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Don't trust Some people

Posted: 21 Dec 2011, 17:39
by Mattybcd
Sorry bout this I was hacked!!!!

Re: Don't trust Some people

Posted: 21 Dec 2011, 18:02
by Milo_Windby
He can kick you out of his town... well... he needs to have the rules he talks about written down first... otherwise he can get in trouble with us (The Staff)

And... he can not Ban you from the server at all... Let me say that again... He Can NOT Ban you from the server.

Do not let this so called "Friend" bully you on our server... If you want to be in a good town there are lots of them.
The Hooting Owl Valley (My town) is one of them =3

Re: Don't trust Some people

Posted: 21 Dec 2011, 18:07
by Wildwill002
Milo_Windby wrote:The Hooting Owl Valley (My town) is one of them =3
We at escapecraft do not in anyway endorse towns at all whatsoever >_> <_<