It'll be a scale (ish) replica of Riften from Skyrim. Currently I'm a bit busy so this'll be updated as and when I do things. Expect images and ideas of the construction and planning process to go up soon.
Current Info:
Number of plots to be built: 10, then the Hall of the Dead and the keep.
Location: Borjan - More detail to be decided after copious amounts of time map reading, exploring and claiming.
Planning log
Spoiler! :
Log one
I've begun planning in singleplayer creative mode. Currently the canlal and walls have had sections made of them at the size they'll be in the town.
Creeper-proof main wall!
Canal mock-up. With roads and a bridge!
Under the streets, in the canal pathways.
The bridge which will be spanning the canal.
Construction Log
Spoiler! :
Re: Riften - Borjan
Posted: 05 Jan 2012, 19:59
by tanisjihanis
Ooo sounds cool
Re: Riften - Borjan
Posted: 05 Jan 2012, 20:23
by LS13
I have a funny story about Riften and escaping the jail in an interesting way...
Re: Riften - Borjan
Posted: 06 Jan 2012, 16:53
by minnerthecat
Will you be building a scale model of the Ratway as well? That would be intense!
Re: Riften - Borjan
Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 03:59
by MrJKapowey
minnerthecat wrote:Will you be building a scale model of the Ratway as well? That would be intense!
I may do, if I think it'll be too difficult then it'll just be basements and ammenities down there...
LS13 wrote:I have a funny story about Riften and escaping the jail in an interesting way...
Pray, do continue...
Re: Riften - Borjan
Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 11:39
by LS13
Did you know that, while you don't have weapons in jail, you can still use magic? Yeah, I blasted a guard with a low level fire spell, and rushed over and opened the door before dying. I then ran around Riften for like half an hour wreaking havoc with nothing on and using nothing but magic until they finally caught me and I decided I wanted my gear back so I went back to jail. Fus ra dohing my way through gaurds for that long turned out to be quite entertaining as they would go flying across town in groups.
Re: Riften - Borjan
Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 12:01
by MrJKapowey
Haha, I remember doing something like that on a modded version of Oblivion PC. I hit a guard with 'sparks' through the door, he ran in and started smacking me, I ran out and used a 'lock door' spell on the gate and he couldn't get out again...
Re: Riften - Borjan
Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 19:17
by venomm2
harbarblugybraggardardargah *siezure* skyrim takes over escapecraft, WE ALL LOSE CREATIVE TALENT. That picture looks pretty cool though.
Re: Riften - Borjan
Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 21:38
by alexbluewave
Riften.......... Over 12000 bounty....... I hate guards and Thieves Guild quests in this city.
Re: Riften - Borjan
Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 11:03
by andy25100
alexbluewave wrote:Riften.......... Over 12000 bounty....... I hate guards and Thieves Guild quests in this city.
You are a terrible thief
Re: Riften - Borjan
Posted: 18 Jan 2012, 21:23
by alexbluewave
1 quest Andy can ruin it all, when you don't have enough gold to pay your bounty what do you do? Go to jail? No, not in a million years, I killed every single guard in Riften, I am never going ot repay that even with my special glitches. You guys know any good ones?
Re: Riften - Borjan
Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 11:03
by andy25100
alexbluewave wrote:1 quest Andy can ruin it all, when you don't have enough gold to pay your bounty what do you do? Go to jail? No, not in a million years, I killed every single guard in Riften, I am never going ot repay that even with my special glitches. You guys know any good ones?
I have 66000+ gold just from playing, just do quests and dungeons away from Riften and you'll be there i no time, that and you could have easily ran away and only have a minor bounty.