A search for the next stronghold!

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A search for the next stronghold!

Post by D4nny » 18 Feb 2012, 01:30

The title says it all: I'll be setting up a search to find the next Borjan stronghold. It will be a long search; because we'll probably have to be searching for awhile to discover it. When it's discovered we'll set up a small settlement (We'll be pioneers) on top and call it King's falling.
That last part was a joke, I have a feeling it would be hit by freak lava tides :/.
Anyway; I will make a small settlement on it, and entry to the stronghold will be free for everybody.

The point of this thread is to gather people willing to help in the search, and everybody who takes part (From funding equipment to actually searching) will get on the WALL OF FAME next to the portal, because it will be a quest of the highest form.


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Re: A search for the next stronghold!

Post by aflycon » 18 Feb 2012, 03:45


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