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Mining turtle issue

Posted: 27 Jun 2012, 12:04
by Eddietester1066
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but the turtle I made (for harvesting trees) can't seem to break anything. (turtle.dig() always fails, even for leaves.) I'm open to suggestions here.

Edit: I tested the same setup in singleplayer & it works fine. Found a thread on the Technic forums that may help: ... ocks.5558/

The relevant post from there is this:
Spoiler! :
I've been searching high and low, both this and other forums and I really need someone to help make easy iro assigning perms using PEX / WorldGuard/ Towny/ Modifyworld by sharing their perms.yml for PEX

I've created a machines group to which the major mods get categorized under with full modifyworld.*, towny.* incl others which werent necessary as the PEX debug showed its just towny and modifyworld blocking [ComputerCraft] Turtle 30: from breaking blocks.

Re: Mining turtle issue

Posted: 27 Jun 2012, 15:45
by Maykxor
I too have had some issues with trying to get the turtles to work...

On another note entirely, I did manage to get it to dance and spent a good 15 minutes watching it swirl in random movements quite enthusiastically.

Re: Mining turtle issue

Posted: 27 Jun 2012, 16:42
by BigC_1
You guys might want to check with welwyn about this, he would probably know.