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StealthCake's Cake *Link works now*

Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 15:46
by Tjololo12
StealthCake, I made you your cake! I hope you like it, more information in the description.

-EDIT- The video is still processing, so it will be a little while for some reason. Also, I have a problem with my texture pack, so the gold blocks and brick halfstep are...weird looking. StealthCake was someone in IRC who told me to make him a cake because I was I made him a cake-house lake-house!!

-EDIT 2- Updated link, because the last one was no good.

Re: StealthCake's Cake *Link works now*

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 17:09
by StealthyCake
This is REALLY cool :D thankyou <3