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DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 15 May 2012, 11:59
by Lord_Mountbatten

When?: ^

Where?: Our Ventrilo server. You must download the Ventrilo client from here. The info you will need to connect to our server is as follows:

Port: 9354
Password: Valiant (case sensitive)

Hope to see you there!


I have made money from the fundraiser now.

Before one of you goes "Mountbatten, you shameless sellout" in an effort to guilt me, know that I will not be guilted by this and will indeed attempt to sell out even more just to spite you.

The rewards include the chance for 5 lucky individuals to embarrass other community members, and for one creepy individual to receive a signed photograph of me (yes, really).

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 15 May 2012, 12:01
by Iron_Fang
:D <3 those shindigs!

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 15 May 2012, 13:45
by Beltom1066
Charity is the best when you're bribed with rewards.

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 16 May 2012, 21:28
by Losarot
may the poor attend even if we cannot donate :(
I would hate to lose face in high society by not being seen at the shindig ^_^

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 16 May 2012, 22:43
by Blackadder51
The things I would do to that photo.

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 01:23
by Beltom1066
You should start your own rockethub to get money to donate to Batten's rockethub.

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 06:17
by Lord_Mountbatten
Losarot wrote:may the poor attend even if we cannot donate :(
I would hate to lose face in high society by not being seen at the shindig ^_^
Of course you can attend anyway, this is just a way of improving things.

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 06:28
by Jake55778
So... where does the money go? Towards buying better recording equipment?

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 06:45
by sag185
I will most probably be donating when i get paid. Screw driving lessons.

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 06:51
by Lord_Mountbatten
I'm buying a lifetime supply of
I have pretty good recording equipment currently, but Youtube is notoriously unreliable for me. The money is going toward high quality music - this prevents the inevitable crashing of my browser and inevitable rubbish quality choices. It also gives access to a wider range of music, for instance when the big music companies start blocking certain songs (seriously, try finding studio quality Bob Dylan songs).

Actually I lied, this is just a better publicised crack fund.

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 07:59
by SneakyPie

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 09:04
by vallorn
Blackadder51 wrote:The things I would do to that photo.

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 11:38
by ShadowCreator
Donated $30. Let it be known that i pledge my support to this fundraiser/sellout scheme/crackfund.

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 14:09
by Dnlvickers5
I am considering the picture, but you need to sell me more on it. Cause I got the money, but its either get this or ur face. I don't know which one I want yet.

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 14:34
by Lord_Mountbatten
I'm not entirely sure why it's a tossup between a 360 console, Gold membership and a game, and a signed photograph of me.

However, Microsoft and I obviously both follow the same business model.

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 14:50
by vallorn
Lets all pool our money and buy that glorious photo of lord.

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 16:35
by Ninjawoman
vallorn wrote:Lets all pool our money and buy that glorious photo of lord.

Or you could just get them from me for a discounted price, plus they would be more amusing... :D

And also, you aint getting my money:

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 17:18
by The Bum
Ninjawoman wrote:

And also, you aint getting my money:

Good video. Made me smile when I most certainly needed to.

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 18:01
by vallorn
As a note for the players. the OP's have large collections of Lords real face. its REALY creepy. not that I have one <_< >_> :lol:

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 18:21
by Jake55778
vallorn wrote:As a note for the players. the OP's have large collections of Lords real face. its REALY creepy. not that I have one <_< >_> :lol:
I don't understand the fascination with Lord's real life appearance. There are lots of people on here who have never posted images of themselves , why does Lord in particular hold such interest?

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 18:24
by vallorn
Jake55778 wrote:
vallorn wrote:As a note for the players. the OP's have large collections of Lords real face. its REALY creepy. not that I have one <_< >_> :lol:
I don't understand the fascination with Lord's real life appearance. There are lots of people on here who have never posted images of themselves , why does Lord in particular hold such interest?
Says the man who has never seen him. ;)

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 18:38
by Jake55778
vallorn wrote:
Jake55778 wrote:
vallorn wrote:As a note for the players. the OP's have large collections of Lords real face. its REALY creepy. not that I have one <_< >_> :lol:
I don't understand the fascination with Lord's real life appearance. There are lots of people on here who have never posted images of themselves , why does Lord in particular hold such interest?
Says the man who has never seen him. ;)
I saw him once 8-)

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 18:40
by vallorn
Jake55778 wrote:
vallorn wrote:
Jake55778 wrote:I don't understand the fascination with Lord's real life appearance. There are lots of people on here who have never posted images of themselves , why does Lord in particular hold such interest?
Says the man who has never seen him. ;)
I saw him once 8-)
Ive seen the OP's thread of him with the dozens of oovoo images of him.

also holy jesus Wokka...

and I threw $25 into the Popsicle Fund for this.

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 18:44
by Lord_Mountbatten
I once saw him too.

Also, concerning the "get wonka for an hour" reward - that's limited to 5 people but I misunderstood wonka's original stipulation.

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 18:58
by Blackadder51
Hmm, I could start a bootleg picture scheme.


Ive got him SMILEING, LOOKING ANGRY, SUPER SMUG and looking pretty goddam DERPY

And dont think we forgot about you ladies as we have just released our XXX ADULTS ONLY LORDS GONE WILD!!


We have a limited time, and you would be suprised at how fast stock is running out!

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 19:05
by Ninjawoman
Blackadder51 wrote:Hmm, I could start a bootleg picture scheme.


Ive got him SMILEING, LOOKING ANGRY, SUPER SMUG and looking pretty goddam DERPY

And dont think we forgot about you ladies as we have just released our XXX ADULTS ONLY LORDS GONE WILD!!


We have a limited time, and you would be suprised at how fast stock is running out!

This post literally made my night (not the content)
However, I too shall help you run this business: tag team brother??

I don't think the people are ready to see the true Lord...

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 19:21
by Blackadder51
I belive that could work!

I can see it our next release now.

The Man behind the Mask: The True Story of Lord_Mountbatten

The article that was banned in 9 states, tells the true story of a man thats been "alive" for over a hundred years. We delve deep into IRS deals, Thailand boys, 9/11 conspiracy and backally deals.

"He told me it was a national custom"

Don't miss it!

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 17 May 2012, 19:22
by The Bum
I've seen his face. Don't have any pictures, though. I don't do that sort of thing.

Trust me, you're better off thinking of him as the Viceroy.

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 18 May 2012, 01:40
by Beltom1066
That's going to buy a lot of popsicles.
Blackadder51 wrote:Ive got him SMILEING, LOOKING ANGRY, SUPER SMUG and looking pretty goddam DERPY
I have all of those too, I could sell them off at an undercutting price and drive you out of the market :twisted:

Re: DJ Battenburg's Summer Shindig

Posted: 28 May 2012, 17:46
by Lord_Mountbatten
Got fully financed by a generous backer (who will be receiving the ludicrously cheap signed picture of me), but that doesn't mean you should stop giving me your money (or God forbid, wonder why you're doing that), for you will still be able to participate (probably).