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Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 19 Dec 2011, 20:05
by luke2006

Just to see if there's any interest; who would be happy to assist the the planning and construction of possibly one of the first ever nether mob towers? Zombie pigmen, dropping gold and experience, are extremely valuable kills.

If you want to get involved with planning ideas, spawn room layouts, donate cobblestone, donate netherack, show your support, help construction, etc, then please post here!


Update: 24/12/11
Ok, we have begun work on the tower! We have the location, and the frame is going up. Removing a massive pool of lava is proving problematic, and we keep getting attacked by ghasts. So, we really need help!! If you're available and want to help out, please say so! Thanks you matty and double for getting the tower started :)

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 02:31
by Sti_Jo_Lew
I'm not sure if that would even work. I don't think anything effects pigman spawning, so it'd be just as effective to just run around and find them.

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 06:06
by Wildwill002

There ya go

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 07:26
by luke2006
My plan was to build in the middle of a large lava ocean, to minimise the spawning area AROUND the tower. And then, the tower was going to be big to maximise floor space and thus, maximise spawning area. So my hope is that many mobs will spawn IN the tower, rather than outside the tower!

Not quite what I had in mind, but sure. There goes the title of first mob trap in the Nether. Next challenge: BEST mob tower in the nether ever! :P

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 07:39
by Wildwill002
I've seen one that essentially has small floating netherrack islands with pistons and pressure pads so when a mob touches a pressure pad its pushed of the platform and gets killed by gravity

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 21 Dec 2011, 01:45
by luke2006
Apparently we can get water into the nether with ice blocks, so we can just cheat and do that.

Small floating netherack islands is problematic in that the won't be very much floor space, surely?

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 21 Dec 2011, 17:41
by Mattybcd
Hey I'd be glad to donate cobble and help build it I have 4 double chest full (no hacks) if u will le me :lol: :!:

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 21 Dec 2011, 19:25
by luke2006
Awesome, Matty!

I was gonna use cobblestone for the tower exterior (as it is resistant to the Ghast Blast), and then netherack for the actual spawning floors. And if it works, we'll make the lobby look nice with various other blocks :)

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 22 Dec 2011, 15:31
by Mattybcd
ok lets do it ill probly be on tommmrow night

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 22 Dec 2011, 20:18
by luke2006
In what timezone...? :S

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 22 Dec 2011, 20:22
by Mattybcd
Uhm eastern I think I'm in Ontario in about 21 hours is the easiest way to put It lol

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 22 Dec 2011, 20:25
by luke2006
Hmmm. Alrighty!
Also, I found a massive lava lake near my personal nether portal that we should be able to use?

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 22 Dec 2011, 20:31
by Mattybcd
Yep sounds good im only 12 though so I have limits and I'm busy with my skateboarding competitions so ya . So I'll be on in 21 and a half hours meet at hub if your on alright

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 24 Dec 2011, 01:58
by luke2006
So we've made a start, but this project is massive and we need as much help as possible! Please help out! :D

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 24 Dec 2011, 13:37
by LS13
Fyi, lava flows about as far in the nether as water does in the overworld. This may be useful for you.

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 24 Dec 2011, 14:32
by Mattybcd
hey luke im not sure if u saw but i made alot more progress hope u can get in soon

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 01 Feb 2012, 16:42
by Mattybcd
I went to go work on it last weekend and yur house was locked 2 get to the portal so I can help when you get on I have a ton of cobble

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 02 Feb 2012, 13:09
by Sti_Jo_Lew
LS13 wrote:Fyi, lava flows about as far in the nether as water does in the overworld. This may be useful for you.
Lava doesn't push mobs for some strange reason.

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 20:03
by freeskibrian
Sti, ive been thinking about building one for a while, i would like to help with it if u will have me, i have large amounts of cobble and i am willing to help.
message me

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 20:25
by XxGhOsTxReCoNxX
freeskibrian wrote:Sti, ive been thinking about building one for a while, i would like to help with it if u will have me, i have large amounts of cobble and i am willing to help.
message me
Sti? Sti isn't building it. Luke is.

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 23:01
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Thanks for confusing the hell out of me. XD

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 19:24
by freeskibrian
oh lol, But luke contact me on the forums or if im on

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 05:29
by Sabalora
Pig Men do not drop gold nuggets when killed by a fall any more... you will have to find another way to farm them (without water of course)

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 05:36
by vallorn
Sabalora wrote:Pig Men do not drop gold nuggets when killed by a fall any more... you will have to find another way to farm them (without water of course)
XP farm? ;)

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 20 Feb 2012, 03:34
by Sabalora
might as well farm normal mobs.... you can control their spawning much more :P

Re: Nether Mob Tower

Posted: 20 Feb 2012, 04:15
i'll be happy to help and i'll dontate a double chest of cobble stone