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Escapia, A Nation in Tekkit

Posted: 19 Jun 2012, 05:11
by Someguy42
Escapia, a nation formed by welwyn and made of 2 towns at the moment where the capital is welwyns. The nation was made after the creation of the towns Seahaven and welwyns. Then welwyn made the nation because he had the money and so the nation "Escapia" was made. Seahaven is open for joining as welwyns is the capital but is just the fortress for the nation. Seahaven is located at the most eastern section of the world and is on the ocean.

Towns and Residents:
Spoiler! :
Spoiler! :
So hurry and join Escapia today! For honor and glory!

Re: Escapia, A Nation in Tekkit

Posted: 19 Jun 2012, 07:49
by Wildwill002
Hmm... got any production going on?

Re: Escapia, A Nation in Tekkit

Posted: 19 Jun 2012, 09:01
by Someguy42
Welwyn's got a nice system for nation members. What the system contains though is a secret :)

Re: Escapia, A Nation in Tekkit

Posted: 19 Jun 2012, 19:17
by aeroeng15
I believe the DharmaInitiative may want to get in on this!

Re: Escapia, A Nation in Tekkit

Posted: 19 Jun 2012, 20:19
by welwyn
Actually, I was looking at dharma the other day, thinking it might be a nice addition. Talk to me ingame please!

Re: Escapia, A Nation in Tekkit

Posted: 30 Jun 2012, 03:15
by ziggylord
Also, as an adition to this, the seahaven based corporation Ziggylord Industries is looking for staff, any member of seahaven may join. At the moment i am focusing on getting Ziggylord tower built
As well as the public workshop, speaking of which, stalke, we need to talk. (HAH! that rhymes)