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Whales's Super Survival Challenge of Survival

Posted: 29 Aug 2012, 02:06
by MrWhales
So I got bored and was thinking about how in Skyrim or Fallout people will impose self-restrictions to make the games harder or whatever, and decided to make some for Minecraft, and thought it'd be cool to share. All of them are technically optional, but some (ones I think that would be less popular) are extra optional and are marked as such. Feel free to join in, or post changes, etc. :P

I will be doing 1, 2, 3, 4, and am considering 5.5
Spoiler! :
Whales's Super Survival Challenge of Survival
1. No /gs /spawn or /home. If mentor/mod/admin, tp'ing is allowed to do your job :P
2. Death beds are allowed, but spawning in hub is cooler.
2.5.(optional) When you die, you are done for the day. (staying AT your spawn point and chatting is cool.)
2.75 (optional) Death in another dimension you are done for the day. (staying AT your spawn point and chatting is cool.)
3. Dropping from a height that does damage, you must stop for 1 full second, or type into chat "Ouch"
4. No Bunny Hopping. also no bunny hopping/running.
5. (optional) You can only use half your inventory space
5.5 (optional) You can only use your hotbar

Re: Whales's Super Survival Challenge of Survival

Posted: 02 Sep 2012, 04:08
by Skunk_Giant
Interesting. I might try a few of these when I finish my project.

Re: Whales's Super Survival Challenge of Survival

Posted: 02 Sep 2012, 15:55
by Invunarble
Challenge #6: Don't use a boat when traversing large amounts of ocean.

Should be pretty easy for Whales.