Harbortown & West Fyra
Posted: 07 Oct 2011, 21:21
Welcome to the Harbortown + Vicinity Information Thread.
This thread will be maintained by the HT Staff. If you want some information added please post it here. We'll add your info to the relevant area of the staff posts, and then probably delete your post (so there's not too much duplication).
This post is currently under construction. More information will be added as I have time
Harbortown is located at the 1st Stop on the Fyra West Rail. We're a booming town with 20+ active players, and we have room for further growth. This post will serve as an overview of town and a reference for visitors and residents. The thread (like all Escapecraft group threads) will hold town-specific discussion.
If you would like to join Harbortown please visit us in-game, or post an application here. After your application has been processed and you've been set up we'll delete your post so this thread doesn't get cluttered.
The joining process works like this:
1. You apply for a plot.
2. You come to town and go through orientation, where you'll learn the town rules and about the town resources.
3. You become an Initiate and we'll put you on a starter plot to build your starter cabin. The starter plot is intentionally small, and is intended as a temporary building for you to demonstrate and/or learn building skills. Harbortown prides itself on being well-built, and we are very proactive in making sure the buildings are high quality.
4. Once your starter cabin is approved we will promote you to Citizen. As a citizen you'll gain access to a standard plot and more town resources, and you'll be able to continue moving up from there.
Mayor / Founder: Runs the town, creates / assigns plots, assigns ranks/positions within town.
Deputies: Have the same authority as Mayor and can only be overruled by the Mayor.
Watchmen: Help manage town and keep an eye on things. Watchmen are assigned to a sector, and within that sector they can make decisions about buildings / plots if the mayor and deputies are all offline. Watchmen are authorized to add new people to their sector cube. A sector may have one or more watchmen.
Associate: Associates are individuals who lead smaller settlements that have asked to be annexed in to Harbortown. They have the same authority as Watchmen within their original settlement.
Citizen: The normal rank of Harbortown, these are people who live in town and can have two building sites and access to all the shared resources. Citizens have proven their ability to work within the town rules, be good neighbors, and build well.
Initiate: This is someone who just arrived in town. Initiates are given an intentionally tiny 'Starter Plot' to demonstrate or learn building skill. Harbortown prides itself on being well-designed, and we require people to practice skillful building before moving to full citizenship.
Mayor: gigem06
Deputies: F81TZ, DigDugger1018
- einwolf319: HT-Central
- Vanguard1219: HT-Northeast (Note: this is the area we normally just call "HT-East")
- Packadurm: HT-West
- smackus95: HT-East (Note: this is the area around the Tower St. Bridge)
- JudgedCashew: Armitage (HT-Pit)
- steveab: Armitage (HT-Pit)
- XxGhostxReconxX: Benchwood District
- Iron_Fang: Skymarket Plaza
See the resident directory below, maintained by Einwolf319. If you are not on the directory, you need to be. Please post a message below, and/or PM Einwolf, and he or I will add you to the official list.
This thread will be maintained by the HT Staff. If you want some information added please post it here. We'll add your info to the relevant area of the staff posts, and then probably delete your post (so there's not too much duplication).
This post is currently under construction. More information will be added as I have time
Harbortown is located at the 1st Stop on the Fyra West Rail. We're a booming town with 20+ active players, and we have room for further growth. This post will serve as an overview of town and a reference for visitors and residents. The thread (like all Escapecraft group threads) will hold town-specific discussion.
If you would like to join Harbortown please visit us in-game, or post an application here. After your application has been processed and you've been set up we'll delete your post so this thread doesn't get cluttered.
The joining process works like this:
1. You apply for a plot.
2. You come to town and go through orientation, where you'll learn the town rules and about the town resources.
3. You become an Initiate and we'll put you on a starter plot to build your starter cabin. The starter plot is intentionally small, and is intended as a temporary building for you to demonstrate and/or learn building skills. Harbortown prides itself on being well-built, and we are very proactive in making sure the buildings are high quality.
4. Once your starter cabin is approved we will promote you to Citizen. As a citizen you'll gain access to a standard plot and more town resources, and you'll be able to continue moving up from there.
Mayor / Founder: Runs the town, creates / assigns plots, assigns ranks/positions within town.
Deputies: Have the same authority as Mayor and can only be overruled by the Mayor.
Watchmen: Help manage town and keep an eye on things. Watchmen are assigned to a sector, and within that sector they can make decisions about buildings / plots if the mayor and deputies are all offline. Watchmen are authorized to add new people to their sector cube. A sector may have one or more watchmen.
Associate: Associates are individuals who lead smaller settlements that have asked to be annexed in to Harbortown. They have the same authority as Watchmen within their original settlement.
Citizen: The normal rank of Harbortown, these are people who live in town and can have two building sites and access to all the shared resources. Citizens have proven their ability to work within the town rules, be good neighbors, and build well.
Initiate: This is someone who just arrived in town. Initiates are given an intentionally tiny 'Starter Plot' to demonstrate or learn building skill. Harbortown prides itself on being well-designed, and we require people to practice skillful building before moving to full citizenship.
Mayor: gigem06
Deputies: F81TZ, DigDugger1018
- einwolf319: HT-Central
- Vanguard1219: HT-Northeast (Note: this is the area we normally just call "HT-East")
- Packadurm: HT-West
- smackus95: HT-East (Note: this is the area around the Tower St. Bridge)
- JudgedCashew: Armitage (HT-Pit)
- steveab: Armitage (HT-Pit)
- XxGhostxReconxX: Benchwood District
- Iron_Fang: Skymarket Plaza
See the resident directory below, maintained by Einwolf319. If you are not on the directory, you need to be. Please post a message below, and/or PM Einwolf, and he or I will add you to the official list.