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O hai there.

Posted: 27 Jun 2011, 23:40
by MrWhales
I just thought that everyone should see this:!/notch/statuses/85359141392089088

Just so ya know.

Re: O hai there.

Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 07:51
by SneakyPie

I wonder how long it's going to take to get all the updates for the plugins again.

Re: O hai there.

Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 08:58
by MrWhales
SneakyPie wrote:Sigh.

I wonder how long it's going to take to get all the updates for the plugins again.
Well it is just pistons this time, the adventure stuff is 1.8 now. So maybe less time?

Re: O hai there.

Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 09:27
by Milo_Windby
Knowing Notch it will not just be pistons >.>
Going to be some sort of bug fixes tossed in, random bugs will appear, 1.7_2 and _3 will need to be released after and who knows what else...

Re: O hai there.

Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 10:33
by vallorn
Milo_Windby wrote:Knowing Notch it will not just be pistons >.>
Going to be some sort of bug fixes tossed in, random bugs will appear, 1.7_2 and _3 will need to be released after and who knows what else...
correct. were getting Shears in it too. Jeb posted about it somewhere...

il go find the tweet and edit it in in a bit.

EDIT! found eet!
Oh yeah, I forgot. 1.7 includes new cobblestone and clay brick textures
1.7 will include pistons, shears, redstone->repeater fix and fences on fences. It will not include the new lighting
Minecraft 1.7 will be released on thursday. The adventure update has moved to version 1.8, as @notch wrote in his blog

Re: O hai there.

Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 12:31
by Milo_Windby
Yo dawg, I heard you like fences... so we put fences on top of fences inside a fence for you.

Re: O hai there.

Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 12:36
by warlockseer
And torches can be placed on fences is another thing i heard about.

Re: O hai there.

Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 14:21
by vallorn
and redstone no longer has to be led into repeaters! it angles in like it does with Torches and other stuff now! :)

Re: O hai there.

Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 14:24
by Wildwill002
vallorn wrote:and redstone no longer has to be led into repeaters! it angles in like it does with Torches and other stuff now! :)

I've been waiting for this to happen for AGES!.

I may be off the server when this hits. Redstone testing ETC

Re: O hai there.

Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 16:51
by aflycon
Oh yeah, I forgot. 1.7 includes new cobblestone and clay brick textures
I told you all the cobble looked different.
But no one listened.
And look where we are now.

Re: O hai there.

Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 21:08
by Infesord
aflycon wrote:
Oh yeah, I forgot. 1.7 includes new cobblestone and clay brick textures
I told you all the cobble looked different.
But no one listened.
And look where we are now.
Oh I'm sure everyone listened aflycon. No one cared. lol

OT: Yeah I wonder just how long it will take from release till when we can get our server's plugins updated. 1.5 to 1.6.6 was I think the longest one in terms of time gone by when the patch was released and when we got a stable working version for our server and its needs.

Re: O hai there.

Posted: 29 Jun 2011, 02:31
by vallorn
Infesord wrote:
aflycon wrote:
Oh yeah, I forgot. 1.7 includes new cobblestone and clay brick textures
I told you all the cobble looked different.
But no one listened.
And look where we are now.
Oh I'm sure everyone listened aflycon. No one cared. lol

OT: Yeah I wonder just how long it will take from release till when we can get our server's plugins updated. 1.5 to 1.6.6 was I think the longest one in terms of time gone by when the patch was released and when we got a stable working version for our server and its needs.
well at least the Mentor and Mod teams get a break from newbies.