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Mob trap worker wanted.

Posted: 11 Oct 2011, 20:05
by Dnlvickers5
I have recently in need of another employee for my mob tower. After enderman-proofing it, I am happy to say it is operational and is open for people to use again. I basically want someone to go out and collect items for me. Then collect the payment from them for the items you collect and cut me in on the profit. You can name your own price on the items you sell. Then you will deposit your earnings in a chest and take 30% for myself leaving you with the rest. So I am paying you to stand there and sell what you get. If you are interested please respond in this post and I will get back to you later in the week about who gets the job.
A side note is that you may want VIP because you will probably want /home to get out there.
-Thank you for your time.

Edit-When leaving your submission for the job please state the following information.
-In-game Name
-Status ex.Veteran, Royalty, etc.
-How much you would aproximate selling 1 stack of sulfur for (in measurements of iron, gold, or diamonds)

Edit- Well congrats to Sag. Next time you are in-game, please send me a PM and I will take you to the tower and give you instructions.

Re: Mob trap worker wanted.

Posted: 11 Oct 2011, 20:35
by XxGhOsTxReCoNxX
I'm up for the job.
Name: XxGhOsTxReConxX
Status: Mentor, Vet, will be donating for royalty soon.
Aproximate selling for 1 stack of sulfur: Iron: 10. Gold: 16. Diamond: I wouldn't buy it for diamond, but if I did, 1.

Re: Mob trap worker wanted.

Posted: 11 Oct 2011, 21:37
by aflycon

Ghost, you could get between 10 and 20 stacks of sulphur for 10 iron ingots.

Re: Mob trap worker wanted.

Posted: 12 Oct 2011, 01:14
by xidontcarex
lol yea, i sell TNT at 2diamonds per stack, which is about 1diamond per 5stacks of gunpowder( a little more)

no chance of stealing business from me lol o.o

Re: Mob trap worker wanted.

Posted: 12 Oct 2011, 19:36
by dridrino
Name: dridrino
Status:Vet, might be getting royalty when some time clears up
Aproximate selling for 1 stack of sulfur: Iron: 10. Gold: 15. Diamond: 1

when im on the server, im often bored, for i have nothing to do.. therefore id be happy to do the job!

Re: Mob trap worker wanted.

Posted: 14 Oct 2011, 15:45
by sag185
Name: Sag185
Status:Vet, Mentor, artisan donation.
Aproximate selling for 1 stack of sulfur: Iron: 2. Gold: 4. Diamond: 0.1 (need ten stacks for one diamond)

Re: Mob trap worker wanted.

Posted: 14 Oct 2011, 17:07
by dridrino
I havent played in a while, so i did not know sulphur went down so much... so new price: 5iron 8gold 1diamond/5stacks 2/15