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Enderdragon Eggs and you!

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 18:17
by vallorn
Okay im making this mostly because im a little scared at how few people know about the unique properties of this item.
  • The Egg spawns atop the Overworld portal's central pillar. said portal is the structure created after a Dragon's death.
  • The Enderdragon Egg is a 1*1*1 hitboxed block with a unique shape.
  • It obeys the same physics as Sand and Gravel (falls with no block under it + Breaks if it falls onto a block without a full hit box: Torch, Half step, Etc).
  • It obeys similar physics to Signs and Doors (breaks if pushed by a piston).
  • Right Or Left clicking on the egg causes it to teleport to a place nearby (up to seven blocks vertically and fifteen blocks horizontally.
  • Said Teleporting ignores cuboids (surrounding it with Glass/ Panes is recommended to prevent theft)

For reference this is the distance of a dragon eggs teleportation.


Re: Enderdragon Eggs and you!

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 20:17
by Zinrius
The egg is just decor, pretty useless otherwise. I sure hope they script something in the future for it.

Maybe a baby dragon mount ;)

Re: Enderdragon Eggs and you!

Posted: 19 Feb 2012, 06:50
by StealthyCake
Zinrius wrote:Maybe a baby dragon mount ;)
That would be sweet :D

Re: Enderdragon Eggs and you!

Posted: 19 Feb 2012, 09:09
by Iron_Fang
It makes a sweet mask

Re: Enderdragon Eggs and you!

Posted: 05 May 2012, 06:22
by vallorn
bump because SMW hasn't read this.