We also need your help, please jump on and start removing some of the land, you can ask /ch ic or see if Infesord is on who can also help as well
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An interview with us on the Escapist
The location of the Imperial City is in it's own area accessible through the HUB as seen here between Genesis and Exitus in the Cyan Corner.
In terms of size the project itself is 500 by 500 by 64, we need the entire sky box to make as close as we can to a 1:1 in the actual game. We are treating each block as a cubic metre. I:e 1 block = 1 metre on each side.
In terms of what we are building I shall let Lionheart explain that for me.
Construction has started and produced.lionheart_1 wrote: I'm going to clarify once and for all what we're doing.
-All of the districts, including the Arcane University, the prison and garrsion, and the Waterfront (with the ships)
-All of the large iconic structures; Temple of the One, the Arboretum, the Arena
-All of the houses within the city walls and on the Waterfront
-White Gold Tower, with the Elder Council Chambers at the heart of the city
-Walkable battlements & watchtowers
-The shallow pools located at the base of the inner wall in each district
-Tiber Bridge
-There will be a lake, and a bit of the land mass around the city, but the exact details are still to be decided.
One of the reasons for why I haven't included the stables or inn outside the city is simply, 'what do we define as the Imperial City, and therefore, where do we stop?' One could argue that they should also be included. You could then argue that the road around the lake should also be built since it provides views of the city, until it snowballs into a reproduction of Cyrodiil. We're not going to do that.
Added to that are aesthetic concerns. The main gates will be just above bedrock. If you recall from the game, the city was located on a bit of a uphill slope when you enter, giving the gates a clear view when you're on Tiber Bridge. If we add the stables near there in our design, it'll ruin the view.
As for Wawnet Inn and the homestead, I probably won't be building that either. What I am building though, at that end, is the new quarters for our volunteers (it's at sea level). It's an expanded Priory of the Nine, so that it will accomodate (funnily enough) nine people. Black has already build minecart tracks near there, so anyone living at the Priory can get quick access to the warehouse. It's part of my rather nascent plan for a north-south highway.
White Gold Tower
Cloud Ruler Temple (not related but we did it anyway) The Imperial Dragon: The Arena: We also have a small incentive as well for the players who help, for every double box of cobble/dirt/gravel that is provided we give you a diamond, this is in conjunction with the tools we provided and the fact that you can keep any and all ore that you find. Infesord will do most of the payments and set up where to place the boxes.
And of course a massive thank you to the people on the front line whoes diging inspire me more and more and shall make this dream a reality. I an very proud of escapecraft as a community and once again you guys have shown me why I love moderating on this server and why I will keep coming back. You guys are insanely awesome and I thank you all, you guys (and gals) are what makes this server the best in the bloody world and why no one shall be close to this level of awesome. Dont you ever forget it.
Other Pictures will be here that are sort of miscellaneous but also cool to look at involving the Imperial City