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Need City owners!

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 08:50
by michaeld20
My city Corona. was once owned be someone. they left and never came back. i am looking for a long earned community member that i can trust. (so no vallorn, beard, drox, jag, or anyone who will turn into a potential death house)JUst post your resume on this forum and i will PM the leader and subleader. Format below

Rank on server:
How many cities have you worked in/owned?:
Your Vice:

Resume(please Write 3-5 sentences about your time in escapia)

Please and thank you!

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 11:39
by mydrox

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 11:45
by XDelphi
...Why is age required? :lol:

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 11:46
by vallorn
you know me Mike. il take this on. :D

i enjoy a chalenge... :twisted:

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 12:27
by Lord_Mountbatten
Name: Lord_Mountbatten
Age(Required): 110
Rank on server: Op+
How many cities have you worked in/owned?: None
Your Vice: I like to troll.

Resume(please Write 3-5 sentences about your time in escapia)
I will use your city to simulate a meteor strike.

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 12:33
by Hytro
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:Name: Lord_Mountbatten
Age(Required): 110
Rank on server: Op+
How many cities have you worked in/owned?: None
Your Vice: I like to troll.

Resume(please Write 3-5 sentences about your time in escapia)
I will use your city to simulate a meteor strike.
Well, no one can do better than this, so I'm safe to say you have found the new City owner michaeld20

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 16:11
by michaeld20
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:Name: Lord_Mountbatten
Age(Required): 110
Rank on server: Op+
How many cities have you worked in/owned?: None
Your Vice: I like to troll.

Resume(please Write 3-5 sentences about your time in escapia)
I will use your city to simulate a meteor strike.

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 18:07
by Tulonsae
Ummm... If it's your city, why do you need a new owner? If the owner abandoned it, why don't you just be the owner?

Not understanding what you're wanting here....

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 19:08
by michaeld20
Tulonsae wrote:Ummm... If it's your city, why do you need a new owner? If the owner abandoned it, why don't you just be the owner?

Not understanding what you're wanting here....
I run 2 cities right now.... not easy building important projects in one and building basic infrastructure in another

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 22:20
by michaeld20
XDelphi wrote:...Why is age required? :lol:
i dont want a derpy 7 year old running it....

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 23:44
by Furdabip
Age 8: "Pfft, 5 year olds are babies."
Age 13: "Stupid 8 year olds."
Age 16: "13 year olds are so immature."
Age 20: "16 year olds don't know anything!"
Age 40: "What I'd give to be 20 again..."
Age 80: "Hippie 40 year olds! Nothin' but draft dodgers, I tells ya!"

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 04:39
by Tulonsae
michaeld20 wrote:
Tulonsae wrote:Ummm... If it's your city, why do you need a new owner? If the owner abandoned it, why don't you just be the owner?

Not understanding what you're wanting here....
I run 2 cities right now.... not easy building important projects in one and building basic infrastructure in another
So, you're really looking for a builder, then?

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 04:53
by vallorn
Name: Vallorn
Age(Required): 19 years
Rank on server: Royalty
How many cities have you worked in/owned?: 3 that ie left and im running 3 right now
Your Vice: Lava. and TNT :oops:

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 06:44
by XDelphi
michaeld20 wrote:
XDelphi wrote:...Why is age required? :lol:
i dont want a derpy 7 year old running it....
Isn't that what happened before you opened this up? ;)
Besides, it should be based on how they interact, play and talk in server, regardless of their age.


Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 09:34
by Blackadder51
We here at Escapecraft support Equal Opportunity Employment.

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 09:47
by EricSmarties
Name: EricSmarties
Rank on server: vet
How many cities have you worked in/owned?: 1 (draconax i did own it with aro and delphi but i kinda stopped playing so now they forgot me :'( )
Your Vice: smoooooooooooooooooooooooothstone and wood

Resume: 2 months give or take :P

Crossed out a big fat lie ~Delphi

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 11:44
by EricSmarties
EricSmarties wrote:Crossed out a big fat lie ~Delphi
the big fat lie is shown crossed out here :P
EDIT: sriously i did build draconax in ver 2 though :( dont deny it or ill punch you in school tomorow give you a friendly hug :twisted:

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 12:17
by XDelphi
EricSmarties wrote:
EricSmarties wrote:Crossed out a big fat lie ~Delphi
the big fat lie is shown crossed out here :P
EDIT: sriously i did build draconax in ver 2 though :( dont deny it or ill punch you in school tomorow give you a friendly hug :twisted:
Ahem, right.
You didn't build it, you built a house ;)
Anyway, continue with your application ;D

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 12:25
by EricSmarties
XDelphi wrote:
EricSmarties wrote:
EricSmarties wrote:Crossed out a big fat lie ~Delphi
the big fat lie is shown crossed out here :P
EDIT: sriously i did build draconax in ver 2 though :( dont deny it or ill punch you in school tomorow give you a friendly hug :twisted:
Ahem, right.
You didn't build it, you built a house ;)
Anyway, continue with your application ;D
no i built the hq then you denied i ever did and gave my room away to darktaint anyways already got it ;)

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 12:28
by Wildwill002
Delphi changing & denying things that happened in draconax? what a surprise -_-

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 12:28
by XDelphi
Y U lie so much? >_> Q_Q

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 12:32
by EricSmarties
Wildwill002 wrote:Delphi changing & denying things that happened in draconax? what a surprise -_-
more aro actually :\

Re: Need City owners!

Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 13:58
by michaeld20
Can a mod lock this please.
Eric and vallorn got the jobs.