[ESCAPECRAFT 3 ENTRIES] (cheese and terrible writing warning)
Spoiler! :
Day 1: i found my self crashed on an island with many other survivors. ruins scatter about the place and its of no doubt someone was already here. everywhere i look i see chaos, catastrophe and i cant help but wonder...what happened?
Day 2: i was out exploring with Volstag today as we came across yet another ruin site with a new twist. A black rock, i later discovered to be Obsidian, scattered about the destroyed area. Vol had to travel back but i pressed on discovering another ruin site within the harsh desert that seemed like it used to be a city and another which i call my resting stop for the night...all contain chaos and i've started hearing strange noises...what the hell is going on?
Day 3: A day of disappointment. we defeated monsters and even found a dungeon only to discover it was empty. what a cheap shot. Wasn't a very exciting day but i did finish my house and thats something.
Day 4: More ruins and not much to say...they seem to get bigger and one even went underground. I keep hearing these...voices i think near the sites...and in my sleep. All in all its a big headache.
Day 5: I came back home to realize someone had blocked off the path to my house and built on my land. needless to say i was angry but i guess thats what ive come to expect from some of these people.
Day 8: Im losing track of days but i've accomplished some great things. I've Started construction on a new home, I even passed a new name for new volstag. The new town name is now Shafiri (Sha-fee-ree) since we couldn't decide between shymaen and afiri i resolved it. Ive also made a new friend. His name is Criken and he's pretty hardcore! We go out and battle the great forces of the mobs at night by the front gate and its a blast. He wasted a lot of creatures and ive gotta say Im glad he's on my side. Well its late and i better go. I need plenty of rest for the next day.
Day 9: Im now officially one of the people in charge of the ever advancing city of Saphiri (yes the name changed again). I think the voices are gone for now and i feel pretty content or happy...i cant tell. Wither way im surrounded by friends who i know will protect me and last forever. This is Mix signing off...good night.
Day 10: More construction was done on the new section of Saphiri. We are building a grand wooden church to honor the spirits of the lost. Besides that not much happened today. Well i did make a secret base in Saphiri but no one will ever find it heh. We also got in a fight with a town leader Byroe. He claimed he controlled Saphiri even though this was Volstag's town. After not winning the debate he abruptly cleared his home and left. Oh well i guess.
Day: 11 Today has been crazy...They DID find my secret hideout which sucks and proves i'm not good at hiding stuff heheh. Anyways I put up and claimed land for the Tree Of New Hope which will grow into the biggest in Escapian history. We also put up a general store which will prove very useful in exchanges. Some bad new today...i was trying out the new "Arena" and i was promptly burned in the entrance room. Thanks iLOLZ (I HATE YOU, YA OWE ME A NEW DIAMOND SWORD) but anyways we had alot of fun today needless to say. Byroe is back and theres no more second in command people theres just Volstag and he controls Saphiri and all of the New Volstag nation. HUZZAH!
Day:12 It was all a blur. Water splashed on my face as i woke up. This is a short journal entry because i think it is all just a dream anyways. Im going to go and explore at least until i wake up. My friends are here too which i find a little weird. We can do whatever we want which is great but i want to wake up and get back to life. It all feels real and i'm wondering if it has something to do with the ruins i've visited like they have infected me. I cant wake up and honestly im a little frightened. Oh well, its all just a dream...I hope.
Day:14 Ive skipped a couple days because i have been really busy working on my contest entry or the new embassy design. The winner will have his or her design used across the world. I think itd be awesome to have my design win the contest. I finished to night and now im exaughisted. Im probably going to make a bath tomorrow...heheh i havnt had a bath in so long. Oh well remembering the little things. Im tired so im ending my journal entry here. Goodnight.
Day:19FINALLY ITS DONE! MY GRAND CRIKEN ARENA IS FINISHED. Whew...im glad i got all of that out. Its been another tough week of work. Perfecting a town arena is hard work for just one person but im really proud of the outcome. Im gonna go wonder about the arena now and look over a few parts. G'night!
Day:22 Honestly im tired of the people and the work. Im tired of the cluttered towns. Thats Why Luke and I have set out on a journey to make our OWN secret village. Away from those people, from society. For fresh resources and new lands. Im actually excited for the first time in a while. We only brought three things from our old lives. A bucket, a pickaxe, and my very own journal. We set up camp tonight on an island marked with a W. I can hear mobs on the surrounding lands. I just hope they dont find us.
Day: 25 I spent today in bed thinking about the past. Honestly i miss my old home, I miss skytown but i have to get over that. Its obvious we are not going back since people love it here. There are plenty of resources and other things we need. Honestly i cant argue with them. They have a point and the old land was low on the things we needed to thrive and live normal lives. I guess you cant really call our new lives normal though. with the ruins, the noises, the creatures, and the people this place is filled with excitement. Farewell skytown ill miss you.
Day: 46 I finally found my journal in my mineshaft! Its great to get back to writing and theres so much to write about now. The revolution, the expanding country, saphiri growing, and even the new people i've met along the way. Im writing this from my new bed which is WAY comfier than the last one. I close tonight as tired as ever. Im hearing noises outside my door. Its probably just a sheep or something. night.
Day: ??? I forgot I even had this thing. Honestly i've lost track of the days. Saphiri is a ghost town, the USSR is shrinking and falling, and CUT still grows stronger. Nothing's very fun anymore, mostly just "business as usual". I'm sorry to say this, but this will be my final entry. I will be boarding the first boat from escapia as of today, and I have many of my things packed already. Can you really blame me? I'm shamed by the war my incompetent half misjudgingly decided to wage, practically all of my old friends from Escapia 2 have vanished, every time I come back its nothing but fresh faces, and there's really no reason for me to stay anymore. I bid farewell to all of my friends, old and new, who find this book. Farewell Escapia..
Day 1 I returned a week ago. Deciding it was best to keep a journal of how this land has progressed during my absence. Arriving in a large circular town I set out west becoming one of many witnesses to countless breathtaking sights along my travels. The railway took me on my own automated tour of this land, "Tina". I have returned my friends. I wish to see you all again, soon.
Day 2 I met with an old friend today. He showed me around his estate on "Tina". It was overwhelming, and time itself seemed to slow whenever I would enter its vicinity. It was a short visit, and he gave me some food before sending me on my way. Almost immediately after leaving the area I came across what would seem to be an abandoned castle. Upon closer inspection, it was a large set of four walls that towered in some locations. I would need to find a way in.
Day 4 Since my last entry I have taken shelter inside one of the castles towers. This place lacks life, or any kind of human movement/interaction within its walls. I would hate to see such a beautiful thing go to such a waste at the same time. As previously stated, the estate seems abandoned. Maybe I could commandeer it from my tower, refurbish it, and turn it into a new community just like my homeland of the USSR; Saphiri. Of course calling it "New Saphiri" would be a tad bland. What could I call my new home...
Day 11 A few new friends had met me in the tower and wished to join my cause. Their help has been invaluable over this past week. With three extra hands I have managed to accomplish much more work. We're managing a farm, a stable, carved out a large underground mineshaft, and even fixed the landscape within the castle up a bit to be more manageable. I still have yet to think of a name, but once the basic terraforming is finished, I am prepared to hang four flags, one for each tower, high and proud. All around will see the green and white checks and know that the USSR has returned. That I have returned. All hail the republik.
Day 13 Shailay Keep. The site of the rebirth of the USSR. A place of utmost destiny.
Day 15 The keep is coming along very well. A fourth of the town is low land while the rest is high. Twenty-three meters high to be exact. I can begin recruiting new members into the USSR today. Hopefully we hook a few into our glorious republik. Long live the USSR.
Day 19 Monsters attempt to seige our walls, but are no match for our defenses. The castle looks amazing now. I'm a part of a very fun project. We've had multiple people come by and compliment us on the work we've done so far. Regarding the USSR, we are delaying recruitment until we have finished most of our construction. When it comes down to it, I feel a nice and large republik sign, that also glows green, will light up our front gate. Shailay is meant for greatness. I just know it.
Last edited by Mixizm on 19 Aug 2014, 14:46, edited 36 times in total.
well, at least's its something. I personally like it, but there is a problem with some residents and lag as in it takes a very long time for the block to spawn. but hey, it works alright.
USSR. United. Soviet. Saphirian. Republiks. That's how you spell it.
Mixizm wrote:Sorry but it kinda sucks...a little tip: try making it bigger than one block it takes forever and half the time the cobble gets destroyed by the lava.
it is impossible to make it more than one block on one side, and it's not how it was before, but that is just too confusing, so it works as good as it can. i also lost my only bucket so...
Like the new entry and how it addresses the test server. I haven't been on it though. I've been focusing on building my castle, but what's the point if it's all the progress on the test server gonna get erased anyways.
Hah hah! Skunk, instead make the new island you sailed to be an alternate reality of the LIVE server. That could be interesting. Then when LIVE comes back you could escape.
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Hah hah! Skunk, instead make the new island you sailed to be an alternate reality of the LIVE server. That could be interesting. Then when LIVE comes back you could escape.
Good thinking!
Er, I mean, I came up with that all on my own... *Nervous Laugh*
lol, but thanks for the idea, I'll put it in.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11
haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.
This is really cool! Nice writing, Mixizm! I never knew my entrance to the arena burned you and your diamond sword, lol. I might start one of these soon, too. I really can't remember what happened before I build my house, so that might be a problem :3