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Personalised Banners and Avatars

Posted: 30 Sep 2012, 16:21
by J4Numbers
M477 here,

You may know me from such things as my banners for Branchscape, or for my work around the server.
Basically, if you want a banner creating to depict your town, yourself, or whatever, I am taking orders for such things, I shall also be taking orders for avatars.

If you want something creating, simply leave details on the thread, and I shall create a banner for you to use, abuse, or just have on your trophy wall somewhere. The same goes for any avatars people might want.

More instructions
Spoiler! :
If you want a banner, it is a 500 x 100 px image, while an avatar is 100 x 100 px image, so bear that in mind.
  • Avatar or Banner, this one's a no-brainer.
  • Static or Animation, Animation requires more detail.
  • Please provide an accurate description of what you want, so no, A thingy next to the other thing in front of the whatsamajiggy.
  • Any images, such as MC faces need to be linked appropriately, this can be done by PM.
  • And town photos or towns also need to be linked, if you want me to go wild, PM me with town co-ords and I will return with stuffs.
  • Any other relevant information, this is the catch-all thingy.
And the price for this service?
Your immortal soul.
But apart from that, Nothing.

Please note, if you don't like my work, then it's a freebie, and you have lost all rights to complain, but you may comment on what you think could be improved, and I will create another thing.
Some of my work can be found here.

Re: Personalised Banners and Avatars

Posted: 30 Sep 2012, 16:31
by MrWhales
Make me a whale banner.

Re: Personalised Banners and Avatars

Posted: 30 Sep 2012, 20:55
by tanisjihanis
I would be interested in a new avatar if you have time at some point.

Re: Personalised Banners and Avatars

Posted: 30 Sep 2012, 21:14
by LS13
Same as tanis. Finding flaming ice/ anything badass that is ice themed is not as easy as one would imagine.

Re: Personalised Banners and Avatars

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 15:10
by aeroeng15
I would like a younger looking scientist. Getting too old to hike around Tolteca

Re: Personalised Banners and Avatars

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 15:25
by J4Numbers
Changing the format slightly, if you want to submit an application for a banner/avatar, follow the template below:

Banner/Avatar -
Static Image/Animation -
Description -
Any other relevant Information -

If you don't follow this, then I won't be able to make it, or I'll just make something completely random.
Your choice.

Re: Personalised Banners and Avatars

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 16:50
by Wildwill002
My face (<-- that one) on the left (Like my current banner below) With a windmill, bottle of Yazoo (Chocolate) and an iron pic on the far right. The background being space.
Other info: If you can't get that to work or think of something better just go crazy. Make it relevant to me (Lazy, addicted to chocolate milk, a windmill and =])

Re: Personalised Banners and Avatars

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 21:34
by LS13
A flaming snowman that is better than the one I already have .-.

Re: Personalised Banners and Avatars

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 22:28
by QuantumVyp3r
Avatar -- I assume this means an avatar for the forums
Top left picture, slightly minecraft-ized

Re: Personalised Banners and Avatars

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 22:32
by QuantumVyp3r
The Estate, all picturesque like all the other super nice banners you've made.
Thanks ^_^

Re: Personalised Banners and Avatars

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 10:48
by aeroeng15


This picture (can PM if needed):
Spoiler! :
Peanuts Dr. Who.jpg