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City Cuboids

Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 15:11
by wokka1
Announcing City cuboids, do you have a city that keeps getting griefed? Would you like to offer your citizens free cuboids? This is the deal for you.

Minimum size of a city is 3 residents, if you don't have that, you really don't have a city. We will charge 1 diamondblock (db) per resident, up to a max of 10 (so 10 and over, still only costs 10 db). The mod doing the cuboid will examine the town, so if you say you only have 3 residents, and we see 20 buildings up, with 10 different names on them, you'll get the 10db cost. Lying to a mod about it will get you banned.

The city cuboid also comes with a hospital if you choose to want it, we'll need a 17x17 plot, and to get that, send a PM to wokka. The mods cannot place a hospital.

Your city will need to have clearly defined borders, we prefer walls. If you are nearby someone elsees house and its not square, we may not be able to cuboid the whole city, or maybe will have to do multiple cuboids (no extra fee), but try to have a square setup for us, it makes it much easier.

For the resident plots, you determine through your city rules if they can go down to bedrock, down 10 blocks, etc, also building restrictions on how high. We'll set their cuboids up accordingly. Cuboid names will be in the format of CityName_PlayerName. The city cuboid will come with the standard settings, creeper deny, vehicle use, etc. That inherits down to the player cuboids inside. Also, owners of the town that are on the city cuboid will also inherit down, we cannot change this behavior. Your city rules should show that a city owner can change indivduals plots as needed.

If 10db is too clostly for your big city, take up donations or charge your residents a fee to cover it. Protecting your city with a cuboid will help you and your residents with fighting griefing, and it will also keep your residents from building outside of their plot. Resizing or expanding your city cuboid will be handled on a case-by-case basis, up to the mod on how much work it will be to redefine your cuboid, they may charge you for this. So please ask.

So, in summary:

3 Residents = 3 db
8 Residents = 8 db
10 Residents = 10 db
30 Residents = 10 db
2 Residents = no city cuboid

Let me know if you have any questions.

Spoiler! :
And in the case we buy with real world money, what would the rate be?
Go see our donation page, we have a city cuboid price up:
Could you do it with gold blocks as well?
Obviously 5x more but still.
Yes, 5x more, but we can work that out.
Not to be "that guy", but.. if the town is mod-owned?
Mods are not charged for cuboids. It's a perk of the job.

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 15:16
by michaeld20
And in the case we buy with real world money, what would the rate be?

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 15:26
by Aenir_bEPU
Could you do it with gold blocks as well?
Obviously 5x more but still.

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 16:05
by aflycon
Not to be "that guy", but.. if the town is mod-owned?

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 17:30
by vallorn
aw god why did it have to cost this much... now i have to ask my residents in MagmaVale for Diamond Blocks... :(

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 17:50
by wokka1
michaeld20 wrote:And in the case we buy with real world money, what would the rate be?
Mike, since you haven't donated, why are you asking this? If someone wants to donate real world cash in place of db's, please send me a PM and I'll quote you.
Aenir_bEPU wrote:Could you do it with gold blocks as well?
Obviously 5x more but still.
Yes, 5x more, but we can work that out.
aflycon wrote:Not to be "that guy", but.. if the town is mod-owned?
Mods are not charged for cuboids. It's a perk of the job.

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 17:56
by aflycon
wokka1 wrote:
aflycon wrote:Not to be "that guy", but.. if the town is mod-owned?
Mods are not charged for cuboids. It's a perk of the job.
:D Sweeeet.

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 18:58
by derigin
Tulon and I were considering doing this for Beorn, if not just a part of Beorn, given how prone it is for easy and fast travel to it. Though either way it would be significant. The town itself, not including Tulon's district of it, now has almost 70 houses.

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 19:37
by mel_danes
Can my citizens use their veteran cuboids to contribute? I don't know if the value of a cuboid translates over.

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 19:37
by aflycon
derigin wrote:Tulon and I were considering doing this for Beorn, if not just a part of Beorn, given how prone it is for easy and fast travel to it. Though either way it would be significant. The town itself, not including Tulon's district of it, now has almost 70 houses.
Dunno if this is possible, but just an idea: Next time the server goes down for some long maintenance (the kind where wokka is online, no one else), maybe you could get on as well and make some headway on the parent and child cuboids?

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 21:27
by Aenir_bEPU
derigin wrote:Tulon and I were considering doing this for Beorn, if not just a part of Beorn, given how prone it is for easy and fast travel to it. Though either way it would be significant. The town itself, not including Tulon's district of it, now has almost 70 houses.
How does this work if we already have our houses cuboided?

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 22:06
by derigin
Aenir_bEPU wrote:
derigin wrote:Tulon and I were considering doing this for Beorn, if not just a part of Beorn, given how prone it is for easy and fast travel to it. Though either way it would be significant. The town itself, not including Tulon's district of it, now has almost 70 houses.
How does this work if we already have our houses cuboided?
Your cuboid would remain independent.

Imagine a city cuboid as a block of swiss cheese, where the holes represent plot cuboids. While the holes are a part of the greater whole, in the sense that the cheese surrounds the holes, the holes are not the cheese.

You would retain full rights over your cuboid as you always have, Aenir. It would just mean that everything that surrounds your cuboid would be part of a city cuboid, sans the other plots of other users.

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 17:37
What happens if you already have a cuboid on your city? Is it a "tough luck mate" thing? or, is there some sort of discount or whatever to get the city cuboid?

Oh, and I got this cuboid BEFORE the "city cuboid" was introduced? I actually have 3 cuboids protecting my entire city.

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 16 Jul 2011, 00:49
by wokka1
If you want me to look at existing cuboids as a discount, catch me in game and I'll look things over.

Using a vet cuboid to get a discount is not an option, sorry.

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 16 Jul 2011, 04:53
by Sti_Jo_Lew
derigin wrote: Your cuboid would remain independent.

Imagine a city cuboid as a block of swiss cheese, where the holes represent plot cuboids. While the holes are a part of the greater whole, in the sense that the cheese surrounds the holes, the holes are not the cheese.

You would retain full rights over your cuboid as you always have, Aenir. It would just mean that everything that surrounds your cuboid would be part of a city cuboid, sans the other plots of other users.
That was a beautiful analogy!

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 03:54
by petitfilous
so do vet cuboids count for city ones?

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 04:14
by Aenir_bEPU
petitfilous wrote:so do vet cuboids count for city ones?
wokka1 wrote:If you want me to look at existing cuboids as a discount, catch me in game and I'll look things over.

Using a vet cuboid to get a discount is not an option, sorry.
It's only two posts above yours -_-

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 01 Aug 2012, 03:15
by Hytro
Necroing this thread, because some people seems to be confused about the prices for the city cuboids.
After someone asked about the prices for a city cuboid, and some people had their own opinions about what the prices was, I thought it was just better to do this so people can't argue about it.

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 30 Oct 2013, 10:16
by sgtwisky
I know that some people setup "sub" cuboids like the swiss cheese analogy but what is the advantage to that? I always just add players to the "City" and everyone can help edit everything. Though I make sure I dont invite people that are a grief threat ether.

P.S. (I help resurect threads... im good at it)

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 30 Oct 2013, 10:59
by Invunarble
This thread... TOO MANY NECROS

Re: City Cuboids

Posted: 30 Oct 2013, 11:05
by sgtwisky
welcome to the necro team invun.