Welcome to the Zork home topic. Feel free to post any of you concerns, question, or complaints.
Locale: The main lift down to Zork is located x: 251 y:63 z: 399. The 'near spawn' entrance to the Zork public transit rail is located x: 234 y:58 z: 388
Please note, because of griefing and what not, we will be adding a lock to the public transit cart dispenser. The password is grues.
News: Theology topic is now up
Staff: In-game please talk to these founders for any of you concerns about Zork
Groups: groups within Zork Staff Mayor Co-Mayor Resident
Current residents: these are Zork's current inhabitants
[Mayor] Shadowed_Lucario
[Town Planner] TLuke222
You can become a resident by asking one of our staff. If no one is on then just wait. We are on the most during the weekends.
Features: Zork has many attractions for its residents
Agricultural district
Separate plots
Pleasant staff
Public transit
Public water-spring
Nether Embassy
Netherwart farm
Blaze farm
Chat channel: We have our own private channel. The name is zork and the password is grues. You only have to enter the password once, then you can enter the chat any time without having to type in the password. If you are joining the chat for the first time, the command would look like this: /ch zork grues.
The more the better: Zork is happy to have most all.
Up and coming: features indev
Note: ask one of our staff about developing one of you ideas!
wheat and cacti farms
commerce district
Vip plots
Spoiler! :
Our public reed farms
The public library
Some of our resident's houses
The staircase down to Zork(you can also use lift)
Support zork!: We now have profile pics, designed by me. I'll have signatures soon.
Spoiler! :
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 12 Jun 2011, 19:19
by luke2006
Screenshots?! Or is it top secret?
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 12 Jun 2011, 19:20
by TLuke222
ima work on it thanx xD
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 12 Jun 2011, 19:27
by Beltom1066
How many Grues am I likely to run into if I go here?
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 12 Jun 2011, 19:30
by TLuke222
Oh wait... im such a derp. Sry no grues we got rid of those about 5 years ago.
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 12 Jun 2011, 19:39
by luke2006
You are likely to be eaten by a grue
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 12 Jun 2011, 19:41
by TLuke222
Screen Shots uploaded
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 12 Jun 2011, 20:38
by ryn44
Can I add your rail to the subway map?
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 12 Jun 2011, 20:40
by shawn_starkey
Very nice luck. Good job advertising the city.
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 12 Jun 2011, 20:44
by TLuke222
thanx shawn, go ahead ryn
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 03:21
by ryn44
Luke, you sure you won't reconsider letting me add in a transfer station to the Orange Line from the Zork Line? now that you're advertising it as a public line it might be nice.
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 07:59
by TLuke222
ya i guess thats ok. do you need help?
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 09:48
by TLuke222
Zork cuboid protection has been refused . My second request for Zork cuboid protection was the result of a discussion on whose underground city(empire) was better. As it turns out there are 2 other empires that have already gotten cuboid protection. Unfortunately protection of Zork was denied because we might have new residents and there is a high probability of expansion(which both of the othere towns have also). So, till we are sure Zork wont grow in population or size it cannot be cuboided.
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 15 Jun 2011, 14:31
by BrainDeadHam
Btw, anyone in our empire who has a problem with the current plot policy can pack up their stuff and get lost. Bigger plots will be available later but for now, plz, just stay in the plot.
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 15 Jun 2011, 15:55
by DuplicateValue
Right I'm about to clean up this thread.
It will be used to discuss Zork. There will be no double-posts from now on. Please stand by.
EDIT: Done. Enjoy, and don't let the problem repeat itself.
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 26 Jun 2011, 23:55
by TLuke222
ZOMG! Free pvp?! It's a sign of the apocalypse! In honor of this astounding revelation/addition Construction will commence on a Zork embassy in pvp world!
EDIT: Hmmm.... Now rethinking that thought, may take time to process. But thanks wokka, sooooooo much for that amazin update!
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 27 Jun 2011, 07:54
by BrainDeadHam
oh this will be just wonderful, we get to dig a completley new zork in pvp. its not that i dont like the idea, in fact, i support this. im just not looking foreward to digging it all out again. well, better get to it, could take days.
not to mention, this is in pvp, just hope no one finds us while were digging.
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 27 Jun 2011, 20:41
by TLuke222
Oh btw, any mods browsin this topic; I know you arent alowed to do lwc stuff, but can you get a cuboid? I would like multiple oppinions on this. Brain, if i do start an embassy its not going to be nearly a big. Plus there will be no public transit, and trust me it will be FAR from spawn. Plus, I have other stuff to build in Zork. Plus Plus, Im really lazy.
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 27 Jun 2011, 20:52
by DuplicateValue
No, you can't get cuboids in the PvP world.
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 03 Jul 2011, 08:35
by TLuke222
Dear, Zorkians I am sorry to announce that right now, I am too deeply in love with 1.7 to downgrade. That being said, fend for your selfs.
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 03 Jul 2011, 10:39
by BrainDeadHam
AHHHHH, I'm defenseless. oh what ever will i do! oh wait, zork never has greifing problems! how wonderful.
btw luke, why didn't you just make a new bin for 1.7? i do it all the time.
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 03 Jul 2011, 11:23
by TLuke222
I told you. I AM DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH 1.7!!... Wait, what!?! what griefing problems?!?!
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 08:46
by BrainDeadHam
uh,.... none of our residents get on anymore, all we have is a bunch of empty houses. it seems clear to me, anyone who wants to stay here, doesn't stay long. how disappointing. just when i thought that this empire wasn't a huge waste of my time.
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 11:08
by TLuke222
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 10 Jul 2011, 09:40
by BrainDeadHam
calm down luke, we all know 1.8 will be awesome but its going to be awhile before it comes out. just calm down and wait patiently.
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 10 Jul 2011, 17:37
by TLuke222
Blasphemy! A while?!? Notch has announced that most of the basics of the game engine is in place, all thats left is to flesh it out. But your right Escapecraft wont be 1.8 for a while after the update; this isnt just adding a new block like in 1.7, Its a whole new way to play minecraft. Plugin updates are going to be crazy.
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 10 Jul 2011, 18:14
by Aenir_bEPU
...what makes you think 1.8 will come out anytime soon for Minecraft?
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 10 Jul 2011, 20:09
by Milo_Windby
Aenir_bEPU wrote:...what makes you think 1.8 will come out anytime soon for Minecraft?
After 1.8, we’ll have to start crunching for the full release in November. ~ From the word of Notch posted on Jun 27 2011
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 10 Jul 2011, 20:10
by Aenir_bEPU
Which is 4 months away...
Re: Zork: Terra's underground empire
Posted: 10 Jul 2011, 20:11
by Milo_Windby
Aenir_bEPU wrote:Which is 4 months away...
Exactly ;3
There for between now and then at some point 1.8 will be released.