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Skylands update

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 11:04
by wokka1
After the big flush, VIP lost the ability to use the Magic Carpet in skylands, and I'm sorry about that, I have not come up with a way to enable this again. We'll have to build some bridges over there.

Please build nice looking bridges, if you don't know how to do this, ask for help. No dirt or cobble bridges please.

Also, anyone can go into Sky now, however, only VIP can build there. I'd like all players to be able to see what is available there.

Re: Skylands update

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 12:57
by Aenir_bEPU
Sounds good!

Re: Skylands update

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 15:33
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Ok that's good. Now I don't have to worry about my project getting greifed to hell and back by newbies. Doubt there's too many VIP greifers.

Re: Skylands update

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 16:37
by SachielOne
People tend not to mess up the place when they've spent money on it.

Re: Skylands update

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 00:28
by xidontcarex
aiyaaa, bridges? lol some of the floating islands are pretty far away >.< those are gonna be some LONG bridges!

Re: Skylands update

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 11:49
by Sti_Jo_Lew
I could make building bridges in Skylands my top priority. I'll make 'em out of smooth and planks.

Re: Skylands update

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 13:08
by Hytro
Don't think you should make it your priority, as many might not like your type of bridges ;)
Make the Bridges you need, and make them nice looking ;)

Re: Skylands update

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 14:04
by xidontcarex
we should like totally make this an event XP bridge building in skyland, limited to 1 bridge between each island, best looking bridge wins uhhhhh idk XP diamonds?(not anything more since its gonna be a vip only event) the judges can be all non vip, as they do get to spectate now :P

Re: Skylands update

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 14:08
by 697134002
what's XP bridge building, and what are XP diamonds?

Re: Skylands update

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 14:09
by Aenir_bEPU
697134002 wrote:what's XP bridge building, and what are XP diamonds?
It's a smiley face, like xD

Re: Skylands update

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 14:16
by 697134002
I don't text.

Re: Skylands update

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 14:19
by Aenir_bEPU
Neither do I.

I do, however, use the internet.

Re: Skylands update

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 15:10
by xidontcarex
siigh, i like how i propose an idea but instead of agreeing/disagreeing we talking about emoticons >.<

Re: Skylands update

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 21:11
by Tulonsae
For the far away places, perhaps we need a rail system?

Not sure about the bridge judging thing.

Re: Skylands update

Posted: 30 Aug 2011, 10:05
by donkypoink
xidontcarex wrote:siigh, i like how i propose an idea but instead of agreeing/disagreeing we talking about emoticons >.<
poor kid :P

Re: Skylands update

Posted: 31 Aug 2011, 13:57
by MrWhales
Please don't Tulon, Just let the people build the bridge they need and make them make it look good. We have enough slightly broken rail systems. Or ones that need refilling. Or ones that are being "built".
