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Talvelat Thread

Posted: 17 Mar 2011, 07:42
by Mordwyl
So here it is, the official thread of the city I founded in the far south but not as south as Borderpost. Any discussions related to the city shall go here, as well as plans for the future.

Here's a rough sketch blueprint of the city plan, where things are planned to be built:

To do list, in order of priority:
- Flatten more land.
- Continue building up the walls of the city.
- Construct an underwater glass tunnel reaching out towards the Borderpost road.
- Build the Town Hall.

Projects (All are planned by yours truly unless specified otherwise):
  • Small - Anything bigger than the 10x10 plot size which isn't a civic building:
    • N/A
  • Large - Sizeable projects that take quite a bit of space and time to build:
    • The Eye of the Sun (AKA the lighthouse)
      The primary landmark of Talvelat. This construction will have a base of 50x50, with a height peaking to the sky as a whole. Built at sea level, this lavish structure of sandstone shall be decorated with silver (iron blocks) and gold, topped with a sphere of light held my obsidian claws.
  • Mega - Massive projects that require a chunky portion of the Mordania landmass (50x50 minimum):
    • The Purple Colossus (AKA Mordwyl's fortress)
      An enigma. Some say it is merely myth, others believe the legend holds water yet are still skeptical. This ancient relic was considered to be the remains of a forgotten deity which governed the southern reaches of the world. A prophecy within derelict scrolls claim that once an avatar in his image returns to the site of his burial the titan will make a resurgence.

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 17 Mar 2011, 13:04
by The_Fuzz22
Happy to help :)

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 18 Mar 2011, 00:35
by Mordwyl
Okay so apparently the lighthouse will not qualify as a megaproject since it's a mere 40x40 plot perimeter for the main structure. Judging from this neither will the colossus in my image.

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 18 Mar 2011, 06:45
by DuplicateValue
Also, it says it's about 175 high.

Remember the height cap on the world is 128, and you're likely starting at around the 64 mark.

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 18 Mar 2011, 07:12
by vallorn
may i suggest you use Graph Paper for designs.

it allows you to see every block AND gives you a proper scale.

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 18 Mar 2011, 09:51
by Mordwyl
These were early drafts before I knew of the height limits. They won't necessarily match the scale in-game.

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 03:28
by Mordwyl
To all the residents,

I have noticed a certain degree of "initiative" being practiced in the town. Among them are trees obstructing pathways and mobs coming out from people's houses. All the while these delays occur I have yet to see any REAL work done to improve the city at all, which merely requires a bit of digging to flatten the area within the walls. I have been doing all that work with or without other people as it is so if you have no intentions of helping the city grow then don't interrupt my work.

If I see any trees being grown outside of somebody's plot or the upper plains tree farms and unsecured homes I'll be handing out warnings like peanuts for each separate infraction. On the third you will be banished from the city. No exceptions.

Mordwyl - Founder and Mayor of Talvelat

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 28 Mar 2011, 14:56
by Imikulate
Hey Mord, I can't PM because I"m not active enough or some such, so I'll just post there.

I have nicified much of the wall near the gate so that it is all sandstone looking at the wall from the inside. I've also cleared about 2-3 dozen stacks of sand and rubble, and added stairs to the farm(I"ll remove them if you don't like it.) As well a refilling the construction shed dispensers.

I've also built my house nicer, and would like to add a tree farm to the upper plain farms(as well as build up the wall around the farms) I also think it would be pretty cool if everyone had bridges between there houses. :P

Thoughts? Also, the blueprints of the whole town in the original post doesn't work, but there other 2 do.

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 31 Mar 2011, 16:42
by Mordwyl
Nice work Mik. Personally speaking I'd rather we clear up the town a bit further before we get to do anymore construction done (seeing I haven't even built town hall/my house yet), setting up some land for plots after it's cleared up. Frankly I'm on the idea that all the current homes will be removed so the initial area of the city can be planted with civic buildings and other decorative embellishments. If people want to connect their homes it's up to them, but I rather it could be done later... Considering the mobs spawning from roofs in the past I'd actively enforce people plant torches before doing anything of the sort.

You're free to grow as many tree farms as you like in the upper plains. Dal doesn't seem to care about the current farms I've set up since he broke the automatic cacti farms (I fixed them) so if you see him let him know he's not allowed to tamper with them or else. He's already treading a thin line after building too high, allowing a new resident without my consent and more.

Based from what I have seen so far you're very reliable and pay attention to the rules easily. This will definitely play in your favour later. :D

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 03 Apr 2011, 19:31
by Imikulate
Yeah, people have commented that my house looks much like a hotel. Personally, I'd rather have it become a library (considering all the bookshelves I've already placed). I had said before that I'd like to build a house on the land I cleared, so that's what I'll do, and my current house can just become a library.

I've done a bunch more digging, and would like to clean up the walls so that they look more appealing. (I have already taken the liberty to make it all sandstone from the inside near the entrance, I intend to clean up the outside of the walls too)

Also if I may ask, what is that glass-capped cobblestone structure on the other side of the mountain. Is it some sort of shrine?

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 04 Apr 2011, 00:53
by Mordwyl
Seeing I don't intend to mess around with bin files waiting for the server plugins to update you won't be able to see me in-game for a bit. Sorry about that.

Ages ago Meo said he was going to build something large where the glass structure is so at the time I didn't see much of a problem with it. If it stays abandoned for long I'm going to demolish it. Naturally as per desert city goes I have an aversion to cobble buildings in any way, shape or form. Since I plan to have the docks where the lighthouse will be I want to see if he'll ever get it done or have any sort of plans with it. The sand used for the glass is irreplaceable after all.

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 04 Apr 2011, 19:19
by aflycon
Hey Mordwyl, on my way to Derg Country the other day I stopped by Talvelat to see what it was like. I really, really like the place; I've always secretly wanted to live in a desert-themed city. However, unfortunately I wouldn't actually be able to build, maintain, and regularly visit a home in Talvelat. So, being Legate of Corinth, I was wondering if you would like an embassy within the town. I'm really not sure about what purpose it'd have yet, but once I do know it'll probably be something pretty cool. I read about how you don't like cobble, so I would gladly build it out of Sandstone and desert-friendly mats using my own things. I'd be sure to make it look sexy (you can check out some of my structures around the world) and we won't try to colonize you (no promises..)! :3

So, if you'd like an embassy in town, give me a heads up and some dimensions so I can come up with something to build, and I'll be down as soon as I can! :D

-Afly, Legate of Corinth

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 05 Apr 2011, 02:38
by Mordwyl
I'll think about it. Though you try to do anything funny and I'll activate the colossus.

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 05 Apr 2011, 18:12
by aflycon
Mordwyl wrote:I'll think about it. Though you try to do anything funny and I'll activate the colossus.
Alrighty then, send me a PM if you would like one. :D

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 07 Apr 2011, 15:56
by Imikulate
I've been chipping away at the mountain on a daily basis. I try to go through at least 1 pickaxe(about 2 stacks) a day, but usually more. Having collected such a large amount of cobble I have been constructing a cobblestone castle to the east of Talvelat, hope you don't mind.

Anyway, I have noticed that it's pretty easy to fall through holes when clearing the mountain from the top. Perhaps we should take a top-to-bottom approach on clearing from now on instead of clearing the bottom first...

Also, could you mark a clear line where you want the highlands to begin so that we can clear up to it? I know about up to you house-ish, but how far to the north?

PS. May you please re-upload the first image so that I can see it?

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 07 Apr 2011, 16:48
by Mordwyl
Ah, I did see some kind of gray area at the far east end of the island. I plan to build the colossus at the dead center as a landmark and I really doubt the city will grow so far as to require the whole island yet. In such a case the proper term would involve making a whole country out of the landmass. I don't see that happening soon.

I cleared the bottom so I would speed up the flattening. You can go with it any way you wish so long as they're gone. The edge of the plains I've marked with a consistent row of torches for the time being. I'm still deciding on how it's going to be refined but that's as far as it'll go digging-wise.

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 07 Apr 2011, 20:28
by Imikulate
Quickly added a rough wall around the farms after have 2 incidents with creepers. (Luckily no damage to crops). I'll nicify it later.

Also, added a ton of bookshelves to my house, I'll keep adding books if you approve of the library idea.

Also got together a stack of wool if you want to make tents.

EDIT: Also worked on clearing the stuff up against the wall near the eye site. Also got rid of the whirpool thing that you left a sign complaining about :P

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 07 Apr 2011, 23:07
by aflycon
Hey Mord, while I was at school today I can up with an interesting idea. If you're up for it, there's something you (or I) can do under the streets to expand the space in Tavelat. Basically, my idea consists of clearing the streets of sand and digging down underneath them to the borders of all of the plots, enough for a person to stand comfortably. Using the sand cleared, we can craft both Sandstone and Glass enough to put the roads back in and put in.. manholes, for the lack of a better term. Putting glass perhaps every three blocks would let sunlight in during the day, and torches underneath the streets would light the place at night. After contacting the owners of houses without basements, we could utilize the underground space for each plot to put in more houses or civil buildings. We'd have to kind of plot it out to have an organized underground system (sewer, if you will), but I think that if we did this it'd turn out nice.

I know it sounds kind of dumb in writing, but it's kind of late and I'm tired. ^_^ I'll revise this tomorrow to make my idea more clear, because I think it'd be a cool use of space for the town.

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 08 Apr 2011, 05:52
by Mordwyl
I'll put the focus on the current state of the city for the time being, though the way I set up flattening makes it possible for an undercity in the future. No promises though.

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 14 Apr 2011, 21:51
by Imikulate
I think it'd be pretty cool if we kept regular logs of progress on the city, which I have been sorta-ish doing, so since we've taken some major steps today I'll post some notes up.

Report on April 14th, 2011

Things accomplished:

-Subway station (to Corinth and Derg County) marked out, some tunneling and track laying done. Thank you Deri and A Flying Convict.
-Plotted out town hall.
-Smacked down a bunch of stone, particularly over town hall area.
-Cleared large amount of sand
-90 percent Talvelat library completion.
-More lava lanterns from seemingly out of nowhere.
-Nicified large tracts of the wall.

Things to do:

-Clear the land
-Nicify all walls
-Finish walls all the way around the city
-Add gazebo on top of library and block off Imikulate's storage and furnaces.
-Finish subway
-Build subway station (upper), and nicify the lower part of the subway with sandstone.

Imikulate's Suggestions:

-Perhaps we could build a ship moored to the docks later (still a lot of work to do before we get to that point :p)
-...maybe...just maybe, allow Imik to build an underground paasage from his new house to his stuff in the library basement.
- and if at all possible, refer to me as Imik in chat rather them Im. Im is confusing. Are you referring to yourself or me?
- Also, perhaps declaring Imik Chief Scholar of Talvelat...
- Additionally, maybe throw some towers up at certain points of the walls of Tal, that'd be pretty cool.
-Hmm, and maybe we could leave my sign nonsense, what with the wall drop-kicking, there as a memorial for those who gave there pickaxes from the building of Talvelat... I"ll throw you'r name up there too :P

Other Thoughts:

-So I'm 15 hours away from veteran, that's pretty cool eh?
-that little unfinished house next to my library has been sitting there empty for weeks, maybe get rid of it and build a schoolhouse? Or maybe an armoury.
-... hmm, minecrat system on the roads? public transportation!
-come up with cool name for mord, like sultan or emperor or some such.
-neighbored watch...
-Imperial Palace for mord with guest rooms for visiting dignitaries?
-Apartments in lighthouse?
-Somewhat larger and more regal plots for librarians and chief scholars...
-Hmm, maybe leave some of the grass to have an exotic garden in a desert city?
-Archery Range!
-More bookshelves, like, books everywhere!

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 16 Apr 2011, 07:25
by Mordwyl
Lots of possibilities to think about for the future. While a palace does sound nice I'd rather be using the town hall as a home/office to make things simpler. After the walls are finished (spiderproofing and groves included) I'll set the site for several towers on key points around it, building the first two myself to make an example. If you're referring to Drew's house... I'll take care of it.

The digworks are progressing very nicely and I'm quite impressed by your work Imik. I may give the go ahead for you to cuboid within the city later on.

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 16:05
by Imikulate
It appears I will be in Fyra making a cottage resort. I hope you don't mind, I'll try to come by once in a while and help a bit anyway. I still have a bunch of stuff in the Tal library basement, so I'll swing by eventually to pick up my stuff.

Re: Talvelat Thread

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 18:48
by Mordwyl
Due to the recent patch I shall take a small break from Minecraft until the server is updated. Hopefully the trespassers will have moved by the time I'm back, otherwise they're taking a bath in lava/funwater.