunkme

If you have problems, see bugs, talk to a mod if they are online, or reply to this thread (don't create a new one please unless requested) and give as much details as possible, including coordinates if its relevant.

Thanks for the help

----- update ------

I've updated the test server again, need people to login and test, hopefully ones that haven't already done so. Please do not update if you don't know how to downgrade or have a backup. However, we badly need testers.

Things to pay attention to, where you initially spawn. If its in an odd space (out in the wild) on hub, or where you should have been. The world locations are older, from over a week ago, but you shouldn't be out in the hub wild outlands.

pay attention to your inventory when you spawn, is it what it should be, your inventory data is from yesterday at 6pm server time. If you have played on creative any at all, warp over to it and see if your inventory switches to what you had (or if it was empty), and then warp back to hub and make sure your inventory loads back up properly.

These are the only two things we need to verify to make sure all is ok. Please post feedback (good and bad) please.

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 01:17
by nart_21086
anything we should be focusing on?

Edit: NOTE: Inventory travels to and from Creative, Also my superpick traveled with me, caused button in fyra station to be destroyed, also 2 slabs. Could nt turn off //

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 02:47
by Skunk_Giant
nart, that happened with me too a few weeks ago. The only option I could find was to relog.

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 05:11
by vallorn
what the bloody hell is "illegal Stance"

i got kicked for that yesterday.

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 06:23
by DuplicateValue
vallorn wrote:what the bloody hell is "illegal Stance"

i got kicked for that yesterday.
Sounds like the game's anti-fight hacking system rearing it's head again.

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 08:48
by nart_21086
me bed spawn puts me in wall, then i end up in hub next to creative entrance

also where are mobs?

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 11:11
by wokka1
nart_21086 wrote:anything we should be focusing on?

Edit: NOTE: Inventory travels to and from Creative, Also my superpick traveled with me, caused button in fyra station to be destroyed, also 2 slabs. Could nt turn off //
I'll look into the inventory plugin. Superpickaxe does that now, its buggy, you have to return to creative to turn it off
nart_21086 wrote:me bed spawn puts me in wall, then i end up in hub next to creative entrance

also where are mobs?
bed spawn seems to be flaky, Notch made changes to it he said, but didn't detail exactly what. Mob spawn is also a bug by notch, if the server view distance is less than default, mobs get affected, I had lowered the distance to try and minimize the chunk issues. I've changed it back to default.

Also, I'm opening up the test server to everyone, so that we can get more people in there to test... please don't build, but you can fool around if you want and see what works, see what doesn't please

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 16:26
by wokka1
Status update on this process. We have almost all plugins working aside from 1 game breaker, our inventory control plugin for creative and such isn't converting inventories properly. We are waiting on a response from the author.

I'll post more as we find things out.

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 20:00
by Kahnmir
looks like maps are incompatible with multi-world, I'm guessing you guys already knew this, but I am wondering if it is possible for plugin that fixes that problem? or perhaps something would have to be changed with multiworld itself?

Other than that I've run into no problems

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 18:30
by wokka1
I've had no maps problems, just inventory issues.

I've updated the test server again, need people to login and test, hopefully ones that haven't already done so. Please do not update if you don't know how to downgrade or have a backup. However, we badly need testers.

Things to pay attention to, where you initially spawn. If its in an odd space (out in the wild) on hub, or where you should have been. The world locations are older, from over a week ago, but you shouldn't be out in the hub wild outlands.

pay attention to your inventory when you spawn, is it what it should be, your inventory data is from yesterday at 6pm server time. If you have played on creative any at all, warp over to it and see if your inventory switches to what you had (or if it was empty), and then warp back to hub and make sure your inventory loads back up properly.

These are the only two things we need to verify to make sure all is ok. Please post feedback (good and bad) please.

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 18:56
by Godavari
When I was last on the server, I was in Creative. I spawned in Hub at the same coordinates, with my inventory full of things I had in Creative. I warped to Creative and my inventory was wiped, and when I came back to Hub I had my Creative inventory back.

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 19:06
by wokka1
Thanks, that is what I was afraid of.

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 21:24
by treyshark
doesnt happen anymore

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 21:26
by SachielOne
No issues with items, but I did spawn in the hub outlands.

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 07:49
by maninahat
Everything was still in my inventory, but I spawned in the middle of nowhere. I started taking damage somehow (no mobs around), so I tried teleporting to /home just before I died. I was teleported to another random location, 100 feet off of the ground, where i fell to my death and lost everything. On respawning back at the old ship, everything seemed to be working. Managed to teleport to my home fine. It was all still there. But after a couple of minutes, I lost connection due to some error or other.

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 07:52
by Cho
This happened to me as well... once I got to the ship, I was fine though. sent you a pm with what I managed to test, wokka - as I'm unable to update the sheet.

Test results:

/home: Works
TNT: Works
Bed respawn: Broken
Death respawn: broken - related to bed I assume, I died and went to default spawn at ship
Chest permissions: Works
Door permissions: Works (at least it gives me notice. I could enter one of youryour protected doors. my chests show protection messages.
Borders: Work

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 10:29
by treyshark
sounds like normal^

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 10:39
by wokka1
Thats not everything, and the initial death isn't good at all, I don't want everyone dying when they connect to 1.6 the first time. We need more people to test.

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 14:13
by wokka1
The initial death thing is being looked into by the plugin author, test server isn't running all plugins right now, but no testing is needed atm.

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 14:18
by Cho
Thanks for the update. I did think that was rather odd... glub, glub... ouch, ouch... *splut*

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 14:28
by Wildwill002
wokka1 wrote: test server isn't running all plugins right now.
Found that out the hard way... I got back to my underground house and it was fine but missing some wood. I then died and went the local town and it was burning down to the ground. Apparently there was some tnt underneath it as it had some craters and anything made of wood was either burning,gone or about to be

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 14:28
by Cho
Hmmm... I tried to test fire and I don't think it was spreading; but the test server went down just after I lit up some stuff. So... it might have already been dying.

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 14:36
by Godavari
Okay, I just tried again and I got the same problem with dying. I spawned in the Hub outlands and started taking random damage. I tried to /spawn and /groupspawn but I couldn't. I also had my inventory from Creative on me. When I died, I spawned in Creative with no inventory. Also, plugins (most notably Falsebook) aren't working.

Hope this helps.

Re: 1.6.6 testing - phase 2

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 14:45
by wokka1
There is currently no need to do further testing, I've submitted an issue report to the bukkit devs to see what the issue is.