Towns, Groups and Nations in tekkit.

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Towns, Groups and Nations in tekkit.

Post by ziggylord » 01 Jul 2012, 23:42

Ok, this is going to be my (unofficial) guide to towns in the Tekkit world.
If you wish to have your town listed on this topic, aplly here, using this format:
Town name: Seahaven
Town nation: Escapia (Obviously optional)
Town owner/s: Stalke, Ziggylord
Town Co-ords:
Travel method: Teleportation!
Town population aprox: 5 (Please try to update as town grows. dont edit the post a i wont notice, make a new post about your towns growth)
Open plots: Yes, more being built.
Farm/s: Building curently.
Description: A nice town on the Sea just near the coast, nice open area to build plenty of space, Friendly people. (Description optional)
Tax: None.
Other necesary information: This IS a WIP town at the moment, its not great and its not huge, it will get better over time, if you wish to help with he construction of the town, speak to Ziggylord.
Spoiler! :
Town name: Seahaven
Town nation: Escapia
Town owner/s: Stalke, Ziggylord
Town Co-ords: x1380 z17
Travel method: Teleportation!
Town population aprox: 5
Open plots: Yes, more being built.
Farm/s: Building curently.
Description: A nice town on the Sea just near the coast, nice open area to build plenty of space, Friendly people.
Tax: None.
Other necesary information: This IS a WIP town at the moment, its not great and its not huge, it will get better over time, if you wish to help with he construction of the town, speak to Ziggylord.

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Re: Towns, Groups and Nations in tekkit.

Post by RobipodSupreme » 08 Aug 2012, 12:41

Town name: RobCo
Town nation: RobCo
Town owner/s: robipodsupreme, Silva14
Town Co-ords:
Travel method: Stealthy Cake highway, with teleporters to member towns
Town population aprox: 3 (more in memeber towns)
Open plots: Just where there's space, within reason
Farm/s: Yes, 1 big, ish, farm making pumpkins, melons, wheat, flax and some cross breeds.
Description: A small gathering, capital of the RobCo nation (RobCo, MotorCo, Vanberra, MattCOWeapons<-his VIP ran out :s, Victini Town)
Tax: None.
Other necesary information: Still expanding, and not very structured yet, but has solar farm and a reactor, connected via overhead cable to a storage facilty and from there the houses.
Now the 3rd richest nation in Tekkit!

Residents: robipodsupreme, Silva14, Magicb
Last edited by RobipodSupreme on 30 Aug 2012, 08:20, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Towns, Groups and Nations in tekkit.

Post by Invunarble » 08 Aug 2012, 13:00

Town Name: Invun Industries (going to be renamed soon)
Town Nation: Draconax
Town Owner: Me (Invunarble), rbk95, wafflehair, Demonnaruto21 (assistants)
Town Coordinates: Near Origin (0,0)
Travel Method: Literally right after leaving spawn, go to the dockyard and out into the ocean, you'll find a ice trail and then a large collection of buildings. Tada, you're there.
Town Population: 12
Open Plots: You'd have to talk to me first about it, joining isn't exactly "open to everyone".
Farms: TBA
Description: A sexy ass city
Tax: Nope
Other info: Biggest town in Tekkit, also part of the richest nation, also laggiest town (trying to resolve this issue), soon will have totally badass stuff like a tesla coil perimeter, massive walls, and defensive forcefields.
Residents: me, rbk95, Demonnaruto21, wafflehair, trovo22, jayscoottey, rustydusty123, Isihogg, harroun, QuantumVyp3r, Garretfire, smeelo, rygy9, and any other people I forgot to list
"The roses are red, but Invunarble is blue. Hit him with a puma." - Vallorn
"Baked fucking potato" - Lord Mountbatten, 2014

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