The People's Socialist Republic of Toxicity (PSRT) is planned to be an inital Safe Haven for players to establish themselves in the Nether, and to give it's residents a safe place to operate out of. Eventually, I hope for Toxicity to rival Corinth, Saphiri and the great cities of Escapecraft in size and power. The rules are subject to change at a moment's notice.
If any wish to join the People's Socialist Republic of Toxicity, you can sign up in this thread, and plots in Toxicity itself are still going free! When the 1.0 world goes live, I shall be looking for Provincial Ministers to set up new Towns and Provinces as part of the PSRT.
The PRST is now open to Alliances and will also accept Towns into the Republic. Benefits include but are not limited to: Better trade routes, help from members of the PSRT and knowing that you belong to a nation and are not just another little forgotten town on the server.
With your help, we will all become stronger than anyone else!
Settlement Name: Toxicity
Settlement Owner: Jakeman214
Settlement Co-ords: x:-56 y:92 z:161 -Nether world!
Settlement Rules:
- All Server standard rules apply
- Plots are definate and final. You are not to build outside your plot, at all.
- Citizens are expected to donate time/materials to ToxiCity to make it a better place for all. This could mean you help to build a new level/excavate more space, you donate materials that are needed, you establish and maintain a farm of sorts, etc. This rule is meant to foster a community spirit!
- Listen to what the Lords say! Lords: Jakeman214.
- No Dirt or Netherrack Houses. This ain't Dirtville, so put some effort into your houses please.
- No mines or basements. Keep your house below the City Roof, unless you want to let the Ghasts in. Which we don't.
- I will allow small overhang onto the roads, but only a single block or two, and only if it isn't impeding traffic.
- LIGHT YOUR HOUSES! We don't want any mobs spawning in the City!
Pictures of Toxicity, WOO!