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My Own Dodgit Arena :P

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 00:51
by xidontcarex
So as some of you might know, the past few days ive been working on a dodgit arena *glares at Iron_Fang*
Idea Taken from the original Yog-Olimpics posted by Yogscast o.o
heres the original Video

And since watching that video i find it very interesting so i built one of my own
It does have some slight differences, but overall is the same concept
The main difference is the entryway, since this was made above ground, its much bigger than the 1 seen in the video
Secondly, my entrance has no trollface :( which im really sad about... might make 1 of my own eventually o.o if i find the space
Third, my arena has 6 rows rather than five, adds more to the experience and excitment :P

In the attachments are some of the pictures that were taken of my completed project :)

The game itself is fun and entertaining, and addicting... SADLY, if the server has been on for too long... the pistons DO lagg and the gameplay gets kind of ruin, but it still functions properly,

Best time to play? RIGHT after a server restart, absolutely no lagg, runs super smoothly, <3 THIS ARENA!

So what do u think? :P

Re: My Own Dodgit Arena :P

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 00:58
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Very nice. Might have to play a round or two. Hopefully the "Big wipe" will fix some of the lag issues.

Re: My Own Dodgit Arena :P

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 01:12
by xidontcarex
Thanks, and it would be so awesome if the lagg issue gets fixed :P these are the kind of lagg where u will never notice it in regular gaming but when u have some complicated piston/redstone/minecart related stuff you can obviously tell that theres an issue XP

well, still playable,

not gonna show any pictures of the inner parts, as the wiring is soo confusing even i dont understand it fully XP
it was hard work :P but it was definitely worth it :)

Re: My Own Dodgit Arena :P

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 01:40
by Iron_Fang
It would be cool to get it copied over to fyra :D
Also ...... EPIC

Re: My Own Dodgit Arena :P

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 04:36
by Milo_Windby
Youtube Link Hint: Stop using the whole URL!

Re: My Own Dodgit Arena :P

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 08:27
by xidontcarex
My bad Milo, never posted a video on here before :P me know now lol