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Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 28 Jul 2011, 03:21
by Aenir_bEPU
So I watched the Middleearth recreation those guys made, and was simply amazed. I know we have IC, but I remember someone once mentioning building Ponyville before, but I don't think anything came of that.

So I figured, heck, why not create all of known Equestria 1:1?

I am absolutely terrible with starting things and seeing them through; most of the time I come up with crazy ideas, but I never act on them; some, I may start to work towards, but stop very early on. Very rarely are the times that I will come up with some crazy idea, and actually see it through to completion.

Now this is more of a "Let's generate ideas and gauge interest" thread than anything. I really don't have any idea how/where to do this, or whether there's even enough interest, drive, and resolve to see this through; especially with IC.

I threw up a poll too.

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 28 Jul 2011, 03:33
by Milo_Windby
Found something you might like then. ... 3a84na.jpg

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 28 Jul 2011, 13:17
by Aenir_bEPU
Wow, that'd be really helpful if this actually happens.

I was expecting more comments; a vote with feedback is infinitely more useful than just a vote.

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 28 Jul 2011, 13:21
by Lord_Mountbatten
Feedback? I'd rather not we become "that server with the bronies".

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 28 Jul 2011, 13:23
by Aenir_bEPU
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:Feedback? I'd rather not we become "that server with the bronies".
See! Feedback!

Even this kind of thing is more useful than nothing, because this is a valid concern people may have.

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 28 Jul 2011, 13:25
by Tulonsae
I'd rather focus our creative talents on any of the many, many projects we already have going.

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 28 Jul 2011, 13:45
by SachielOne
Please, by all means, build this. I haven't had anything to fire the Ion Cannon at for a while.

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 28 Jul 2011, 13:53
by Milo_Windby
Another suggestion would be Single Player + Single Player Commands + Flat Grass Map ;3

If you don't build it on the server then you can still make it in single player and upload as a save file for people to see.

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 28 Jul 2011, 23:54
by michaeld20
im in.

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 07:49
by Pinmissile
I really don't see the need for it, seeing at there's already three servers recreating Equestria.

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 07:51
by Hytro
Pinmissile wrote:I really don't see the need for it, seeing at there's already three servers recreating Equestria.
Escapecraft, the forth server... naaa, lets just go and cover it all in netherrack and cacti :twisted:

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 08:07
by vallorn
Hytro wrote:
Pinmissile wrote:I really don't see the need for it, seeing at there's already three servers recreating Equestria.
Escapecraft, the forth server... naaa, lets just go and cover it all in netherrack and cacti :twisted:
oh yeah by the way your tower in the Mentor Resort breaches my "Make it look good" rule. change it ;)

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 15:23
by Hytro
vallorn wrote:
Hytro wrote:
Pinmissile wrote:I really don't see the need for it, seeing at there's already three servers recreating Equestria.
Escapecraft, the forth server... naaa, lets just go and cover it all in netherrack and cacti :twisted:
oh yeah by the way your tower in the Mentor Resort breaches my "Make it look good" rule. change it ;)
But but but... okay then -.- I just grabbed some netherrack and souls sand and just smashed it together and TADAAAA... I'll change it :P

But first I must plan my new cacti farm -.-'

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 29 Jul 2011, 15:34
by Aenir_bEPU
Hytro wrote:
vallorn wrote: oh yeah by the way your tower in the Mentor Resort breaches my "Make it look good" rule. change it ;)
But but but... okay then -.- I just grabbed some netherrack and souls sand and just smashed it together and TADAAAA... I'll change it :P

But first I must plan my new cacti farm -.-'
Doesn't belong in this thread.

Regardless, doesn't look like anything is happening in here anyway.

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 31 Jul 2011, 20:00
by MrWhales
Whale-brony :D If I could possibly help I could. But alas, I am busy with others things. Oh and Lord, we are a server with bronies...

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 01 Aug 2011, 18:40
by Lord_Mountbatten
Yeah, but not everyone knows that, and the more popular something gets, the more bitter hatred of that thing becomes.

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 13 Aug 2011, 06:15
by petitfilous
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:Feedback? I'd rather not we become "that server with the bronies".
Sorry this just bugs me this statement, isn't this server welcome to all and discrimination out of the picture?

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 13 Aug 2011, 08:26
by Lord_Mountbatten
petitfilous wrote:Sorry this just bugs me this statement, isn't this server welcome to all and discrimination out of the picture?
Well of course it is, but I'm not going to let my irritation at the more rabid members of fanbases be smothered.

I'm not in charge of the server and so what I said isn't server policy. You seem to have misinterpreted it as a command. I believe I am more than entitled to my own opinion on the matter, especially as Aenir specifically requested feedback such as mine.

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 13 Aug 2011, 10:12
by Aenir_bEPU
It was a valid concern. Not everyone on the server is a brony and they might not want this beloved server to be seen by outsiders as he said "that server with the bronies".

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 13 Aug 2011, 10:24
by DuplicateValue
Yeah, hence the crackdown a while back - it's fine as long as it's not bothering other people (which on that scale, it was). Everything's better in moderation. :)

It'd be the same if it was any other fandom.

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 13 Aug 2011, 15:55
by SachielOne
The problem with bronies is a similar problem to the one with furries: Many of them just don't realize that they are creeping the rest of is the heck out. When the pony stuff starts showing up in EVERY thread, it really irritates those of us who are trying to have a serious conversation.

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 13 Aug 2011, 16:06
by aflycon
SachielOne wrote:The problem with bronies is a similar problem to the one with furries: Many of them just don't realize that they are creeping the rest of is the heck out. When the pony stuff starts showing up in EVERY thread, it really irritates those of us who are trying to have a serious conversation.
I was just about to say, "At least we aren't 'The Server With the Furries'."

That wouldn't be fun. ._.

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 13 Aug 2011, 16:24
by Wildwill002
aflycon wrote:
SachielOne wrote:The problem with bronies is a similar problem to the one with furries: Many of them just don't realize that they are creeping the rest of is the heck out. When the pony stuff starts showing up in EVERY thread, it really irritates those of us who are trying to have a serious conversation.
I was just about to say, "At least we aren't 'The Server With the Furries'."

That wouldn't be fun. ._.
Have you met milo? :3

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 13 Aug 2011, 16:24
by Milo_Windby
I would say I am a Semi-Furry... which is to say I do like furry but would never see myself go to a fur-con or dress up in a fur suit. (Cat ears and a tail though... I already own >=3) But its also something I don't flaunt around either. I like it and enjoy it but know others don't.

This has been a random post about stuff.

Re: Equestria 1:1 Scale Recreation Anyone?

Posted: 13 Aug 2011, 16:25
by aflycon
I wouldn't call Milo a furry.

EDIT: Well I see you beat me to it, Milo. ._.