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What ive bin up to

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 12:38
by donkypoink
Hi all, some of you may have never seen me online, others haven't seen me online in a long time... Just to let you know i haven't forgotten about this server i have posted some videos of why im not online on escapecraft anymore and what i have bin up to,i hope you will enjoy.

So, My brother(firesofhades) and i have started our own dedicated server a couple of months ago with the ultimate goal of releasing a mmo adventure map with a unique minecraft gameplay. The first video i will show you shows our spawn hub (Wich is stil in progress) And the city i made on this server (The city of darkend) located in terra/ver3

The second video shows the startersvillage of our current costum adventuremap wich isnt our mmo map but our coop adventure map (playable by 1-3 players) containing an extended dungeon realm with a full background story(This is our current project wich takes up most of our time on minecraft)

I hope some of you will remember me or my city.

Kind regards


Re: What ive bin up to

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 12:42
by Milo_Windby
You don't use the full url... just the last part with the letters and numbers.

Example: (I swear I do this every frigging time)
What you need is the part after the =
Place that in the youtube thing [youtube)hHhE9_y76hw(/youtube] {Except it needs to be ][ and not )(}

Re: What ive bin up to

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 12:48
by donkypoink
yeah i already fixed it, i remembered i had another post here with a video so i cheated by looking how i did that back then :P thanx anyway :)