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[TNA] Spinner Cay
Posted: 19 Feb 2014, 05:58
by TyrasEngineer
This is Spinner Cay, a tiny island located in one of TNA's many vast oceans:
Doesn't seem much like a town, right? Well that's where you guys come in. I'd like you guys to come and build your own small islands nearby, no bigger than 25x30, and build little houses on them. We'd then connect them up with bridges and form an archipelago community. In this (hopefully) idyllic community, there would, however, be some rules:
1) Don't go larger than the 25x30 island size.
2) One thing you may have noticed is how low-lying the island and building is- try to stick to one-storey buildings
3) Make the islands "realistic"- don't just make a rectangular island to try and fill up as much space as possible!
You can find the Cay at 392 63 577
If you've got any questions due to this shocking explanation, let me know. I hope to see some islands magically appearing nearby soon!
Re: [TNA] Spinner Cay
Posted: 19 Feb 2014, 06:01
by RobipodSupreme
Any preference of materials? Presumably as much sand and grass as possible, but any other guidelines?
Re: [TNA] Spinner Cay
Posted: 19 Feb 2014, 06:07
by TyrasEngineer
Eh, not too much. Sand and dirt (grass can be grown over onto other islands if necessary) for the actual ground, but otherwise anything which looks "tropical" would be suitable.
Re: [TNA] Spinner Cay
Posted: 20 Feb 2014, 18:17
by vallorn
We can call it "Dubai" and hope we strike sweet crude Lava to finance all our skyscraper and artificial island dreams.
Re: [TNA] Spinner Cay
Posted: 21 Feb 2014, 01:33
by Losarot
vallorn wrote:We can call it "Dubai" and hope we strike sweet crude Lava to finance all our skyscraper and artificial island dreams.
Wait, is Lava a hot commodity (could not resist) But no honestly I want to know is lava something people trade for?
Re: [TNA] Spinner Cay
Posted: 21 Feb 2014, 21:49
by vallorn
Losarot wrote:vallorn wrote:We can call it "Dubai" and hope we strike sweet crude Lava to finance all our skyscraper and artificial island dreams.
Wait, is Lava a hot commodity (could not resist) But no honestly I want to know is lava something people trade for?
Well... In my experience they tend to trade so they don't have it
Re: [TNA] Spinner Cay
Posted: 24 Feb 2014, 14:43
by TyrasEngineer
Riffraff1 has joined Spinner Cay! It's not just me any more!
Re: [TNA] Spinner Cay
Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 23:29
by Thelepearchauns
I really want to build here...
Re: [TNA] Spinner Cay
Posted: 27 Feb 2014, 14:58
by Invunarble
When I finish my boat, I think I'm gonna take a visit to your island for a bit Tyrese.
Re: [TNA] Spinner Cay
Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 23:37
by random980
I'll definitely join
(when i get on AND remember next >.>)
Is it ok if my island is made from red sand?
(das all i got >.>)
Re: [TNA] Spinner Cay
Posted: 03 Mar 2014, 02:07
by TyrasEngineer
I'd prefer it if it was regular sand, but I can help, I've got lots of it.
Re: [TNA] Spinner Cay
Posted: 03 Mar 2014, 23:32
by Losarot
I hope to join your islands when I get some more time Tyrese, it would be a nice place to park on those long boat rides.