Volstag9 wrote:Stevk44 and his town of Bodrum have joined the USSR! Rejoice!
yay. more USSR peoples and towns
Byroe, when can you give me the wool to expand Solar?? Or can you do it yourself? (add it behind the graveyard, spleef pit and the new water fountain) Also byroe you and power may need to move plots. Im thinking of making a large 'VIP' complex/mansion where i can shove all the ambassadors
EDIT: The escapecraft wiki says USSR stands for The Union of Saphirian Socialist Republiks. someone should change that
ALSO we should try and get the EC up and running. its a good idea and our embassy wont build itself. (i think we do have an embassy there but its not the right design i think)
AND can someone update the wiki to include Blackthorn and Solar and shove some screenshots of our towns in the wiki to.
ONE MORE THING we should also add the co-ords for each USSR town next to there name/description in the main post.
CRAP, Solar still says its closing down
can we have that changed back to normal
also maybe chuck in a 'undergoing renovations'
(wow, ive never edited a single post so much before
EDIT OF AN EDITED EDIT: In the main post under the 'Position' bit it says, Governor of
Sunburnt: Random980 - In Charge of Solar City.
Its not called sunburn village anymore!
EDIT OF 3 OTHER EDITS: Im also looking for a mob-tower builder to make a mob tower under Solar also can we add the no. 28 Add the
CLASSIFIED under the Solar cloud, to the main list of things that need doing. (I
REFUSE to add anymore text to this!!