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Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 13 Dec 2011, 16:39
by Lord_Mountbatten

I finally got coaxed out of retirement with promises that on retrospect probably won't live up to any kind of expectation I desire.

However, I shall be conducting a one-off Christmas-themed Shindig. It shall not be on Christmas itself, because I want to enjoy time away from here then. It shall be however, on Friday the 23rd, 9pm GMT (I leave everyone to guess what time it will be for them, because I think that will be funny).

As before, the Shindig shall be hosted on our Ventrilo server, the details to which can be found here.

As per my custom, the Shindig will probably last around a timeframe of 5-6 hours, which means if you don't think you can make it to the starting time, you may still have time to appear later on.

And of course for the people who are only going to be there for the pre-recordings (I know I am), they will of course be put up in the list.

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 13 Dec 2011, 16:44
by Milo_Windby
I am very excited for this and feel jovial =D

I will be there for sure.

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 13 Dec 2011, 16:52
by Wildwill002

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 13 Dec 2011, 16:57
by Iron_Fang
O_O omgyayayayayay I was gunna ask you about a Christmas shindig soon aswell :D best get some requests for it then!

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 13 Dec 2011, 17:04
by Wildwill002
Could i request this for no other reason than it reminds me of christmas because thats when i heard it first and it has snow at the start?

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 13 Dec 2011, 22:37
by Aenir_bEPU

Must find requests!

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 13 Dec 2011, 23:16
by givemeabreak432
Oh hell yeah!

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 13 Dec 2011, 23:23
by jonnybo72

Dont stop me now by queen

cause we dont wanna stop or something cheesy like that

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 14 Dec 2011, 06:05
by Hytro
Yey, I get Shindig on my birthday :D I will take this as my birthday shindig, no matter what anyone says! Me, not Christmas muhahahah!!! I just stole Christmas!

I will request this:

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 14 Dec 2011, 06:13
by vallorn

also play this please.

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 14 Dec 2011, 08:10
by Blackadder51

Very Excitied.

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 14 Dec 2011, 13:11
by Wildwill002
Blackadder51 wrote::O

Very Excitied.

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 14 Dec 2011, 15:21
by Spyboticsguy

Your plans have been foiled.

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 14 Dec 2011, 16:18
by The Bum
My requests

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 14 Dec 2011, 18:07
by 697134002
The Bum wrote:

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 14 Dec 2011, 23:29
by Skunk_Giant
Yeeeeeeeeeeah! :D

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 17 Dec 2011, 11:23
by Tehbeard

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 19 Dec 2011, 14:43
by Lord_Mountbatten
Oh yeah, because of things involving other things, the Shindig will be delayed by an hour. It may run on longer than that, in which case I shall not beg anyone's forgiveness at all.

In essence:


Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 12:48
by Darktaint
have some light reading on lord mountbatman. (this is from a cracked article i found)
( ... n-war.html)
Spoiler! :
On one morning in 1942, the British Lord Louis Mountbatten up and decided to invade France. Normally an easy task for anyone to accomplish, this time there were a few key differences. One, this was in the middle of World War II, so France was being occupied by the Nazis. And two, he did it without bothering to tell anyone on his side.

He literally launched an invasion and didn't bother to let his superiors or just about any of the Allied command know what he was about to do. He ordered thousands of Canadian, British and American troops to capture the French coastal town of Dieppe and create a beachhead. What could honestly go wrong with this?

The Screw-Up:
Since Mountbatten didn't bother to tell anyone about his plans, the force was sent in lacking many things a normal invasion force would have, such as proper resources, intelligence and also the backing of the British Home Command. Generally speaking, half-assed attacks without any support never really end well, and the Dieppe Raid was no exception.

To start things off, Mountbatten's "plan" relied heavily on surprise, of which the British had none since SPOILER ALERT: the Germans knew they were coming.
From the moment the troops hit the beaches, the whole operation was screwed. Mountbatten had set his "plans" up like dominoes; if one thing went wrong, everything else failed. Sure enough, mere minutes after leaving for the beaches, boats began to get disoriented in the early morning darkness. When the Allied troops hit the beaches, all hell broke loose.

They suffered a mind-blowing 73 percent loss rate. A whopping 100 percent of the equipment (tanks, jeeps, etc.) that landed on the beach was lost. After several hours of fighting, what was left of the Allied troops ran back for the boats in the most unorganized retreat imaginable, leaving the Nazis with a huge victory, and left Mountbatten as pretty much the most hated military figure in Canada.

But It Turned Out ...
It's comforting to know that your disastrous failure could at least show somebody smarter than you how to succeed. That's exactly what happened here -- that clusterfuck of an invasion attempt gave the Allies precious info on how to handle an amphibious invasion in the future, particularly on D-Day.

They now knew they'd need a large artillery barrage beforehand, paratroopers to land behind enemy lines and a far more flexible plan to account for conditions on the shore. It even led to the creation of a special tank just for D-Day, after every tank that landed at Dieppe was destroyed.
After the war, many military commanders remarked at the importance of the Dieppe invasion toward the victory at D-Day, with Winston Churchill himself saying that Dieppe was "an indispensable preliminary to full-scale operations."

But the most important lesson was never put this man in charge.

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 15:01
by The Bum
Darktaint wrote:have some light reading on lord mountbatman. (this is from a cracked article i found)
( ... n-war.html)
Spoiler! :
On one morning in 1942, the British Lord Louis Mountbatten up and decided to invade France. Normally an easy task for anyone to accomplish, this time there were a few key differences. One, this was in the middle of World War II, so France was being occupied by the Nazis. And two, he did it without bothering to tell anyone on his side.

He literally launched an invasion and didn't bother to let his superiors or just about any of the Allied command know what he was about to do. He ordered thousands of Canadian, British and American troops to capture the French coastal town of Dieppe and create a beachhead. What could honestly go wrong with this?

The Screw-Up:
Since Mountbatten didn't bother to tell anyone about his plans, the force was sent in lacking many things a normal invasion force would have, such as proper resources, intelligence and also the backing of the British Home Command. Generally speaking, half-assed attacks without any support never really end well, and the Dieppe Raid was no exception.

To start things off, Mountbatten's "plan" relied heavily on surprise, of which the British had none since

SPOILER ALERT: the Germans knew they were coming.
From the moment the troops hit the beaches, the whole operation was screwed. Mountbatten had set his "plans" up like dominoes; if one thing went wrong, everything else failed. Sure enough, mere minutes after leaving for the beaches, boats began to get disoriented in the early morning darkness. When the Allied troops hit the beaches, all hell broke loose.

They suffered a mind-blowing 73 percent loss rate. A whopping 100 percent of the equipment (tanks, jeeps, etc.) that landed on the beach was lost. After several hours of fighting, what was left of the Allied troops ran back for the boats in the most unorganized retreat imaginable, leaving the Nazis with a huge victory, and left Mountbatten as pretty much the most hated military figure in Canada.

But It Turned Out ...
It's comforting to know that your disastrous failure could at least show somebody smarter than you how to succeed. That's exactly what happened here -- that clusterfuck of an invasion attempt gave the Allies precious info on how to handle an amphibious invasion in the future, particularly on D-Day.

They now knew they'd need a large artillery barrage beforehand, paratroopers to land behind enemy lines and a far more flexible plan to account for conditions on the shore. It even led to the creation of a special tank just for D-Day, after every tank that landed at Dieppe was destroyed.
After the war, many military commanders remarked at the importance of the Dieppe invasion toward the victory at D-Day, with Winston Churchill himself saying that Dieppe was "an indispensable preliminary to full-scale operations."

But the most important lesson was never put this man in charge.
Too bad the entire article is ridiculously inaccurate...

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 16:52
by andy25100

This, this, a thousand times this.

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 16:56
by vallorn
here we see an excellent image of our great and mighty Louis Mountbatten cupping the royal bosom of the Prince of Whales.

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 17:12
by Lord_Mountbatten
Hoho, no one else could get away with that.

And yes, that Cracked article is wonderfully inaccurate. "Invade France" indeed. I did like the "medal for smuggest smile" bit though.

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 23 Dec 2011, 08:58
by Lord_Mountbatten
8 hours and counting.

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 23 Dec 2011, 09:04
by vallorn
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:8 hours and counting.
Sheldon Me Gusta.jpg

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 23 Dec 2011, 09:56
by Spyboticsguy
-sigh- I'm going to have to possibly pass this up. Will there be a recording as per the usual?

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 23 Dec 2011, 11:07
by Godavari
Well I won't be able to be there for all of it, but I'll try to catch the first part. I'm glad you're doing another of these, Lord. They're tons o' fun.

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 23 Dec 2011, 11:27
by Lord_Mountbatten
Spyboticsguy wrote:-sigh- I'm going to have to possibly pass this up. Will there be a recording as per the usual?
I've only ever recorded one full Shindig. The pre-recordings however will be put up as usual.

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 23 Dec 2011, 11:29
by Milo_Windby
I am looking forward to this very much... each hour I have to watch tick by slowly is painful.

Re: Wonderful News (Christmas Shindig)

Posted: 23 Dec 2011, 16:16
by Lord_Mountbatten
40 minutes or thereabout and counting.